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Presentation on theme: "AT THE DENTIST’S."— Presentation transcript:


2 ear  tooth head ache back  heart neck stomach

3 AT THE DENTIST’S 1. teeth 2. milk, wisdom
3. to extract, to put a filling, to brush 4. We should brush them twice a day-after breakfast and before sleeping. 5. molars



6 1.Canines /molars/ incisors/ serve for cutting food. 
2. Canines /premolars/ incisors/ serve for tearing food.  Canines 3. Premolars and canines /molars/ incisors/serve for crushing food and allow chewing.  Molars 4. The tooth is covered with crown /enamel/ gum. Enamel 5. Teeth in children are called soft /tender/ milk. Milk

7 6. Teeth grow at about 6 years /months/ days.
7. And they begin to fall at 6 years /months/ days. Years 8. There are 30 /24/ 32   teeth in an adult.  32   9. There are 28 /22/ 20 teeth in a child.  20 10. Who takes care of your teeth? The healer /the prosthodontist/ the dentist. The dentist

8 Thanks for attention! Be healthy and remember that health is above wealth!

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