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A person who I want to be like

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2 A person who I want to be like
A ROLE MODEL A person who I want to be like

3 Actions speak louder than words.


5 Let's check up your homework

6 щедрый скромный честолюбивый умный властный серьезный трудолюбивый ленивый жадный качество уважать generous modest ambitious intelligent bossy serious hard-working lazy mean quality to respect

7 Mother Teresa (1910–1997) Listen to the story about Mother Teresa and fill in the gaps. She was born in ………… in Macedonia. She was a Catholic ………… and the founder of the charity …………. These missions helped the ………… and the ………… . In ………… she got the ………… Peace Prize for her work. She had started her work in Calcutta, but later her followers other missions in many other parts of the world Today there are about ………… centres in different countries. These centres give ………… to 500, families and help to 90,000 sick people every year.

8 She was born in 1910 in Macedonia
She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. She was a Catholic nun and the founder of the charity missions . These missions helped the poor and the sick . In 1979 she got the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. She had started her work in Calcutta, but later her followers other missions in many other parts of the world . Today there are about 500 centres in different countries. These centres give food to 500,000 families and help to 90,000 sick people every year.

9 Say «True» or «false»? True. False. Bill Gates was born in the USA.
Mikhail Lomonosov was born in a little village near Arkhangelsk. Bill Gates was a great chemist. Today Bill Gates is a very poor man. Mikhail Lomonosov became the founder of the Moscow State University. True. False.

10 Work by the groups Make a file about a role model. Use the plan.
Name__________ Family name_____________ Country _________ What does he or she do? What qualities does this role model have?

11 Use the Cut Out page and write about your role model
Homework: Use the Cut Out page and write about your role model


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