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ERASMUS + Jean Monnet Action

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1 ERASMUS + Jean Monnet Action
Jean Monnet Network European Identity, Culture, Exchanges and Multilingualism EUROMEC Identities in urban contexts: The European multilingual city Trinity College Dublin July 2017

2 Jean Monnet Programme Jean Monnet is the part of Erasmus+ dedicated to promoting excellence in EU studies in higher education around the world. Jean Monnet Actions aim to build bridges between academics, researchers and EU policymakers. There is an emphasis on the study of and research on EU integration and in understanding Europe's place in a globalised world.

3 Jean Monnet Activities Background and evolution
Launched in 1989 the "Jean Monnet Action" European integration studies in universities "Jean Monnet programme" – 25 years of existence Erasmus+ programme - referred as "Jean Monnet activities" Dedicated to the memory of Jean Monnet ( ), one of the forefathers of the European Union. Launched in 1989 the "Jean Monnet Action" aimed to facilitate the introduction of European integration studies in universities by means of start-up subsidies. The later named "Jean Monnet programme" marked its 25 years of existence in It is henceforth inserted within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and now referred as "Jean Monnet activities

4 Jean Monnet Activities
78 countries represented throughout the world Over 800 universities offering JM courses as part of their curricula 4,200 projects in the field of European integration studies Over 1,700 professors 265,000 students/year

5 Jean Monnet Scope of Activities European Union studies, particular emphasis on the European integration process, internal and external aspects. Role of the EU in globalised world, promoting active European citizenship, dialogue between people and cultures. European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. The discipline also covers the role of the EU in a globalised world and in promoting an active European citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures.

6 Network partners Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Philosophy (Social Sciences), Bulgaria Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland University of Luxembourg School of Education, Durham University, UK Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Leuven University, Belgium Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

7 Objectives to bring together research on European identity, culture, exchanges and multilingualism in European and broader perspective to strengthen interdisciplinary approach in research and teaching to provide for doctorate students and young researchers from different scientific areas to participate in the Network events

8 European identity Overarching theme with three dimensions of more focused research: patterns of European identity and citizenship, identities in urban contexts (the European multilingual city) young researchers – PhD students

9 Cities and Universities
As places where there is a maximum effect of mobility (the European city) where the process of Europeanization and mobility is particularly fostered– the higher education area (how the educated young interact so forging new concepts of identity and new paradigms for the future)

10 Methodology small core research groups in the identified areas
extended further with bringing in new people in the process of the seminar organization and in particular in the preparation of the main network publications Q methodology

11 European identities: realities and symbols
RS 1 European identities: realities and symbols Gilles Rouet , Jean Monnet Chair ad personam Maria Stoicheva Petia Kabakchieva Xiaohai Wang Zdzislaw Mach

12 RS 2 Young researchers’ identities Prof. Michael Byram Prue Holmes,
Adelheid Hu, Prue Holmes, Maria Stoicheva Natasza Styczynska Nikolina Tzvetkova

13 Identities in Urban Contexts
RS 3 Identities in Urban Contexts Dr. Lid King Joe Lo Bianco Lorna Carson, Maya Grekova, Krzysztof Kowalski Kaloyan Haralampiev

14 Europe: a view from the outside
2016 Kiten Summer School Natalia Chaban Kai Lehmann 2017 Final Conference Europe – A View from the Outside

15 ERASMUS + Jean Monnet Action 553397-EPP-1-2014-1-BG-EPPJMO-NETWORK
Jean Monnet Network European Identity, Culture, Exchanges and Multilingualism EUROMEC

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