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Europe’s Environmental Concerns

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Presentation on theme: "Europe’s Environmental Concerns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe’s Environmental Concerns
EQ: How have European countries changed the natural environment of Europe?

2 Day 45 October 13 What is pollution?
What are ways people can pollute the earth? How can we prevent pollution? HW: Review pollution notes!

3 Day 46 October 14 Where is acid rain a problem at?
Why is smog a problem in the United Kingdom? What country did the Chernobyl Disaster happen in? HW: Finish cause/effect trifold if not finished in class.

4 Day 47 October 15 How can Europeans help fix the pollution problems they have? Do you think Soviets should be blamed for the Chernobyl disaster? What were the long term effects of the disaster? HW: Study economics!!!!

5 Day 48 October 16 How did the disaster at Chernobyl effect people and wildlife? What caused the explosion? Is it proven that birth defects and deaths are a result of the disaster? HW: Have a good weekend!

6 Day 49 October 19 Smog is a problem in the _____, acid rain in ____, Chernobyl disaster in _______. Define economics in your own words. Producers will ______ products as long as consumers ______ them. HW: Economics practice sheet.

7 Day 50 October 20 What are the 3 essential questions for each economic system? Who decides what to produce in a market economy? Who decides what to produce in a command economy? HW: Bring index cards to class tomorrow!!

8 Day 52 October 22 Describe a command economy.
Describe a traditional economy. Describe a market economy. HW: Quiz tomorrow on economics & environmental issues.

9 Day 53 October 23 All countries today have a ________ economic system.
What kind of economy does the U.K. have? What kind of government goes with a market economy? HW: Have a good weekend!

10 Day 54 October 26 Draw the economic line of continuum.
Label the U.K., Italy, and Germany on the line. What does the line tell you? HW: Study economic vocabulary.

11 Who do you agree with? Josh keeps getting sick in the U.K. He doesn’t want his dad to lose his job at the factory, but thinks there should be other solutions. What solutions may help? John is happy! His dad makes a lot of money producing cars. Who cares if the air is a little nasty?! Anna believes that factories should be shut down and that people should be required to drive electric cars in the UK & Germany.

12 Day 56 October 28 There’s no economies that are _____ today.
In a market economy, producers will _____ what is in ______. You cannot start your own business in a command economy. This means you cannot be an ________. HW: Economics vocabulary activity due Friday

13 Day 57 October 29 HW: Vocabulary assignment due tomorrow!
What is an entrepreneur? How can entrepreneurs make our economy better? An entrepreneur decides to buy better equipment for his workers. This is investing in: An entrepreneur sends his worker out of town for training. This is investing in: HW: Vocabulary assignment due tomorrow!

14 Day 57 October 29 What is a command economy?
What is a traditional economy? What is a market economy? HW: Study economies and pollution. Quiz on Friday!

15 Day 59 November 1 Give an example of an embargo.
How does an embargo effect trade? Give an example of a situation where quota is used. HW: Have a good weekend!

16 Day 62 November 5 What does GDP stand for?
Why is GDP important to an economy? What is currency? HW: Quiz on economies on Friday!

17 Day 63 November 6 How do natural resources impact GDP?
Most economies today are _________. How do entrepreneurs help GDP and the economy? HW: Study flashcards. Quiz on Friday. CDA Tuesday!

18 Day 65 November 11 Describe a market economy. What is scarcity?
What is the difference between physical and human capital? HW: Study environmental issues and economics. CDA Wednesday!

19 Day 66 November 12 The U.K. has many entrepreneurs. This means they have people who are willing to take _______. Natural resources are important to _______ because that country can sell those goods. Germany, Italy, and the U.K. are all ________ but mostly ________ economies. HW: STUDY!!!!!

20 Day 67 November 13 Clear your desk. You need a pencil.
In your agenda write NONE. Leave your agenda out until I sign it.

21 Day 68 November 14 What 4 areas does Latin America include?
What are the two dominant languages in Latin America. Where is the driest place on earth located? What is the longest mountain range in the world? HW: Review locations in Latin America

22 Day 72 November 20 What is the largest country in Latin America?
Latin America is part of what continent? Where are the Andes located? HW: Study! Map quiz Friday!

23 Day 73 November 21 What country shares a border with the Dominican Republic? What Latin American country shares a border with North America? What is the Panama Canal? HW: Study for map quiz tomorrow!

24 Day 74 November 22 What island is below Florida?
Where are the Sierra Madre Mountains located? Why is Haiti not considered an island? HW: Have a great break!!

25 Day 75 December 2 What language is mostly spoken in Brazil?
Why is this language the dominant language? What physical feature is located in Brazil? HW: Study maps of Latin America.

26 Day 76 December 3 List two things that Venezuela and Mexico have in common. Describe Venezuela's location. List two things that Brazil and Cuba have in common. HW: Complete Worksheet.

27 Acid Rain in Germany It’s a country of old forests, beautiful rivers, & historic artwork Over the past 30 years, acid rain has been destroying all of these things It damages soil, harms trees, eats holes in the surfaces of statues/buildings, pollutes rivers, & kills wildlife


29 What is Acid Rain? Acid rain is a result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of different chemicals are produced and released into the air and mix with water in the clouds. The rain from these clouds then falls as very weak acid. It’s not acidic enough to burn your skin, but it’s very harmful for the environment.


31 Germany is Its Own Worst Enemy…
Main source of acid rain is smoke from factories (burning fuels like natural gas, coal, & oil) Germany is a top manufacturing country—leads the world in cars, steel, & chemical products—so it depends on these factories Cars & buses also produce harmful gases Germans own more cars than people of most other countries do

32 Acid Rain’s Effect on the Environment:
Acid rain can effect trees in several different ways, it may: • dissolve and wash away the nutrients and minerals in the soil which helps the trees to grow. • cause the release of harmful substances such as aluminum into the soil. • wear away the waxy protective coating of leaves


34 Acid Rain in Germany Acid rain has destroyed nearly half of the Black Forest! This has harmed Germany’s economy because one of its major natural resources is timber.


36 Solving the Problem: Plants that use water power are replacing many coal-burning factories Developing new types of energy: leading producer of wind turbines & solar power German government has passed laws to reduce emissions from cars & factories Factories are switching to cleaner fuels & building taller smokestacks that scrub the smoke before it enters the air

37 Air Pollution in the United Kingdom
London, capital of UK, is famous for air pollution Word “smog” first used in 1905 to describe air in London (thick fog + smoke) Thick London smog happens when water in the air mixes with smoke particles from a coal fire


39 The Great Smog of 1952 Smog was so dense that, for 4 days, people in London could not see what was in front of them Transportation slowed, crime increased, & thousands of people died from the pollution People around the world became frightened & worried about the quality of the air they were breathing


41 Sources of Air Pollution
In the past, the major source was smoke from burning coal Today, exhaust from cars & buses is the problem

42 Effects of Air Pollution
Asthma and pneumonia are linked to vehicle emissions Burns the lungs, nose, and eyes and endangers human life High air pollution keeps children & senior citizens indoors Blackens buildings & harms wildlife

43 UK’s Solution Government set up “smokeless zones” where only smokeless fuels could be used Also sets limits for industry & regularly checks air quality Laws have forced automakers to build vehicles that produce less harmful exhaust Cleaner coals, increased use of electricity, and use of gas have reduced air pollution, but UK still ranks in the top 10 in the world for harmful industrial emissions

44 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Ukraine Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

45 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Ukraine Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In 1986, the USSR generated 10% of the world’s nuclear power. Chernobyl exploded on April 26, 1986 200,000 people evacuated to decrease exposure to radiation

46 What went wrong? April 25th, 1:00 am
The reactor was scheduled to shut down for maintenance. While preparing for the shutdown, the operators wanted to perform a test to see how long the turbines could run the emergency cooling system if power is interrupted by an accident.

47 April 25th, 1:05 pm With the reactor "slowing" down in preparation for the shutdown, the power in Reactor No. 4 drops to about 1600 mega watts. The operators make a simple but fatal error by setting the regulator improperly.

48 April 26th, 12:28 am The power crashes down to only 30 mega watts. The reactor is becoming hard to control.

49 April 26, 1:23am Thirty-six seconds after the test had begun, the shift supervisor attempts to drop all control rods back into the reactor realizing the power was rising beyond its limits. In four and a half seconds, the power level inside the reactor rises 120 times the reactor's capacity. The first explosion broke the pressure tubes, releasing steam which blew the containment lid off the reactor.

50 April 26, 1:24am The second explosion was the reactor fuel and graphite inside the core exploding, sending chunks of graphite and other radioactive elements flying. It destroyed the building, and caused more than 30 roof fires.

51 What did it look like? Before After

52 How did the country react?
The morning after the explosion, there was no hint of a disaster. After 36 hours of be exposed to radiation, people were told to pack their clothing and evacuate their homes. There as was a 30 kilometer or 18 mile evacuation.

53 What was the effect on other countries?
Nearly nine tons of radioactive material - 90 times as much as the Hiroshima bomb - were hurled into the sky. Winds over the following days, mostly blowing north and west, carried fallout into Belarus, as well as Russia, Poland & other countries around the world.

54 What about the environment?
At the nuclear power station itself, several attempts were made to clear away and contain chunks of graphite and other radioactive solids. They sent in volunteers. The volunteers were only allowed to be in the power station for 90 seconds or less. The radiation levels were 15,000 times greater than a normal person's exposure in a year.

55 What about the environment?
Any movable objects near the plant were buried; cars, trucks, and even topsoil. Some 60,000 buildings had to be washed with special chemicals, and even some roofs had to be replaced. A special solution was sprayed throughout the danger zone on streets and walkways to prevent radioactive dust from blowing and further contaminating the area. Nearby trees that had absorbed the radiation were all cut down and buried in concrete pits.

56 Is it still working? Chernobyl continued to produce electricity for another 14 years, until international pressure forced its closure in 2000. An official exclusion zone around the plant remains in place, extending for 30 kilometers (18 miles). It is one of the most radioactive spots on Earth.

57 Many animals died or suffered thyroid damage
In the first months after the accident, 28 emergency workers died from acute radiation syndrome Doctors have noticed an increase in cases of cancer who lived nearby Many animals died or suffered thyroid damage Fish in nearby rivers were unsafe to eat for many years Millions of acres of farmland have been poisoned Causes food shortages; hurts economy

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