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2 Background Following the 2013 INAS General Assembly a working group was established to review and make recommendations on INAS’ governance structures Proposals for changes were discussed at the 2015 INAS General Assembly and there followed a period of consultation Feedback suggested that changes were welcome, but there were some specific concerns – in particular regarding the role of Regions and to the process for choosing independent board members The Governing Board have listened to this feedback and have produced a revised set of proposals and wish to hear your thoughts on them

3 Our current structure Advantages:
GOVERNING BOARD Vice President President Treasurer Technical Officer Secretary General Head of Eligibility Asia President Americas European President Oceania President Africa President Advantages: Allows a range of views/perspectives at Board level Disadvantages: Does not allow expertise such as Fundraising, Marketing or Legal at Board level Regions currently vary significantly in structure and programme Mixes Governance and Operational roles

4 Executive Director (non voting)
2015 proposal GOVERNING BOARD President Elected (Skill 2) Vice President Regional Rep 1 Independent 1 Independent 3 (Skill 4) (Skill 3) (Skill 1) Regional Rep 2 Independent 2 Executive Director (non voting) Advantages: Allowed independent/skills based elections Disadvantages Smaller Regional representation

5 Revised proposal The Governing Board recognise the important role of INAS Regions and have therefore revised the proposal following consultation...

6 Revised proposal GOVERNING BOARD President Member At Large Vice President Co-Opted Secretary General Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Member at Large Member At Large Member At Large Member At Large Co -Opted The new structure will see the Board grow to 18 people: President, Vice President and Secretary General 12 Members at Large 3 co-opted Members

7 Revised proposal Each of INAS’ 5 Regions will hold a Regional Assembly on the day before the INAS General Assembly to elect 3 people This will create a long-list of 15 Nominees 15 Nominees INAS AFRICA INAS ASIA INAS AMERICAS INAS EUROPE INAS OCEANIA

8 Revised proposal Each Region will also identify whether their Nominees are nominated as Member At Large or – if they wish – as President, Vice President or Secretary General This will create a Short-List for the Honorary Positions Example of honorary nominations short-list: INAS AFRICA INAS AMERICAS INAS ASIA INAS EUROPE INAS OCEANIA Nominee 1 President Nominee 1 President Nominee 1 President Nominee 1 President Nominee 1 Member at Large Nominee 2 Secretary General Nominee 2 Secretary General Nominee 2 Vice President Nominee 2 Vice President Nominee 2 Member at Large Nominee 3 Member at Large Nominee 3 Member at Large Nominee 3 Secretary General Nominee 3 Member at Large Nominee 3 Member at Large

9 Revised proposal The INAS General Assembly will then follow the 5 Regional Assemblies At the moment of elections, the 15 Nominees will hold an election from within the Short List for the three honorary posts (each of which must be from a different region) The remaining 12 Nominees will become Members at Large

10 Revised proposal When the 3 Honorary Officers and 12 Members at Large are known, they will return to the General Assembly and the Membership will vote to formally accept them If the vote does not carry, the 15 will return to find alternative people for the Honorary posts until such time that the Membership agree This establishes an elected board of 15 including Honorary Officers GOVERNING BOARD President Member At Large Vice President Co-Opted Secretary General Co -Opted Member at Large

11 Revised proposal A further 3 co-opted members (non-voting) will later be appointed by the Governing Board based on a skills-based process, making a total Board of 18 people Board Members will be allocated to chair INAS sub-committees based upon skill/experience

12 Revised proposal Some further points:
Nominees will be elected for a 6-year term 1/3rd (ie. 1 per region) will step down every 2 years (the initial elections will be staggered to achieve this) thereby ensuring that there is continuity within the Board from one General Assembly to the next and an equal turnover of nominees by Region Nominees may only stand twice consecutively (a total of 12 years) before they must take a break of at least 1 cycle (2 years)

13 Revised proposal INAS will provide guidelines to ensure a transparent nomination/election process is held at a regional level, however... ...the exact mechanism for identifying the 3 nominees will be determined by the Region in a way that is reflective of the Region (ie. Europe and Asia already have very clear election procedures, but this may not be the most appropriate mechanism for Oceania, as an example)

14 Revised proposal Regions have the ability to nominate 3 representatives, but may choose less. Any gaps can be filled between Assemblies INAS Regions will formally become Members of INAS – ensuring a transparent and clear Region-World relationship across all Regions INAS Regions will determine how the costs of their Nominees are met – either supporting these costs at a regional level or requiring nations to meet them as they do now (until such time that INAS can cover these costs at a World level)

15 Revised proposal The General Assembly will move around each of the 5 regions in a cycle. (eg. Oceania 2016, Asia 2018, Europe 2020, Africa 2022, Americas 2024 etc) The Governing Board will meet 5 times per 2-year cycle (including the General Assembly) rather than the current 4, to promote communication and planning and visiting every Region during the 2-year period

16 Advantages There are a number of advantages to this structure:
It places INAS Regions at the heart of the decision making process It creates parity across all Regions It brings Regional Assemblies and the INAS General Assembly to the same weekend making substantial cost-savings for Members some of whom currently attend a General Assembly every year (1st year Regional, 2nd Year World) It maximises the number of nations attending – with benefit to both Regional and World bodies It ensures the World Governing Board and Regional Executives can meet and communicate regularly It allows for strong representation from within the organisation, but also the co-option of specific expertise It brings structure and governance to those currently Regions currently without As Members, INAS Regions will have a vote at General Assembly where currently they do not

17 Questions The Governing Board would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on these proposals Please visit no later than 30th November 2016 to give your views (log-in required) If supported, the proposals will be published as a motion to the 2017 General Assembly. If approved, the Governing Board will implement a transition to the new structure during the next election cycle

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