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Mythical Myths Christos.

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1 Mythical Myths Christos

2 Summary and Watercolor of the Myth: Selene the moon God


4 Selene The Greek goddess Selene is not very well known. However, she is very interesting. Selene is the goddess of the moon. She is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, who are both Titans. Hyperion and Theia also had two more children: Helios, the god of the sun, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn. Selene had fifty-one children, all girls. She had fifty of them with Endymion, who was a mortal, and one of them with Zeus, the ruler of all the gods. In Roman mythology, Selene is known as Luna. People picture Selene as a very beautiful woman. She is shown wearing a dress or cloak and having long slick black hair and pale skin. Often, she is pictured with moons and stars around her while riding a silver chariot and holding a torch. The moon chariot is pulled by two white-winged horses or sometimes oxen and bulls. The ancient Greeks thought that her chariot dragged the moon across the sky every night, like her brother Helios’s chariot carried the sun in the day. Selene’s six symbols are the crescent moon, a raised cloak, a torch, a bull, a rooster, and a dog. Even though Selene is a minor goddess and not very popular, she is extremely fascinating.

5 Nature Myth and Mask



8 The times when Saracem, the god of torturous things and fertilizer, was alive were dark and horrible. It never stopped storming, and no trees or flowers grew anywhere on Earth. Strangely, the only living plant in the world was, in fact, Saracem’s head. It was a fire orange pumpkin with triangular eyes, a mushroom-shaped nose, and a jagged smile carved into it. Whenever he was angry, a bright flame burned inside his skull. When Saracem died, the humans created a holiday called Halloween to celebrate the end of the dark times. They placed pumpkin heads that they carved terrifying sights into and put a light in it to represent the flame that welled up inside of him when he was angry. But there’s more to the story. This is how it all unfolded. Zeus was furious with Saracem and his family because they would trick the humans by burying themselves in the ground, leaving only the blank sides of their heads showing. The humans would be astonished that something was growing and went to dig it out. Then they would burst out of the ground, yelling and screaming. The people would run away in terror. Zeus made up a creature called Agreet, a very strange-looking monster with two long arms, no feet, wings, and cat-like ears. Somehow, no one noticed him unless they were trying to find him or knew that he was around. He distracted his enemies by agreeing with everything they said. It’s a strange coincidence, I know. These attributes were also curses because he stayed like this forever until his creator, Zeus, said so. Zeus sent him out to prevent Saracem from torturing the humans anymore. When Agreet attacked Saracem no one realized how strong Agreet so everyone was surprised when…


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