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Introduction To Poultry Science

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1 Introduction To Poultry Science

2 The information contained in this course was obtained from textbooks and journals dealing with avian diseases and from personal observations during the lecture period. Textbook 1-Poultry diseases by Frank Jordan, six edition 2- Diseases of poultry by editor in chief Y.M. Saif 3- Diseases of poultry by B.W. Calnek 4- د.فؤاد الشيخلي- امراض الدواجن Journals 1- Avian diseases 2- Poultry Science 3- British Poultry Science 4- Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery

3 The poultry industry is a dynamic industry which has a major economic impact in the world.
The veterinary profession has played an integral part in maintaining the viability of this industry by virtue of their expertise in the diagnosis, prevention and control of many of the disease problems facing this industry.

4 The Student will be able to…
Locate and describe the potential employment opportunities in major poultry production areas. List some economic advantages in poultry production.

5 Areas of the chicken industry
Broiler production Egg production Broiler breeder Replacement pullet

6 Turkey Production Ducks Pigeons, Guinea Fowl, Geese

7 Broiler production Main focus Meat production
Producers can generate broilers to market weight in about six weeks.

8 Egg Production High-quality eggs for human use.
Eggs are collected, cleaned, and graded on-site. Producers try to obtain one egg per day from each hen.

9 Broiler breeders Chickens used to produce fertile eggs.
Selected based on genetic background and their potential to produce high-quality meat birds.

10 Supporting Industries
Poultry Equipment- Hatching, Brooding, Feeding, Processing, Packaging Poultry Supplies- Feed, Medications Transportation Warehousing and Refrigeration

11 Trends Growth of the poultry industry is predicted to increased
Broilers are now the number one meat by volume sold Although per capita egg consumption has decreased since 1944, total egg consumption has remained steady.

12 Trends The turkey industry has changed from a bird production industry to a meat industry and is much more extensively turning the whole carcass into specialized meat products.

13 Economic Advantages Poultry production provides quick returns on the investment. Poultry is efficient to produce. Poultry income is distributed throughout the year. Poultry production is adaptable to large and small farms.

14 Economic Advantages The poultry industry provides for a quick turnover of capital. Poultry markets are standardized and well established. Poultry production may be a full time or part time occupation.

15 Career Opportunities Production- Broilers, Eggs, Turkeys, Hatching eggs, Started-ready to lay pullets. Equipment Suppliers Hatcheries Feed Manufacturers Processing Plants

16 Career Opportunities Packaging Plants Veterinary Care Transporters

17 What are the facility and equipment requirements?
Similar facility and equipment requirements used throughout the chicken industry. Broilers Specialized buildings No cages Litter An absorbent material that serves as bedding.

18 Eggs Specially designed cages Automated egg collecting system
Space for laying and space for grading

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