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The Works and Words of Jesus

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1 The Works and Words of Jesus
Power over everything, including death…

2 Christmas : God Almighty becomes a man
Isaiah 7:14 (OT1119) – a sign : the virgin has a baby –> Immanuel = “God with us” Isaiah 9:6 – a child is born, a son is given Matthew 1:21-23 (NT2) –> Jesus = “Savior” Think about this: the Creator became on of His own creatures. The all-powerful God humbled Himself and became a man Why would He do something so amazing?

3 The Jealous Leaders Jesus came exactly as promised to Abraham – through the family line of Israel. John 1:10-11 (NT160) – but they did not receive Him. Why not? God gave the law to show our sin (Romans 3:19,20 NT269) and remind us we need a Savior. But the Jewish leaders used the law to show off their own self-righteousness. The Pharisees, Scribes, Sadducees, hated Jesus because He didn’t follow their teaching.

4 Jesus heals a needy man Mark 2 (NT63)– Needy people and jealous leaders Verses 1-4: the man’s friends bring him for healing Verse 5: Surprise – Jesus forgives his sins Verses 6-7: “only God can forgive sins!” Verses 8-12 Jesus is God and has authority to forgive sins “We have never seen anything like this!” “Miracles” prove that the claims of Jesus are true Other “supernatural” actions…

5 Power over nature Mark 4 (NT68) – A furious storm
Verses 35-36: a group of boats crossing the lake Verses 37-38: the fishermen are afraid of the storm outside of the boat Verse 39: Jesus speaks to the wind and waves Verses 40-41: the disciples are now afraid of the One inside the boat

6 Power over demons Mark 5 (NT69) – A man living among the dead
Verses 1-5: a powerful man filled with demons Verses 11-13: Jesus sends the demons out of the man and into some pigs Verses 14-15: the people are now afraid of a power greater than the demons Verses 16-17: instead of receiving Jesus, the people ask Him to leave

7 Power to create Luke 5 (NT110) – A man with Leprosy
Verse 12: “covered in leprosy” (decayed flesh) Verse 13: Jesus reaches out and touches him: New flesh is created immediately Nervous system is rebuilt Life was restored, individually and community Verse 14: as a clear testimony to truth, go and show himself to the priest (the one who judges lepers)

8 Power over death John 11 (NT185) – A dead, rotting man
Verses 38-40: a worried sister instructs Jesus Verses 41-44: Jesus commands the dead man back to life Verse 45: many people put their faith in Jesus Verses 46-48: some reject Jesus (afraid of losing their position) Jesus showed His power over nature, demons, disease, and death.

9 But is it true…? Jesus had powerful enemies
Bad news – they didn’t listen to Him Good news – they tried to prove He was a fake, but were not able to do it This “test” helps us know that Jesus’ miracles are true Why did He do these things? What was His important message? We need to see His works and hear His words.

10 A man seeking the truth John 3 (NT164) – Nicodemus, a leader of Israel
Verse 1: a member of the Jewish supreme court and a Pharisee (the most religious person you can imagine) Verse 2: “we know you have come from God,” because there was no other way to explain His miracles Verse 3: Jesus answered his question before it was asked: Jesus says, “I tell you the truth”… (not “it is written”) All of your good works and religion are useless to enter heaven. There is only one way: be born again Verse 4: Nicodemus is very confused

11 Look up and believe John 3 (NT164) – Nicodemus, a leader of Israel
Verses 5-6: not a physical re-birth, but a new spiritual birth Verse 13: Jesus makes a very unique claim – He is the only One who has gone into heaven Verses 14-15: remember the story of the snake in the wilderness? Jesus explains the picture: People are still dying in their sins Jesus would soon be “lifted up” on a cross People must look up to Him and believe in order to have new life – to be “born again”

12 The amazing love of God The God of the Bible is not a gentle grandfather Exodus 34:6,7 (OT150) – God is loving and forgiving, but He is just and must punish sin To understand God’s amazing love (John 3:16 NT164), we must see His holiness and justice Just like God called out to Adam in the garden, He sent Jesus to die for us and bring us back to Himself The key word: believe. Not just to know facts, but a deep understanding of our serious problem and His sacrifice on the cross for us.

13 Our great problems – His great solution
Remember: sin causes death and breaking the law requires punishment. Our two problems are so great that God became a man to solve them. John 1:29 (NT161) – another picture to remember: Every year, a “Passover Lamb” was sacrificed to cover the sins of the people of Israel Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world Mark 10:32-34 (NT82) – Jesus didn’t just come to be the king of a small Jewish nation. He came for a much more important purpose, one with a very high price.

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