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To order publication, Money: Everyday Economics, go to:

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Presentation on theme: "To order publication, Money: Everyday Economics, go to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 To order publication, Money: Everyday Economics, go to:
Why money? To order publication, Money: Everyday Economics, go to: The opinions expressed are solely those of the presenters and do not reflect the opinions of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.

2 Without money Transactions require double coincidence of wants.
“Prices” are subjective and extremely variable. Transaction costs are high.

3 When is money needed? Economies grow too large
Labor specializes too much Transactions become too complicated

4 What is money? Anything that is generally acceptable as payment for goods and services or for repayment of debts.

5 Kinds of money? Commodity money Representative money Fiat money

6 Who needs money? Prisons Nations The internet? Groups of nations

7 Characteristics of money?

8 Characteristics, cont.

9 Characteristics, cont.

10 Old money

11 Old money

12 Old money

13 Current money

14 Current money

15 Dallas Fed’s New Publication
Everyday Economics: Money

16 Inside the publication

17 Inside money

18 Vocabulary for money

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