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2 Purpose of the Research Proposal
To present the (management) question to be researched and relate its importance To discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on related (management) questions To suggest the data necessary for solving the (management) question and how the data will be gathered, treated, and interpreted.

3 Purpose of the Research Proposal
A research proposal must present the researcher’s plan, services, and credentials in the best possible way to encourage the proposal’s selection over competitors. A proposal is also known as a work plan, prospectus, outline, statement of intent, or draft plan. The proposal tells us what, why, how, where, and to whom the research will be done. It must also show the benefit of doing the research

4 The Research Sponsor All research has a sponsor in one form or another: In a corporate setting, management sponsors research In an academic environment, the student is responsible to the class instructor Proposal Development see Exhibit 4.1

5 What are the Benefits of the Proposal to a Researcher?(1/2)
encourages the researcher to plan and review the project’s logical steps Literature should be examined so that the researcher can assess previous approaches to similar management questions and revise the research plan accordingly. Developing the proposal offers the opportunity to spot flaws in the logic, errors in assumptions, or even management questions that are not adequately addressed by the objective and design.

6 What are the Benefits of the Proposal to a Researcher?(2/2)
Serves as a guide throughout the investigation At completion, the proposal provides an outline for the final research report. Forces time (e.g. Gantt Chart), and budget estimates

7 Types of Research Proposals
Internal An internal proposal is done by staff specialists or by the research department within the firm. External External proposals sponsored by university grant committees, government agencies, government contractors, not-for-profit organizations, or corporations can be further classified solicited or unsolicited. CFP or RFP

8 Proposal Complexity 3 levels of complexity:
The exploratory study is used for the most simple proposals The small-scale study is more complex and common in business The large-scale professional study is the most complex, costing millions of dollars

9 Proposal Complexity Exhibit 4-2 Proposal Complexity
Exhibit 4-3 Modules to Include in Proposals

10 How to Structure the Research Proposal?
Create proposal modules Put together various modules to tailor your proposal to the intended audience

11 Modules in a Research Proposal
Executive Summary Problem Statement Research Objectives Literature Review Importance/benefit of Study Research Design Data Analysis Nature and Form of Results Qualifications of Researcher Budget Schedule Facilities and Special Resources Project Management Bibliography Appendices Measurement Instrument

12 Executive Summary An informative abstract providing executives the chance to grasp the essentials of the proposal without having to read the details. The goal of the summary is to secure a positive evaluation by the executive who will pass the proposal on to the staff for a full evaluation. The executive summary should include brief statements of the management dilemma and management question, the research objective/research question(s), and the benefits of your approach.

13 Problem Statement(1/2) To convince the sponsor to continue reading the proposal To capture the reader’s attention by stating the management dilemma, its background, its consequences, and the resulting management question The importance of answering the management question should be emphasized here if a separate module on the Importance/benefits of study is not included later in the proposal.

14 Problem Statement(2/2) Should include any restrictions or areas of management question that will not be addressed It is important that the management question distinguish the primary problem from related problems clearly. Be sure your problem statement is clear without use of idioms or cliches.

15 Research Objectives Address the purpose of the investigation
Lay out exactly what is being planned by the proposed research In a descriptive study, the objectives can be stated as research question. In a causal study, the objectives can be restated as a hypothesis. Giving the sponsor specific, concrete, and achievable goals. The research question(s) (or hypothesis) should be separated from the flow of the text for quick identification.

16 Literature Review(1/2) recent or historically significant research studies, company data or industry reports that act as the basis for the proposed study. From a comprehensive perspective to more specific studies. If the problem has a historical background, begin with the earliest references. Always refer to the original source.

17 Literature Review(2/2) Emphasize the important results and conclusions of other studies, the relevant data and trends from previous research, and particular methods or designs that could be duplicated or should be avoided. Discuss how the literature applies to the study you are proposing: show the weakness or faults in the design, discussing how you would avoid similar problem.

18 Importance/benefit of Study
Describe explicit benefits that will accrue from your study The importance of “doing the study now” should be emphasized. Not more than a few paragraphs If you find it difficult to write, then return to the analysis of the problem

19 Research Design Describe what you are going to do in technical terms.
Should include as many subsections as needed to show the phases of the project Provide information on your proposed design for tasks such as sample selection and size, data collection method, instrumentation, procedures, and ethical requirements. When more than one way exists to approach the design, discuss the methods you have rejected and why your selected approach is superior.

20 Data Analysis Describe your proposed handling of the data and the theoretical basis for using the selected techniques. To assure the sponsor you are following correct assumptions and using theoretically sound data analysis procedures.

21 Nature and Form of Results
Specify the types of data to be obtained and the interpretations that will be made in the analysis Statistical conclusions, applied findings, recommendations, action plans, models, strategic plans, and so forth are examples of the forms of results.

22 Qualifications of Researcher
Begin with the principal investigator, then provide similar information on all individuals involved with the project. Two elements are critical: -- Professional research competence (relevant research experience, the highest academic degree held, and memberships in business and technical societies). -- Relevant management experience

23 Budget Exhibit 4-4

24 Schedule Gantt CPM see Exhibit 4-5 PERT

25 Facilities and Special Resources
Project will require special facilities or resources that should be described in detail. Foe example : 1. Computer-aided telephone or other interviewing facilities 2. Computer hardware and/or software

26 --- Progress Report ---
Project Management The purpose of the project management section is to show the sponsor that the research team is organized in a way to do the project efficiently. Should include --The research team’s organization --Management procedures and controls for executing the research plan --Examples of management and technical reports --The research team’s relationship with the sponsor --Financial and legal responsibility --Management competence --- Progress Report ---

27 Bibliography Use the bibliographic format required by the sponsor.

28 Appendices A glossary of concepts, constructs, and definitions
Samples of the measurement instrument This allows the sponsor to discuss particular changes in one or more of the instruments. Other materials that reinforce the body of the proposal e.g., research vitae, profiles if firms or individuals, etc.

29 Evaluating the Research Proposal
Proposal must be neatly written in appropriate writing style Major topics should be easily found and logically organized Proposal must meet specific guidelines set by the sponsor Technical writing style must be clearly understood and explained

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