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Leadership Compass Michele Rastovich 2016 Prevention Summit

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Compass Michele Rastovich 2016 Prevention Summit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Compass Michele Rastovich 2016 Prevention Summit
Navigate Your Future Leadership Compass Michele Rastovich 2016 Prevention Summit

2 North North West East South

3 North North West East South

4 North North West East South


6 Likes to act, try things, plunge
North Acting – Let’s do it! Likes to act, try things, plunge you are good at getting other people excited and committed to working on a project

7 South Caring ~ Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into consideration, that their voices have been heard before acting you are good at helping people to do their best

8 East Speculating ~ Likes to look at the big picture, the possibilities, before acting you are good at thinking up new ideas and plans that help move the work forward.

9 you are good at analyzing information and situations
West Paying attention to detail ~ likes to know the who, what, when, why, where, before acting you are good at analyzing information and situations

10 Likes to act, try things, plunge in
Which direction most closely describes your style? Acting – Let’s do it! Likes to act, try things, plunge in Paying attention to detail – likes to know the who, what, when, why, where, before acting Speculating – Likes to look at the big picture, the possibilities, before acting Caring -- Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

11 good at helping people to do their best
Leadership Compass Warrior/Mobilizer good at getting other people excited and committed to working on a project (power) Visionary good at thinking up new ideas and plans that help move the work forward (vision) Analyst/Teacher good at analyzing information and situations (wisdom) Healer/Nurturer good at helping people to do their best (love)

12 What’s really great about being your direction?
What’s really hard about being your direction? What’s difficult about working with the other directions?

13 NORTH (Action) Likes challenges Perseveres through obstacles May overlook process Decisive Good at organizing and motivating people for action May be argumentative May be impatient

14 SOUTH (Relationships)
Makes space for everyone to be heard and engaged in the work Good listening and facilitation skills Avoids conflicts Observant of group values Focuses on process instead of goals Doesn’t like to take risks Sensitive to people’s individual feelings

15 EAST (Visionary) Good at seeing the big picture May lose sight of process and details Innovative Likes problems solving Has difficulty sustaining passion after initial enthusiasm wanes away Willing to experiment Struggles to follow through

16 WEST (Analyst) Excellent planning and documentation skills May be averse to risk Very detail oriented Tendency to overanalyze Maybe insensitive to people’s passions High standards for work product May have a hard time making decisions when faced with many options

17 What do people from the other “directions” or styles need to know about you so you can work together effectively?

18 Best Ways to Work With a NORTH
Present your case quickly, clearly, and with enthusiasm and confidence Let them know they will be involved – their pay off and their role Focus on the “challenge” of the task Provide them with plenty of autonomy Establish timelines and stick with them Give them positive, public recognition Use them to complete tasks that require motivation, persuasion, and initiative

19 Best Ways to Work with a SOUTH
Remember process, attention to what is happening with the relationship between you Justify your decisions around values and ethics Appeal your relationship with this person and his or her other relationships Listen hard and allow the expression of feelings and intuition in logical arguments Be aware that this person may have a hard time saying “NO” and may be easily steamrolled Provide plenty of positive reassurance and likeability Let the person know you like them and appreciate them

20 Best ways to work with an EAST:
Show appreciation and enthusiasm for ideas Listen and be patient during idea generation Avoid criticizing or judging ideas Allow and support divergent thinking Provide a variety of tasks Provide help and supervision to support detail and project follow through

21 Best Ways to Work with a WEST
Allow plenty of time for decision-making Provide data-objective facts and figures that a West can trust Don’t be put off by critical “NO” statements Minimize the expression of emotion and use logic when possible Appeal to tradition, a sense of history, and correct procedures.

22 What do you value about the other three styles?
What is the value of having the other three styles on a team?

23 Think about your weakest direction:
Think about your weakest direction: What do you lose by NOT being that direction? Talk about why you want to strengthen your skills in this direction. Brainstorm what you can do to strengthen you skills in this directions. __

24 Final reflections questions:
I have the hardest time connecting with people whose predominate direction is __________________________ It is easiest for me to work with people who are primarily of the ______________ direction. The direction which I personally find the most challenging is __________________. The direction which I admire the most is ______________________. To balance my skills, the direction I need to work on developing strength in is ____________________.

25 Recognize your natural gifts
Develop new skills Our world needs leaders like you!

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