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Voluntary CPD- Thursday lunch time (B15)

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1 Voluntary CPD- Thursday lunch time (B15)
Session 3: What makes a clear learning journey? Thursday 21st September 1.20pm Maximise impact… What to share with students? Share good practice! Keeping it simple! ASPIRE RESPECT ENGAGE ACHIEVE

Learning Journey Where are we now? How do we get there? Where do we want to be? (END) Keep it simple. Put the student in charge. Plan ahead. Use the specification. Build in skills to your KS3 curriculum. ASPIRE RESPECT ENGAGE ACHIEVE

3 Write in paragraphs using key terms
Keep it simple - Put the students in charge – Plan ahead – Use the specification L.O- To reflect on my end of term assessment and know how and where to improve Now End Stretch- Will suggest individual revision strategy to accelerate progress. (8-9) Some will create an model answer based on reteach material (6-7) Most will explain how they lost marks and attempt to redo (4-5) All will reflect on assessment mark and identify area to improve(1-3) 20% of the group achieved or exceeded their target grade. 28% of the group were 1-2 levels below their end of Y11 grade. How To be printed and placed on desks. Task 1- Reteach- climate change and it’s effects on the tropical rainforest. Task 2- Individual islands based on assessment feedback. Literacy Focus: Write in paragraphs using key terms

Keep it simple - Put the students in charge – Plan ahead – Use the specification Progress Files Should include: Exam command words Specification Exam papers (length, topics) Flight paths Target grades Assessment feedback and reflection. Example of last year’s progress files to be shared. Aim- Students understand their journey, have access to their progress and understand what is expected in their terminal examinations. ASPIRE RESPECT ENGAGE ACHIEVE

5 Subject Knowledge Audit
Keep it simple - Put the students in charge – Plan ahead – Use the specification Subject Knowledge Audit 1) Go through your specification checklist and rate each section. 2) Create an action plan with topics that you want to revise. A revision timetable would be a great idea!

6 ‘Preparation and planning prevents poor performance!’
Keep it simple - Put the students in charge – Plan ahead – Use the specification ‘Preparation and planning prevents poor performance!’ At KS3 Skills built into Y7/8 SOW. Assessments mimic that of GCSE style exam. Lesson’s include exam skills. No ‘shocks’ when students take GCSE Geography. At GCSE Revision sessions pre-planned and available to students from day 1. Knowledge audits and RAG rated checklists. Regular exam practice.

7 Bridget Ball (Health and Social Care)

8 Sharon (Food Technology)

9 Learning Journey Today I am learning about the importance of health and safety in a kitchen and will explain the reasons for having these rules in place This lesson will help me because I will need to apply the rules in my practical lessons. Literacy: I will give clear verbal explanations of my ideas and thoughts.

10 Achieve Respect Aspire Engage
LO: To create a fruit salad LO: To assess the nutritional content of the dish Achieve Respect Pioneer Knife techniques applied to produce consistent sized ingredients Justifications given for choice Accurate use of equipment Excellent hygiene Confident and competent working Discoverer Random sized ingredients Some choices made with simple reasons Some accuracy when using equipment Standard hygiene Support needed Explorer Equal sized ingredients Choices made with good reasons Uses most equipment with accuracy Good hygiene Good independence Aspire Engage

11 Kelly Mason (English)

12 Where are we now? Use the most recent exam report in your subject to inform planning and delivery of the curriculum. Play to your department strength – AQA examiners? KS2 specialists? See the MTP as a working document. Embed relevant skills into KS3. Make sure KS4/5 students are familiar with outcomes and the criteria they will be assessed by. Share planning/resources. A06

13 Where do we want to be at the end?

14 Year 10: Narrative Writing – Re teaching A06.
Class Profile: 10x1 30 Students Target Grade: 7-9. Recent DDI Data from their first attempt suggests that A05 is more secure than A06. Where are they now? Students are producing well structured pieces and are attempting to use more extensive vocabulary. Students need to focus more on crafting sentence structures to improve their A06 mark. How do we get there? Repeat and revisit sentence construction. Success criteria of what to include. Joint/co construct written pieces with a clear focus on how to craft structures for different effects. Where do we want to be? Sentence demarcation is secure and consistently accurate. Secure control of complex grammatical structures. Time Scale: 1 Week Lesson 1 Repeat teaching of sentence construction. Ensure understanding of more complex grammatical structures. Lesson 2 Share model examples at highest target grade. Challenge students to use certain grammatical structures within their writing. Introduce a ‘recipe’ for success/success criteria. Lesson 3 Focus on how to consciously craft writing through joint and co construction. Challenge students to create certain tones within their writing. Lesson 4 Review – Independent written task with an emphasis on sentence structure. Next Steps... Mark student responses and assess their level of improvement. Review sentence structures before next assessment.

15 Where are we now? A05

16 Where are we now? Where do we want to be? (END) A06

17 AO6 Tuesday 19th September 2017 Varying Punctuation
How do we get there? Learning Outcomes: To understand how to use sophisticated punctuation. To consciously craft my use of a full range of punctuation to convey meaning. Literacy: Correct use of punctuation.

18 How do we get there? At KS4 Use DDI Data to inform planning.
Build in revision of skills into schemes. Offer intervention ASAP. Relevant Assessments. Challenge all! At KS3 Embed GCSE skills into MTP and SOL. Mimic GCSE style assessments. Focus on engaging them. Killer Questions. Understand where they’ve come from – links to KS2 learning. Challenge all!

19 Killer Question: How could you create an atmosphere with your writing?
Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? Wednesday 20th September 2017 The Gothic: Setting Killer Question: How could you create an atmosphere with your writing? Learning Outcomes: To understand how to effectively describe a gothic setting. To understand how to create an atmosphere and build tension with my writing. Literacy: Include appropriate vocabulary.

20 Andy Nightingale (ICT)

21 Learning Journey Input and output data Define variables
Recap existing learning. Analyse a problem. Attempt to code. Modelling. 2nd attempt Application of skills. How do we get there? Use string handling and conversion functions Carry out various manipulations such as finding the length of and slicing and concatenating ‘string’ data types Where do we want to be? End Point Input and output data Define variables Print chosen letter from a variable. Where are we now? Literacy objective To apply appropriate syntax when programming a solution.

22 Shabaz (ICT)

23 Spot patterns of repetition in sets of instructions
Learning Journey Where do we want to be? End Point Where are we now? How do we get there? What Did we cover Last Lesson ? Computational Thinking What is Abstraction ? What is Decomposition ? Understand that some patterns are repeated throughout a program and others are repeated just in one section Levels 1-3 Explain why it is important to recognise patterns when planning computer programs Levels 1- 5 Write instructions using repetition Levels 3 - 6 Spot patterns of repetition in sets of instructions Literacy objective Computational Thinking Abstraction Decomposition Repetition Patterns Algorithms

24 Spot patterns of repetition in sets of instructions
Learning Outcomes Spot patterns of repetition in sets of instructions Understand that some patterns are repeated throughout a program and others are repeated just in one section Levels 1-3 Explain why it is important to recognise patterns when planning computer programs Levels 1- 5 Write instructions using repetition Levels 3 - 6 Describe the difference between “fixed repetition” and “conditional repetition” Levels 4 - 9

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