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Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!

2 Please silence Your cell phones
Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness!

3 Combined Meeting TUESDAY: Board of Trustees and Church Council meeting
with special presentation by Berger & Jones Insurance, Spencer, 6:30 pm 3

4 Over 80s Club Summer Gathering at Virginia Grabbe’s Home
Friday, July 28 at 12 noon over Contact: Virginia Grabbe, Mary McCollum 4

5 The Orphan Master’s Son
Book Club The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson Church Library Monday, July 24, 12 noon 5

6 Articles for the August 2017 Acorn are due!
Acorn Newsletter Articles for the August 2017 Acorn are due! Wednesday, July 26, 10:00 am Contact: Church Office 6

7 Fellowship “Connections: A Story About the Message of God’s Love”
Saturday, August 26 Potluck at 5 pm / Play at 6 pm Fair Oaks UMC Sanctuary with UMC of Rancho Cordova Contact: Betty Karamatova 7

8 Under the Canopy of Heaven Outdoor Worship Service
Worship Ministry Under the Canopy of Heaven Outdoor Worship Service Sunday, September 17 10 am in our Courtyard Contact: Kathy Glass, Worship Ministry Team 8

9 Church Office Monday – Friday 10 am – 2 pm through August 9 9

10 Order forms on Narthex bulletin board. Contact: Church Office
Scrip Orders Next Order Date: Monday, August 21 at 10:00 am. Order forms on Narthex bulletin board. Contact: Church Office 10

11 Life’s Challenges Support Group
For Men and Women 1st and 3rd Mondays August 7 and 21 6:00 pm, Library Contact: Loretta Dodge Sponsored by Caring Ministry 11

12 Music Ministry Singers & Musicians wanted for Summer Anthems
Sign up on Choir Room door Contact: Betty Karamatova Rosanne Stephenson 12

13 Communion for the Homebound Contact: Church Office
1st Sunday of every month Contact: Church Office 13

14 Weekly meetings on Thursdays Contact: Adriane Samcoff
Young Adult Ministry is now EPIPHANY! Weekly meetings on Thursdays 7 pm in the Epiphany Room Contact: Adriane Samcoff 14

15 Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board
Adult Education Sunday Mornings at 9 am Church Library Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board Contact: Loren Guffey 15

16 Little Methodist School
Fall Registration Now Open Classes begin September 5. Contact: Sue Jas, Director

17 Join the Yahoo Email Group! Contact: Church Office
Stay Informed Don’t Miss Out! Join the Yahoo Group! Contact: Church Office 17

18 Downtown Ministries Collection Jar Contact: Karlene Brown
Outreach Ministry Downtown Ministries Collection Jar In the Narthex on the 1st Sunday of each month Contact: Karlene Brown 18

19 1st Sunday of every month
Outreach Ministry Food Drive Sunday: 1st Sunday of every month 19

20 Outreach Ministry Tarps and Seasonal Support for the Homeless
Contact: Ruby and Wayde Wicker Tarps and monetary donations gratefully accepted. 20

21 Small Group How is it with your Soul? Thursdays, 7 pm Library
Contact: Kathy Glass 21

22 UMC...Sunrise Circuit Events
St. Mark’s UMC Moon Lecture Series begins September 15, 2017 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board 22

23 Combined Board of Trustees & Church Council meeting
Ministry Meetings TUESDAY: Combined Board of Trustees & Church Council meeting with special presentation by Berger & Jones Insurance, Spencer, 6:30 pm 23

24 Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events…
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 08/26 Potluck (5 pm) and Play (6 pm) 08/31 Chancel Choir rehearsals resume 09/04 Labor Day - church office closed. 09/05 Little Methodist School Fall session begins 09/10 Chancel Choir returns to Worship services 09/16 Fair Oaks Chicken Festival, 10 am - 6 pm 09/17 Outdoor Worship Service in the Courtyard 11/05 All Saints Sunday 24

25 Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events…
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 11/05 Daylight Saving Time ends. Fall back 1 hr. 11/23 Thanksgiving - church office closed. 12/03 1st Sunday in Advent 12/03 Marathon - possible road closures. 12/09 Advent Concert 12/24 Christmas Eve (on a Sunday this year) 12/25 Christmas Day - church office closed. 12/31 Tongan Ministry Watch Night service /26 - 1/27 Rummage Sale 25

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