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PSICOMOTRICIDADE Alexandra Ferreira Fábio Quaresma Filipa Dias

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Presentation on theme: "PSICOMOTRICIDADE Alexandra Ferreira Fábio Quaresma Filipa Dias"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSICOMOTRICIDADE Alexandra Ferreira Fábio Quaresma Filipa Dias
Maria Inês Mariana Martins

2 We will talk about… Demonstrate the practices in Portugal
Present articles Relate to the workshops Demonstrate the practices in Portugal

3 Definicion of the term Alliance
“A review of therapist characteristics and techniques positively impacting the therapeutic alliance” Bordin (1979) Definicion of the term Alliance Tasks Goals Bonds

4 Therapist attributes Therapist techniques Alliance Flexible
Experienced Honest Respectful Trustworthy Confident Interested Alert Frindly Warm Open Exploration Depth Reflection Supportive Active Affirming Understanding Accurate interpretation Attends to patient’s experience

5 ‘‘What impact does the therapist have on the alliance?’’
Ourself Connected Good Alliance Others World

6 ‘Pendulum’ Activity Description Standing in the circule, we invited a public person to stand in the middle of the circle. One should let your body fall and those around you should try to create swings like a pendulum. Objective Train confidence in interaction with others. Connecting with others.

7 Catarina Pessoa Lopes Claro (2012)
‘’Avaliação de um programa de dança em jovens com necessidades educativas especiais’’ Catarina Pessoa Lopes Claro (2012)

8 Objective: Evaluation of a dance program for young people with special educational needs.
Age: 14-16 Instrument: LMA- version adapted by Dunfhy and Scott (2003) "Freedom to move“ Claro (2012)

9 Relaxing/ contracting ability
Dancing includes different componentes, as: This components are implicated in all learnig skills and thus making them essential for learning Claro (2012) Relaxing/ contracting ability Body awerness Coordination Physical ability

10 Exemples: Failures in rhythmic structure, fine and gross motor control will lead to consequences of the writing level. Failures in spatial organization may lead to difficulties in reading “b" "d" "p" "q“

11 "Body as the main source of expression, communication"

12 . . Expressive Dance Activity Description Invite a public staff and give you indications of different facial expressioons and the others must watch and guess what emotion is Objective Observe the way the body transmits emotions through movement expression. Observe non-verbal communication.

13 Biopsychosocial Model
“The clinical application of the Biopsychosocial Model” How this model enables physicians to extend their clinic intervention to every situations of the patient’s life. This model focuses on the person as an integrated system in other systems. (George, 1980)

14 “All systems work together, so neither the person or the community can be analysed separately”

15 The biopsychosocial model sees the patient as an integrated and participant person on the involvement. This model focuses on the interaction: person - involvement. As psychomotor therapists we should give importance to the relationship with the patient but not working exclusively by the clinical methods.

16 Adapted volleyball Start by playing standing vollei , two for two.
Activity Description Start by playing standing vollei , two for two. Integrating population with a motor disability. Sit on the floor , forming a square , thus getting the same level of wheelchair players . Materials 2 Balls 2 wheelchairs 1 tape Objective Demonstrate that it is possible to include people living with physical disabilities , adapting the activities.

17 Expectations It was essential to cultures of diversity and techniques that focused on summerschool , surpassing so our expectations regarding experiences and knowledge sharing. It was spectacular to realize the variety of ways that the psychomotor therapy is applied in different countries , because we had contact with very different techniques from ours. We have improved our professional personal and language skills. And you ... exceptional !! Very friendly and approachable , completely receptive to know us both a personal and professional level . It was a NICE to meet you !

18 Referencies George, l. (1980). ‘’The clinical application of the Biopsychosocial model’’. The American Journal of Psychatry, 13:5. Ackerman, S, Hilsenroth, M. (2003)’’ A review of therapist characteristics and techniques positively impacting the therapeutic alliance’’ Clinical Psychology Review, 1:33


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