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Remarks on Technology Transfer

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1 Remarks on Technology Transfer
KNOWTS, Niš, Serbia, April 2010 Remarks on Technology Transfer Claudio Moraga European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, Spain Dortmund University of Technology, Dortmund, Germany

2 The friendly way The professional way (c) cm

3 We agree to do it together
The friendly way I can do something Someone I know (mainly in a SMI) may use this something to solve a technical problem We agree to do it together (c) cm

4 The professional way Technology Transfer is the process of taking innovations from one technological field to use it in, or make it accessible to other fields. Technology Transfer emerges as a commercial agreement between two entities: one of them is able of technological innovation and the other one is willing to receive it. Innovation: Realization or modification of a product, possibly including its marketing (c) cm

5 Technology Transfer. Why?
decreases the probability of duplicating research reduces the long-term costs of research due to the possible “recycling” of results (however oft under previous adaptation) reduces development time (c) cm

6 The european IRC network
The IRC –(Immovation Relay Centers)- network is supported by the Innovation Program of the European Union. It consists of over 50 Centers dedicated to promote innovation, by making advances in research and technology accessible, specially to european SMI. Tasks of the IRC network: Technology Transfer inter Centers and intra Centers Search for possible partners Advice on applications for EU-support for research projects Solving related problems (c) cm

7 Typical “related problems”
To obtain and keep a patent valid all over the USA costs roughly $13,000 meanwhile a patent covering only the 8 original EU-States costs roughly $120,000 There are three coexisting patent systems. National systems, “european patents” administrated by the European Patent Office with site in Munich and the EU-patents started after an agreement at the Luxemburg Convention (1975) (c) cm

8 Professional Technology Transfer. The BTG example
The BTG –(British Technology Group)- has over 50 years of experience transferring innovative ideas to industry. It was created by the British Government to “commercialize results of research supported by public funds”. In 1992 the BTG changed into the hands of a Consortium of Universities, Financing Companies and BTG people. BTG has a payroll of over 170 employees with main office in London and auxiliary offices in Philadelphia and Tokyo. (c) cm

9 Identification of transferable technologies
BTG Tasks Identification of transferable technologies Evaluation of accessible technologies Patent processing and controlling Marketing Licencing BTG operates with a portfolio of 9,000 patents related to about 300 technologies and commercializes roughly 470 licences. Its income in 1995/96 was at the level of M£ 20.7 Among the most spectacular successes –(patents)- of BTG are: Cephalospherin (antibiotic) [M£ 150], Pyrethrin (insecticide) [M£ 125], MRI [M£ 65], the Hovercraft [M£ ??] (c) cm

10 Technology Transfer: The dream
I can! I need! (c) cm

11 Technology Transfer: The nightmare!
interface (c) cm

12 The top of an iceberg ? (c) cm

13 “usable” technology demand “pure” technology
The top of an iceberg ? Norms Patents “usable” technology demand “pure” technology Interface technology Legal aspects and contracts Financial support. Risk (c) cm

14 aware of the boundary conditions and prevailing context
Conclusions It can be done It should be done It must be carefully planned aware of the boundary conditions and prevailing context professionally realized (c) cm

15 KNOWTS, Niš, Serbia, April 2010
Questions ?

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