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Title IX Training For Dual-Enrollment Students at SWCC

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1 Title IX Training For Dual-Enrollment Students at SWCC
SWCC Title IX Office 225 Dellinger Hall Dyan Lester, Title IX Coordinator & Dean of Student Success

2 Some of the information in this training was taken from Know Your IX
Some of the information in this training was taken from Know Your IX. Visit for more information on Title IX.

3 Did You Know? 43% of dating college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors including physical, sexual, technology-facilitated, verbal or other forms of controlling abuse. (2011) 90% of campus sexual assaults are committed by perpetrators that the survivor knows.  (2000) 80% of survivors of stalking know the person who victimized them.  (2000) Approximately 19% of women will be sexually assaulted during their time at college. (Study published in 2007) 5-6% of men will experience sexual assault during college. (2014 and 2007) Only 12% of college student survivors report the assault to police. Survivors cite a number of reasons for not reporting: not wanting others to know; lack of proof; fear of retaliation; being unsure of whether what happened constitutes assault; did not know how to report; and fear of being treated poorly by the criminal justice system. (2007)

4 Why should I know this? Students who attend public schools, colleges and other schools that receive federal funding, are protected by a civil rights law called Title IX. In brief, Title IX requires schools to act to prevent violence before it occurs (through training and educational programming) and to respond to it after the fact, to remedy its impact (through academic accommodations, and other support services).

5 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#1: Title IX is a landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Title IX is not just about sports; it is a prohibition against sex-based discrimination in education. It addresses discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs. It also addresses sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and sexual violence. Sexual violence includes attempted or completed rape or sexual assault, as well as sexual harassment, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, verbal or physical sexuality-based threats or abuse, and intimate partner violence.

6 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#2: Title IX does not apply to female students only.  Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of their real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Female, male, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff are protected from any sex-based discrimination, harassment or violence.

7 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#3: Your school must be proactive in ensuring that your campus is free of sex discrimination.  You are protected under Title IX even if you do not experience sex discrimination directly. Schools must take immediate steps to address any report of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence on campus to prevent it from affecting students further. If a school knows or reasonably should know about discrimination, harassment or violence that is creating a “hostile environment” for any student, it must act to eliminate it, remedy the harm caused and prevent its recurrence. Schools may not discourage survivors from continuing their education, such as telling them to “take time off” or forcing them to quit a team, club or class. You have the right to remain on campus and have every educational program and opportunity available to you.

8 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#4: Your school must have an established procedure for handling complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. Every school must have a Title IX Coordinator who manages complaints. The Coordinator’s contact information should be publicly accessible on the school’s website (you may also find this information at the end of this presentation). If you decide to file a complaint, your school must promptly investigate it regardless of whether you report to the police (though a police investigation may very briefly delay the school’s investigation if law enforcement is gathering evidence). The current Title IX policy and procedures are in your student handbook and located on the SWCC website.

9 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#5: Your school must take immediate action to ensure a complainant can continue their education free of ongoing sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. Along with issuing a no contact directive to the accused, schools must ensure that any reasonable changes to your class, campus job, or extracurricular activity and clubs are made to ensure you can continue your education free from ongoing sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. These arrangements can occur BEFORE a formal complaint, investigation, hearing, or final decision is made regarding your complaint. It also can CONTINUE after the entire process since you have a right to an education free of sex-based discrimination, harassment or violence. Additionally, these accommodations should not over-burden or limit your educational opportunities; instead, schools can require the accused to likewise change some school activities or classes to ensure there is not ongoing hostile educational environment.

10 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#6: Your school may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a complainant safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior. Schools must address complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence. As part of this obligation they can issue a no contact directive or make other accommodations to ensure the accused or a third party does not retaliate for any complaint. Additionally, the school may not take adverse action against the complainant for filing complaint. Any retaliation can be reported in a formal Title IX complaint to the U.S. Department of Education since it is your right to be free from a hostile educational environment.

11 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#7: Your school can issue a no contact directive under Title IX to prevent the accused student from approaching or interacting with you. When necessary for student safety, schools can issue a no contact directive preventing an accused student from directly or indirectly contacting or interacting with you. Campus security or police can and should enforce such directives. This is not a court-issued restraining order, but a school should provide you with information on how to obtain such an order and facilitate that process if you choose to pursue it.

12 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#8: In cases of sexual violence, your college is prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation (rather than a formal hearing) of the complaint.  The 2011 Title IX Guidance clearly prohibits schools from allowing mediation between an accused student and a complainant in sexual violence cases. However, they may still offer such an alternative process for other types of complaints, such as sexual harassment. Realize it is your choice and you can and should seek a disciplinary hearing if you desire such a formal process. Schools are discouraged from allowing the accused to question you during a hearing.

13 9 Facts You Should Know About Title IX
#9: Your college can make accommodations to ensure you are able to continue your education while an investigation is ongoing. Students have a right to remain on campus unless it poses a safety threat. Your college can make accommodations with regard to course access, campus access and more.

14 Are you being harassed or violated?
Gender-based harassment is a harmful act(s) committed against a person because of their gender or sex. These behaviors may be carried out by a boyfriend or girlfriend, a date, other classmates, friends, parents, guardians, family members, teachers, or other adults; and can include: * Bullying or harassing anyone because of the persons sexual orientation. * Calling, following, texting, or using social media to sexually harass or intimidate someone. * Pressuring someone to perform sexual acts. * Touching someone sexually against their will. * Unwelcomed sexual advances by classmates, professors, peers, or vendors. * Using anti-gay or sex-based insults. * Making inappropriate gestures or comments that are sexual in nature. * Verbally or physically threatening someone because of gender or gender identity. * Attempting or forcing someone to have sex against their will.

15 You may choose to: File a formal complaint.
Ask for particular accommodations and remedies, without needing to make a formal complaint. Regardless of your choice, this is an administrative process that takes place entirely within SWCC ; it does not involve the criminal legal system. However, if your complaint includes sexual violence (e.g., rape, sexual assault, or physical abuse), school officials will be required to disclose your case to the law enforcment, which could trigger an investigation outside of SWCC).

16 How do I report an incident?
* Dyan Effler Lester – Title IX Coordinator Dean of Student Success Dellinger Hall * Campus Police (HELP) * The Off-Site Manager (if you are taking classes at an off-campus location) *Your class instructor

17 What community resources are available to me?
Confidential Resources Local Resources You may choose to speak with a professional counselor. You may choose to speak with your pastor. Family Crisis Services Cumberland Mt. Community Services People Incorporated

18 Hotlines and Online Resources
The National Dating Abuse Helpline — This helpline is designed for teens and young adults who have experienced abuse in a dating relationship. RAINN’s Online Hotline — This free and confidential service provides services to survivors of sexual assault through an online chat function, instead of by phone. The National Sexual Assault Hotline — This free and confidential service provides services to survivors of sexual assault over the phone.

19 If you have any questions or comments Please Contact
Dyan Effler Lester Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Student Success

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