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Drosera capensis Insectivorous plants.

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1 Drosera capensis Insectivorous plants

2 Introduction of drosera capensis
Drosera capensis, commonly known as the Cape sundew, is a small rosette-forming carnivorous species of perennial sundew native to the cape in South Africa. . Because of its size, easy to grow nature, and the copious amounts of seed it produces, it has become one of the most common sundews in cultivation

Drosera capensis is one of the hardiest carnivorous plants to grow. It tolerates a variety of soils which low in nutrients. General growth media, 1 part sand or silica grit: 1 peat or sphagnum moss in cm pots are ideal

4 Height of drosera capensis
Drosera capensis grow in most sizes of pots. I'd recommend 4 inches or taller, since Drosera capensis can develop a long, branching root system A tall pot will allow the roots to spread out, so the plant can reach its maximum height. 

5 Flowers of drosera capensis
Drosera capensis generally produces hundreds of seeds on its own. With most varieties, they will readily self-pollinate. Once, when fed often, my 'Typical' and 'Albino' forms have produced huge flower stalks, which created around seeds per stalk

6 SUNDEW In early summer or late spring, D. capensis produces multiple, small, five-petaled pink flowers at the end of scapes which can be up to 30 cm tall. Flowers individually open in the morning and close by mid afternoon, lasting just one day each with the next one up the scape opening the following day

Drosera capensis has several forms or varieties, including the "typical", "wide-leaved", "narrow-leaved" and "red" forms and the cultivar Drosera 'Albino' The typical form is noted for wider leaves and the gradual production of a scrambling stem as it grows.

8 INVASIVE SPEICES Drosera capensis uses its sticky tentacles to attract and catch flies and other insects. Contact triggers a curling reaction, where the plant wraps up its prey and eventually digests and absorbs the victim's nutrients..

Drosera capensis need full sun to light shade, with an acidic, moist soil mix. In the greenhouse, we use a soil mix consisting of 2 parts peat moss to 1 part Sand. In a terrarium, you will need to add at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of horticultural charcoal before adding the soil mix. If grown in containers,

10 THE BLOOMING TIME In the greenhouse, plants bloom in the fall with scapes that have numerous small pinkish flowers up to 3/8 of an inch (1 cm) long. The flowers are self-pollinating, and when seedpods dry they produce hundreds of viable seed.

11 Description The leaves radiate from the stem and are made up of a petiole and lamina, the petiole being almost the same length as the lamina. The lamina is flattened and bears knob-shaped tentacles, which are stalked, mucilaginous glands covering the leaf surface.

12 ECOLOGY Flowers are open very briefly for a few hours with good sunlight. The flowers can be pollinated by insects, but are usually self-pollinated. When the seeds are ripe, their capsules open to release the fine, light-weight seeds which fall out and are dispersed near the parent plants.


14 Made by khadija ,sherry and sakina 6-a

15 Thank you!!!!!!!!

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