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How to win friends and influence people by being a jerk.

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Presentation on theme: "How to win friends and influence people by being a jerk."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to win friends and influence people by being a jerk.
Logical Fallacies How to win friends and influence people by being a jerk.

2 What is a fallacy?

3 What is a fallacy? A fallacy is an error which causes a faulty argument or faulty reasoning.

4 What is a fallacy? A fallacy is an error which causes a faulty argument or faulty reasoning. An argument or line of reasoning which contains a fallacy is “fallacious.”

5 Types of Fallacies There are hundreds of fallacies. For the purpose of this class, we will review only the following: Straw Man Ad Hominem Red Herring Slippery Slope Glittering Generalities

6 The Straw Man

7 The Straw Man Oversimplifying an opposing argument in order to more easily refute it.

8 The Straw Man Examples:
Liberals think that the way to pay for anything is to just raise taxes! Conservatives only care about rich people!

9 Ad Hominem

10 Ad Hominem Attacking the character or personal traits of an opponent in order to undermine their argument.

11 Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn’t married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird. Ad Hominem

12 Changing the subject in order to detract from the original issue.
Red Herring

13 Trump Video (0:00-0:45, 0:50-End) Red Herring

14 Slippery Slope Using extreme hypotheticals to weaken an opposing argument.

15 Slippery Slope The Mohel (1:09-1:58)

16 Glittering Generalities
Using emotional and appealing words that sound nice, but which do not add to the significance of a statement.

17 Glittering Generalities
Using emotional and appealing words that sound nice, but which do not add to the significance of a statement.

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