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Carie Battistone Senior Environmental Scientist CDFW, Wildlife Branch

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1 5-Year Status Review for the Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swansoni) in California
Carie Battistone Senior Environmental Scientist CDFW, Wildlife Branch June 23, 2016 © Jim Estep

2 Background The Swainson’s Hawk listed as threatened in 1983
This status review updates the current science on the species highlights management and research needs © USFWS

3 California Range Current Historic Figure from Bloom 1980

4 Foraging Habitat Agricultural lands Grasslands Pasturelands
© Jim Estep

5 Foraging Habitat – Agricultural lands
high value = alfalfa, wheat, tomatoes, and beets during harvest moderate value = irrigated and non-irrigated pasture, grasslands, and some other annually rotated crops low value = safflower, sunflower, corn and rice little to no value = orchards and vineyards

6 Nesting Habitat Variety of tree species used Riparian areas Tree rows
Roadside trees Isolated Trees

7 Abundance Estimate (breeding pairs) Year Area Reference 17,136
(historic estimate) 1979 Statewide Bloom 1980 375 550 1988 Estep 1989 593 2002 Central Valley Gifford et al. 2012 1,008 2003 941 2009 1,893 2005 Anderson et al. in prep 2,251 2006 © Jim Estep © Jim Estep

8 Trend line produced from the Breeding Bird Survey dataset
Population Trend © Jim Estep Trend line produced from the Breeding Bird Survey dataset

9 Threats Habitat loss Climate change Contaminants Disease
Direct mortality events Stochastic events © Jim Estep

10 Habitat Loss Urban development Conversion of habitat
Loss of nesting structures

11 Climate Change Climate projections show precipitation and temperatures will change Limited water availability may impact prevalence of suitable agricultural land for foraging Drought conditions may impact prey abundance

12 Conclusions Swainson’s Hawk face an uncertain future due to continued habitat loss and shifting agriculture practices and distribution. Impacts of climate change are likely, yet difficult to predict. Population numbers and distribution have not recovered.

13 Recommendation The Department recommends that Swainson’s Hawk retain threatened status under the California Endangered Species Act.

14 Questions?

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