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A Guide to SDG Interactions: from Science to Implementation

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1 A Guide to SDG Interactions: from Science to Implementation
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2 Can interactions be a key driver in the implementation of the SDGs?
Some goals and targets have conflictual relationships; progress in one area may come at the expense of progress in others. Understanding potential synergies and trade- offs is critical for efficient and coherent implementation and monitoring As we move into implementation, we need to deal with the scope, systemic nature of the Agenda and urgency of the challenges and this requires a wide range of tools and science-based analysis to navigate that complexity and realise the ambition Outcome of our work is not a comprehensive of mapping of interactions but a pragmatic, framework that is applicable at different scale, for all SDGs, and especially by policy-makers and stakeholders in this early implementaion phase

3 Going beyond synergies and trade-offs: a seven-point scale
Negative interactions: cancelling (-3), counteracting (-2), constraining (-1) Neutral interaction: consistent Positive interactions: enabling (+1), reinforcing (+2) and indivisible (+3) ICSU, leading a consortium of scientific research organizations, looked at SDG interactions in a new way. We applied a seven-point scale to quantify these synergies and conflicts. The scale ranges from +3, which applies when one goal or target is very reinforcing of others, to -3, which applies when goals and targets conflict with each other. A score of 0 indicates neutral interaction. The scale could be used to answer a range of questions: Would efforts to increase agricultural production make it more difficult to sustainably manage natural resources? Would ensuring access to reproductive healthcare make it easier to achieve gender equality? Would efforts to ensure healthy life below water detract from or reinforce activities to maintain healthy life on land? Nilsson, M., D. Griggs and M. Visbeck, Map the interactions between Sustainable Development Goals. Nature, 534:

4 Four case studies The report includes detailed analysis of four SDGs and their interactions with other goals SDG2 Zero Hunger SDG3 Good Health and Well-being SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy SDG14 Life below Water 4 SDGs chosen as they cover a range of social, economic and environmental issues, 3 are under review this year at the HLPF

5 Approach Each chapter examines interactions between an ‘entry goal’ and targets under other goals Scientists identified key interactions for through expert judgment and available literature The teams identified over 300 target- level interactions, mostly synergistic The resulting analysis was peer- reviewed by outside experts, including from the global membership of the Council

6 Each interaction between the ‘entry goal’ and a target under another goal is described in detail, scored, and includes policy options for addressing the interaction. The chapters also address knowledge gaps that need to be filled in to better understand interactions of the particular goal and include illustrative examples of interactions in different country contexts.

7 Recommendations Convene people from a wide range of expertise to identify the interactions between and among the 17 SDGs in each country. This will help prioritize investments, and create a common language and approach, as well as break down siloes and work across sectors. Map existing institutions and actors to assess a country’s potential to meet the SDGs. This will help determine who should do what and where there are gaps to fill. Enact change so that achievement of the SDGs can happen across sectors. This may involve creating cross-cutting coordination mechanisms to allocate resources, share data and information, facilitate research and innovation, and build capacity. Apply a similar integrated perspective to monitoring, evaluation, and review as a country works toward achieving the SDGs. This report is a starting point to further examine and act on SDG interactions. The seven-point scale can be applied by countries around the world to achieve each of the SDGs and their targets. Like the scientists who participated in this report, leaders in government, civil society, and business can come together to tackle the SDGs as an integrated system of achievable goals rather than a disparate set of aspirations.

8 Find the report at:

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