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Presentation on theme: "BEHIND THE SCENES: EXPOSING THE TRUTH"— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Think together about the use of human body in advertising
Discuss together what messages this advertising tries to give Discuss together the «truth» of these messages Work together to come up with alternative ways to advertising

3 Some basic rules We would like everyone to participate
Answer questions freely and honestly during the session We care about sharing what we will discuss: so, speak out about what you think on any issue; Nobody is here to judge you and nobody will;

4 We will also talk about “PAES”
Performance Appearance Enhancing Substances

5 Types of PAES Legal substances:
- supplements (e.g. vitamins, proteins, minerals…); - over the counter drugs. Illegal (doping) substances: substances that are prohibited by a sport governing body (e.g. anabolic steroids, growth hormones, EPO, stimulants….).

6 Think about advertising: How is the human body used and portrayed?
We would like to know your opinions and views about this We have prepared an activity that you can complete individually (Activity 1)

7 We are talking about this…

8 1st Activity: What do think about these statements
1st Activity: What do think about these statements? How truthful are they for you? Product advertising shows real bodies than can be found on the street at any time; The body shapes one can see in product advertising are the result of good training, good nutrition and careful and safe use of PAES; The body shapes one can see in product advertising are not real; The body shapes one can see in product advertising are part of the media production efforts and nothing else; The body shapes one can see in product advertising can be achieved by those who regularly take PAES substances.

9 2nd Activity: Now that you have finished, let’s look at what you think
Are these views plausible? Are these views shared by others? Are these views shared by or predominant in society?

10 3rd Activity: Let’s look at some videos

11 These are the ways to do advertising! Real people and a bit of irony!
Art Director: Yoshua León Photographer: Tadeuz Jalocha Other additional credits: Jennifer Caldwel Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Costa Rica Executive Creative Director: Douglas Castro Creative Director / Copywriter: David Carvajal

12 So what can we say about the use of human body in advertising?
Product advertising uses human bodies to make one think that products are good and/or healthy The bodies one sees may be far from reality Product advertising uses scenic tricks, photo editing and other means to reach its goals Product advertising could make different choices and be different!!

13 What can we do about these issues?

14 2nd Activity Make small groups of 4-5 people and:
Assign to each group a target PRODUCT; Ask each group to discuss and propose an ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN; Each group shares its work with the rest of the participants.

15 Here are some target products!

16 Now we share the advertising plan of each group…
Advertising Plans Now we share the advertising plan of each group…

17 Any questions? Visit us at
THANK YOU ALL!!! Advertising Reality Any questions? Visit us at


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