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Role of the Internet in the spread of NPS : Learning from the I-TREND project Moscow, 11-12/07/2017, Seminar on New Psychoactive Substances, co-organised.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of the Internet in the spread of NPS : Learning from the I-TREND project Moscow, 11-12/07/2017, Seminar on New Psychoactive Substances, co-organised."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of the Internet in the spread of NPS : Learning from the I-TREND project
Moscow, 11-12/07/2017, Seminar on New Psychoactive Substances, co-organised by The Moscow department of health care and the Pompidou Group. Magali Martinez, Agnès Cadet-Taïrou TREND UNIT, OFDT

2 Co-funded by The European Union European project JUST/2012/DPIP/AG/3641 co-financed by the Drug Prevention and Information Program of the European Union.

3 Digital monitoring – The I-TREND project
Online Shops Supply is expressed through Demand is expressed through Both monitored on the surface web by dedicated programs Online Forums

4 Surface web Deep web Dark web Referenced by search engines
Anonymity tools and illegal purpose Surface web Referenced by search engines Deep web Not referenced and not intended specifically for illegal purpose

5 Online Supply or a digital supply for each country

6 584 web shops were monitored between November 2013 and May 2014

7 Learning 1 Different national situations cohabit in a global and interconnected market

8 Learning 2 – distribution of web shops per country
The number of web shops per national languages varies a lot FR= 96 / The NL = 22 Web shops in English are predominant The UK = 244

9 Learning 3 – Visible and invisibles web shops
Some shops fight for their visibility Spamdexing practices, duplicates… But some of them use the opposite strategy: “Deep web practices” impeding the automate monitoring Back-store with restricted access, Display false but legal activities 9

10 Part of unique and duplicate webshops in May 2014
Concretely, it means that web shops are less numerous than what they seem to be most of the countries have around 15% of duplicates, except France that is the one with the most important number and the CZ offer is the only one made by uniques webshops Right now, as for the total number of webshops, we cannot explain why countries have those specific situations, 10

11 Learning 4 – web shops and IP geographic location
Some countries have more than other, websites with an IP address located on their own territory

12 Breakdown of active online shops by IP location in May 2014

13 Learning 4 – web shops and IP geographic location
American IP address are well represented in each national online market

14 Breakdown of active online shops by IP location in May 2014
It is important to note that the US localisation is well represented in all countries, notably in the british market. To conclude, 14

15 Learning 4 – web shops and IP geographic location
Transborder links exist between the observed IP address and the targeted country

16 Breakdown of active online shops by IP location in May 2014

17 Breakdown of active online shops by IP location in May 2014

18 Breakdown of active online shops by IP location in May 2014

19 Learning 5 - Type of web shops per country
Market is segmented between two main types “RC shops” / Research Chemical shops Commercial shops, also called smart, head or herbal shops

20 Research Chemical shops
Serious-looking, display NPS by their chemical names and offer them mainly with powder form Intended to experienced users

21 Commercial shops (smart, herbal, ….)
Seductive layouts and packaging, NPS sold under trade names and in familiar forms (tablets, herbs)… Intended to naïve users

22 Learning 5 - Type of online shops by country

23 Learning 5 - why this breakdown ?
It is possible that retailers adapt their online presence to “national drug preferences” ESPAD DATA Besides remember, Countries used to have brick-and-mortar shops are likely to have high prevalence of NPS, The United Kingdom, Poland

24 Learning 5 - Type of online shops by country

25 Learning 6 – Dynamics in the online market Span-life of unique webshops
Source: Pazitny, M.(2016)

26 Learning 6 – Dynamics in the online market Span-life of unique webshops
Source: Pazitny, M.(2016)

27 Learning 6 – Dynamics in the online market Arrival of new e-shops per year
Source: Pazitny, M.(2016)

28 Online Demand or The digital audience of NPS

29 related to one or several NPS were monthly collected
Monitoring of 12 national forums (FR, NL, PL, UK) between October and October 2014 The number of views of 5,169 online discussions related to one or several NPS were monthly collected

30 Learning 1 - Information on each national drug context
Forums have different sub-culture among them but also at national level They are more or less open toward online vendors – dedicated spaces for retailers. eager to accept publicity on branded products eager to accept branded names vs chemical names in online discussions Consequently – Forums are frequented by different type of users And Inside those very same groups – the reading activity is Centred on few substances Whether it be for UK, NL, PL or FR

31 Very few NPS are discussed
Learning 2 Very few NPS are discussed Eg. 112 cathinones at EU level, Only one or two NPS per family really attract users' interest

32 Cathinones in France 2nd Group < 100 views 1st Group < 25 views

33 Cathinones in France, plus 3-MMC
3rd Group > 100 views

34 Learning 3 Each country has its “ NPS national preferences” – often according to prior national problematics UK, Branded Products, etizolam, ethylphenidate, AL-LAD, LSZ. NL, 4-FA, 6-APB and 2C-B. PL, 4-MMC and 3-MMC, Branded Product and blend of synthetic cannabinoids. FR, 3-MMC and synthetic cannabinoids - with e- liquid form. 34

35 Learning 4 Users’ interest is very steady along time

36 In the Netherlands – Phenethelamines
Threads of 4-FA

37 In Poland - Cathinones Threads of 4-MMC Threads of 3-MMC

38 In The United Kingdom – All substances
Threads of Branded products Threads of Etizolam

39 Learning 5 Example on how much it is important to identify what is the trigger of noticeable changes.

40 In France EDND Families

41 E-liquid discussions on > 800 threads
In France EDND Families Just two E-liquid discussions on > 800 threads 41

42 Internet as a prevention tool against NPS

43 Internet as a prevention tool
The NPS demand has a dynamic different from the NPS supply Supply dynamic is very offensive Demand dynamic is steady, focus on very few compounds / brand names

44 Internet as a prevention tool
What is your national situation regarding NPS ? Who is the targeted user of your online prevention action ? 44

45 Internet as a prevention tool
Each type of user Browses the Internet(s) with a specific way Needs a specific message, in terms of style and content Regarding youth generation : Should online prevention be only focused on products or also on the user’s capacity to have a critical mind in front of the information get online ? Internet as a prevention tool 45

46 Thanks for your attention Спасибо за внимание
Co-funded by The European Union European project JUST/2012/DPIP/AG/3641 co-financed by the Drug Prevention and Information Program of the European Union. The author declares no conflicts of interest.

47 For more information… Belackova, Vendula; and all, Assessing the online availability of 25I-NBOMe, AH-7921, MDPV and MXE – outcomes of a semi-automated monitoring of e-shops in five EU countries. Under reviewing by « Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy ». Pazitny, M.(2016) An analysis of webshops with NPS and ther marketing strategies (unpublished thesis). 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Prague. Martinez, M., Kmetonyová, D., & Belackova, V. (2016). A method for exploring the number of online shops selling new psychoactive substances: initial I­TREND project results. In J. Mounteney, A. Bo & A. Oteo,The internet and drug markets (1st ed., pp. 97­104). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the EU.

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