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7th grade Social Studies

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1 7th grade Social Studies
The Korean War 7th grade Social Studies

2 The End of WW II Korea is divided at the 38th parallel
North Korea- occupied by the Soviet Union South Korea- occupied by the US The United Nations Committee formed by world leaders to prevent another world war 5 Biggest Members: US, Russia, France, United Kingdom, China

3 Korean War ( ) North Korea (Communism) VS. South Korea (Democracy) North Korea invades South Korea “The Forgotten War” Much less attention than WW II or the Vietnam War

4 US Steps In According to treaty signed after WW II
All countries in alliance must step in to help one another Fear of another “Hitler” taking control- must act now COLD WAR US- supports democracy Fear of communism being spread to democratic nation

5 Quote from President Truman
“Communism was acting in Korea, just as Hitler, Mussolini and the Japanese had ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores. If the Communists were permitted to force their way into the Republic of Korea without opposition from the free world, no small nation would have the courage to resist threat and aggression by stronger communist neighbors.”

6 US Attack and Major Events
Led by General MacArthur US bomb bases and attempt to cut off trade lines Chinese enter war on side of North Korea (1950) “Stalemate” Occurs ( ) Neither side is gaining any territory Massive amounts of civilians dying




10 The End of the War Problem:
The land was too forested (Could not see enemies) Tanks and other military artillery would not work Could not tell who was on what side 50% of North Korea’s cities were destroyed by bombing US Deaths- 54, 000 Chinese and Korean Deaths- over 540, 000

11 The Peace Treaty US President Eisenhower forces North Korea to sign treaty Eisenhower threatens to use nuclear weapons July 27, 1953 Cease fire occurs (No more combat) Never an “official” treaty that ends the war, just an agreement between countries to stop fighting North Korea remains Communist South Korea remains a Democracy

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