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Data collection and analysis tools Graphic Tools

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1 Data collection and analysis tools Graphic Tools
Materials Generators Data collection and analysis tools Graphic Tools Planning and Organizing tools Research and Reference tools Content area tools Example: Use in classroom: I would use the lesson plans provided on the website and incorporate those ideas into my own lesson plan. I would use this website to organize information about students and their progress. I would use this in the classroom to encourage children to draw and have fun with. I would use the EnGrade gradebook to organize students progress. This website would help with correct spelling and word use. This website would help me translate sentences or phrases into another language. I would use this website to make certificates for best attendance, graduation, improvement, etc. I would use this website to get ideas for lesson plans and this would help me make them more individualized. I would allow the children to create illustrations for visual data summaries. This website would allow me to capture all information of a student right from enrollment all the way thru graduation. This website would help when looking up quick information for parents. This website will allow me to record and edit music, vocal and other sound. I would use this to make letters to parents, organize child progress, track attendance, etc. I would use this so I can share grades on assignments, attendance records and calendars. I would use this to put animations documents and web pages. This website will make it easy to schedule parent-teacher conferences. This website would help to collect, organize, and share my research sources. This website would help me measure the readability that a person needs to be able to understand.

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