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Technology Transfer: Technology Information in Fiji

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1 Technology Transfer: Technology Information in Fiji
Mahendra Kumar University of the South Pacific Suva, Fiji

2 Fiji and the Pacific Small land masses but huge distances between countries, and within countries Small, isolated populations Mainly subsistence economy Relatively poor developed infrastructure Generally weak private sector

3 Information Dissemination
Communication carriers monoply cost speed & efficiency Hardware Capacity

4 Lack of information Dearth of information on ESTs
Lack of awareness about sources, availability and access Lack of training on availability of such info and means of access Image of ‘high-tech’ and beyond scope of technologically impoverished

5 Sub Regional Centres Need to bridge the technological divide
Act as ‘clearing house’ for: information collection analysis storage dissemination Training

6 Sub Regional Centre Repository of information on endogenous technology
Leaders in promotion of successful technologies Provide ‘ownership’ and ‘status’ to these useful technologies Equal partner in technology exchange

7 University of the South Pacific
Regional institution, with main campus in Fiji and Centres in 12 island countries Has existing Departments of Technology and Engineering Potential to utilise facilities for testing, adoption and development of technology Provide training

8 Emphasis for SIDS Adaptation technology for specific sectors eg coastal zone protection Maintain database on successful technology, not necessarily high tech Further development of ‘simple’ concepts using modern techniques and materials Work with regional/national institutions on R&D

9 TT Clear Potentially useful mechanism with links to existing sites
Act as filter for information in the context of Article 4.5 Act to fill gap in adaptation technology information Public sector technologies

10 Link to UNFCCC TT Clear Assist in accessing information on ESTs
Maintain quality control Monitor availability, costs and reliability Enhance link with private sector Provide information on financing, technical, socio-economic etc

11 Conclusion Major lack of information about ESTs
Science and technology is not given adequate attention Training to make practitioners aware of existing information Need to integrate with curricula Internet useful in the long term, need other modes eg newsletters etc

12 Thank You

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