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Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -

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1 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Objectives Understand mobility related issues Be able to evaluate the “mobility cost” Outline Mobility and handover definitions Tradeoff between call blocking and dropping Network dimensioning with mobility Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

2 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Phenomena and Definitions In cellular networks users travel across cells during a call As a user moves from cell 1 toward cell 2 , its signal from BTS 1 weakens and from BTS 2 strengths At some point, a process called Handover must take place: The up & down channels from cell 1 are released Available up & down channels from cell 2 are allocated 1 2 If no channels are available from cell 2, the call is dropped Typically, some channels are reserved to handle handover Can also use the other channels as well Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

3 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Mobile Assisted Handover In current cellular networks, mobiles control the handover: each mobile measures the signal strength for multiple BTS when (watts) for at least (sec), and channels are available in cell 2, an handover occurs Signal strength - from BTS 2 - from BTS 1 Time start handover timer occurs Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

4 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Design Issues for Mobile Assisted Handover Design Problem 5.1: How to select and ? Too small values result in too frequent handovers: too many reserved channels too much signaling overhead droppings due unavailable channels Too large values result in too infrequent handovers: too many call droppings due to call degradation signal strength dropping threshold time call drop Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

5 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Design Issues for Mobile Assisted Handover (cont.) Ignoring signaling overhead and given a channel allocation for new calls and handover calls Then the values of and should minimize the sum of call dropping due to unavailable channels call dropping due to signal degradation The signaling overhead simply imposes a constraint on the minimization problem To evaluate phenomena 1), we need a method to allocate channels with mobile users Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

6 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Trading Between Call Blocking & Dropping Design Problem 5.2: To accelerate the handover process and reduce dropping : with FCA - each cell reserves its own handover channels with DCA - adjacent cells can share handover channels Reserved channels reduce the no. of channels for new calls but - increases the call blocking probability We need to tradeoff between call blocking and dropping ? Typically, call dropping should be smaller than blocking Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

7 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Call Blocking & Dropping Tradeoff (cont.) Beside offered load, other factors play a role in the tradeoff: Cell radius Smaller radius Higher handover rate Smaller radius Higher system capacity The proportion between mobile and “stationary” users Mobile speeds Again, it boils down into the problem of how to allocate channels for new calls and handover calls in a mobile environment Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

8 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Call Blocking & Dropping Tradeoff (cont.) The following analysis proposed by Foschini, Gopinath & Miljanic in 1993, lays the ground for such tradeoffs We restrict our attention however, to a simplified version Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA) Mobiles traveling in constant speed Uniform traffic and mobility characteristics Blocking and dropping are treated alike commonly referred to as “call rejection” We want a method to determine C (no. of channels/cell) such that the overall call rejection probability would not exceed p Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

9 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users The difference between the C’s with mobile users and w/o, is called the mobility cost Users are characterized by Exogenous arrival rate per cell - Expected call duration - Call termination probability upon leaving a cell - can be regarded as the mobility parameter Higher Higher mobility is a function of the cell size and mobile speed Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

10 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels w/o Mobile Users The No-mobility Case ( ) The cells are independent, thus given C is resolved from: No closed form solution - however increases in C Thus, C can easily be determined numerically Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

11 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users The Mobility Case ( ) Due to uniformity we may focus on a generic cell Call arrivals and departures are classified as follows: exogenous arrivals - completing calls rejected calls internal arrivals - calls in transition - Effective call arrival rate at this cell Expected call dwell time in this cell - Call rejection probability from an arbitrary cell Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

12 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users Given , we may approximate C by solving Approximation – since we assume that blocking events in each cell are mutually independent, hence internal arrivals are Poisson (which is clearly not the case) Thus, we need to express , with known params for which we also need Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

13 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Computing the Overall Call Rejection Prob. - A call can be rejected at any cell along its route if there are no available channels at that cell. Thus, The hop-number of the cell where the call is rejected Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

14 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) To express as a function of known parameters we solve: Which yields: (5.1) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

15 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Computing the Effective Arrival Rate - Definition Call conservation Equations and Equation and (5.2) (5.3) (5.2) (5.3) (5.4) (5.4) (5.1) (5.5) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

16 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Computing the Effective Service Rate - - The no. of cells visited by a call until normal completion - Dwelling time of a call in cell - Call duration For identically distributed , that are also independent of , we have: (5.6) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

17 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Computing the Effective Service Rate (cont.) From (5.6): (5.7) By definition: (5.8) Number of visited cells until termination Equations (5.7) and (5.8) imply (5.9) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

18 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Effective Offered Load to an Arbitrary Cell Effective arrival rate to a cell: Effective service rate in a cell: Thus, the effective offered is: (5.10) Offered load w/o mobility Mobility & dropping effect Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

19 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Required Channels with Mobile Users (cont.) Erlang-B Formula Recall that the required no. of channels is determined by: and from (5.1) : Thus, C is numerically resolved from: (5.11) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

20 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline We need to determine and , where - no. of channels per cell reserved for handover - no. of channels that can be used by new calls Subject to the constraints that Call dropping prob. of handovers Call blocking prob. of new arrivals A reserved handover channel is used only if all non-reserved are taken Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

21 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline (cont.) To differentiate between blocking and dropping probs. - Call dropping prob. from an arbitrary cell - Prob. that a new arriving call is blocked Note that calls subject to dropping are only the non-blocked is computed as before - but overall dropping prob. should satisfy rather , hence (5.12) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

22 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline (cont.) Since N is the same, the effective service rate in a cell is computed as before, yielding: (5.13) The effective arrival rate is slightly more complex Solving: ; and using (5.12) provides: ; (5.14) Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

23 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline (cont.) Thus, (5.13) and (5.14) imply that - Total offered load to a cell - Internal offered load to a cell Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

24 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline (cont.) To resolve , observe: ext. blocking calls ext. + int. int. overflow calls int. only int. dropped calls Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

25 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Analysis Outline (cont.) Thus, assuming all blocking events are independent, and are resolved from: ; Call blocking requirement Call dropping requirement Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

26 Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems - Cellular Networks -
Mobility and Handover Differentiating Between Blocking & Dropping Exercise: Complete and verify the derivation of and Lecture 6: Mobility & Handover Adv. Wireless Comm. Systems Cellular Networks -

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