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HOT WORDS #16 - #20.

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Presentation on theme: "HOT WORDS #16 - #20."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOT WORDS #16 - #20

2 FORTUITOUS Adjective Happening by chance
Finding the four leaf clover was a fortuitous event. I immediately put it in my pocket.

3 FURTIVE Adjective Done quickly and with stealth to avoid being caught
The burglar was as furtive as a fox while breaking into the car.

4 HYPOCRITICAL Adjective Insincere; pretending to be what one is not
The hypocritical “environmentalist” left the recycling event in a green Hummer.

5 IMMINENT Adjective About to occur
Imminent rain caused us to turn our car around and return home.

6 IMPASSIVE Adjective Without feeling or emotion; insensible
Upon hearing the jury’s verdict, the man’s impassive face revealed nothing about how he was feeling.

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