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Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing

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1 Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing
1 Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing Writing

2 Understanding Structure Analysis Summary Reproduction

3 Text Study—Understanding
I. Understanding Although names are generally used as signs in social life to distinguish one person from another, they can make a great difference to a person. Life will be different because of changing an appealing name. The text shows us some examples. Now make lists of the major points.

4 Part I: The importance of names (Para. 1~3)
Text Study—Understanding Part I: The importance of names (Para. 1~3) 1. Who’s Debbie? Why didn’t she like this name? A former waitress. It didn’t suit her good looks and elegant manner. It made her think she should be a cook.

5 2. According to Debbie, what difference did it
Text Study—Understanding 2. According to Debbie, what difference did it make when she changed her name to Lynne? Felt more comfortable. Other people started to take her more seriously.

6 3. What did the writer think of Debbie’s name change?
Text Study—Understanding 3. What did the writer think of Debbie’s name change? No use for Debbie’s professional achievement. Add a bit of self-confidence to her talents.

7 Part II. The positive and negative effects of
Text Study—Understanding Part II. The positive and negative effects of names on life. (Para. 4~7) 4. Which name bothers the art critic a lot? Jane, Joe, Arthur or Adrian? Why? Average Joe; Not qualified to be …

8 5. What did the woman feel when she knew the
Text Study—Understanding 5. What did the woman feel when she knew the impressive man was Harry? Why? Ill at ease Turn down a blind date with him because of his name.

9 6. What’s the personality of Julian? What about Rory?
Text Study—Understanding 6. What’s the personality of Julian? What about Rory? Julian active Rory quiet & thoughtful

10 7. Why do some students do better than others on the same essay?
Text Study—Understanding 7. Why do some students do better than others on the same essay? Boys with less appealing names will be given lower grades. Name prejudices affect classroom achievement.

11 Part III. The necessity of changing names. (Para.8)
Text Study—Understanding Part III. The necessity of changing names. (Para.8) 8. According to the writer, what can you do if your name doesn’t seem to fit you? With some determination, you can change your name.

12 II. Structure Analysis A. The Writing Model of the Whole Passage:
Text Study—Structure Analysis II. Structure Analysis A. The Writing Model of the Whole Passage: Example + statement + More Examples+ Restatement + Comparison What is the general statement? What are the specific examples? What is the comparison?

13 Names can affect people’s life. (Para.3)
Text Study—Structure Analysis The first example: A woman changed her name and became successful in her career. (Para.1~2) The General Statement: Names can affect people’s life. (Para.3)

14 The Specific Examples:
Text Study—Structure Analysis The Specific Examples: Example 1 (Para 4): An art critic should have a more refined name; Example 2 (Para 5): The most attractive male and female names; Example 3 (Para 5): One woman turned down a blind date because of the man’s name.

15 Text Study—Structure Analysis
Restatement Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we’re all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent. (Para. 6) Michael Hubert

16 Comparison Names can affect classroom achievements.
Text Study—Structure Analysis Comparison Names can affect classroom achievements. Names can bring other classroom differences. (Para.7~8)

17 To develop a paragraph by comparison
Text Study—Structure Analysis B. The Way to Develop Paragraphs: To develop a paragraph by comparison With comparison, a statement or viewpoint can be well-illustrated.

18 Text Study—Structure Analysis
Take Para.7 as an example.

19 People’s names are related to their achievement or behavior.
Text Study—Structure Analysis Para. 7 People’s names are related to their achievement or behavior. Viewpoint: A: Affect classroom achievement. Comparison: Grades on the same essays written by boys with good names and bad names. B: Other sources of classroom differences. Comparison: ) Performance of girls with appealing names and less appealing ones; 2) Popularity of the girls is related to their names.

20 Text Study—Structure Analysis
III. Summary This writer describes ways names can make a difference. One woman didn’t like her _____ name because it didn’t suit her ___________ or elegant manner and made her think she should be a cook. When she used her _______ name for her first, she felt more comfortable with herself, other people started to take her more ________ and gave her added __________. So some social scientists say that what you’re called can affect your life. One __________ former appearance middle seriously confidence prominent (to be continued)

21 Text Study—Structure Analysis
(continued) magazine consistently refused to print the writer’s name because his name made him more ________ to be a baseball player than an art critic. Other names would have been printed completely. At a party, another woman was ill _______ because the man whom she wanted the writer to introduce her to was the same person she had ___________ for a blind date because qualified at ease turned down of his name.

22 Text Study—Reproduction
IV. Reproduction Work in groups. Each member chooses a name in Section A and makes a conversation to tell others how the other people treat you because of your name. Remember to use the words & phrases you learned from the text. A sample beginning

23 A sample beginning A: Do you agree that sometimes people will treat
Text Study—Reproduction A sample beginning A: Do you agree that sometimes people will treat others differently because of their names? B. Yes. I used to be …, but now my name is … A: Why did you change your name? B: Because …

24 Active Expressions Focus Study

25 Notes to the Text—Active Expressions
I. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. e.g. What’s on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? What’s he up to? 他忙什么呢?

26 Find out the active expressions:
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 1. … I just feel like a Debbie. 2. One day, while filling out an application form ... 3. For better or worse, qualities such as ... 4. One woman I know turned down a blind date … 5. Several evenings later, she came up to me at a party ... 6. …you are not stuck with the label. Find out the active expressions:

27 whatever happens; even there are difficulties turn down
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions feel like (doing) sth. have a wish for; want fill out to put in; get fatter for better or worse whatever happens; even there are difficulties turn down refuse to consider come up to come close to; to equal be stuck with be unable to get rid of / go or do anything further, esp. because of difficulties

28 Translation 我不想喝茶。 她的两颊变得丰满了。 无论结果好坏,只要尽力了,就无怨无悔。 他的提议被拒绝了。
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Translation 我不想喝茶。 她的两颊变得丰满了。 无论结果好坏,只要尽力了,就无怨无悔。 他的提议被拒绝了。 他向我走来,问我现在几点。 我被这个问题缠住了。

29 Key I don't feel like a cup of tea. Her cheeks have filled out.
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Key I don't feel like a cup of tea. Her cheeks have filled out. 3. For better or worse, you won’t feel regret as long as you have done everything in your power. 4. His proposal was turned down. 5. He came up and asked me if I knew the time. 6. I am stuck with this problem. More Practice

30 More Practice 她觉得自己象个傻瓜一样。 我填表申请那个职位。 事情已经做了,不管结果如何,我们现在都没法改变了。
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions More Practice 她觉得自己象个傻瓜一样。 我填表申请那个职位。 事情已经做了,不管结果如何,我们现在都没法改变了。 他想参军,但因为身体不好被拒绝了。 你最近的工作和你惯常的高要求不同哦。 我们不得不接待不期而至的亲戚们。

31 Notes to the Text—Active Expressions
Key She felt like a fool. I filled out a form to apply for that vacancy. It's been done, and for better or worse, we can't change it now. He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health. Your recent work hasn’t come up to your usual high standards. We were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly.

32 II. Focus Study Translation 1. As His Name Is, So Is He!
Notes to the Text—Focus Study II. Focus Study 1. As His Name Is, So Is He! “as ... So …”结构在此用来表示相似或类比。“正如······就像······” Translation 沙漠似海,骆驼似舟。 As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship. More Practice

33 Key 用 “as ... so…” 结构翻译下列句子: 有其师必有其徒。 随着时间的推移,他们的希望开始变得越来越小。
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 用 “as ... so…” 结构翻译下列句子: 有其师必有其徒。 随着时间的推移,他们的希望开始变得越来越小。 Key As is the teacher, so is the pupil. As time went on, so their hopes began to decrease.

34 Translation 2. I just don’t feel like a Debbie.
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 2. I just don’t feel like a Debbie. feel like + sth. / doing sth. “想要某物;想做某事” Translation 我们都想庆祝一番。 We all feel like celebrating. More Practice

35 Key 用 “feel like” 结构翻译下列句子: 你想来一杯咖啡吗? 我现在不想去度假。
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 用 “feel like” 结构翻译下列句子: 你想来一杯咖啡吗? 我现在不想去度假。 Key Do you feel like a cup of coffee? I don’t feel like taking a holiday now.

36 3. One day, while filling out an application form
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 3. One day, while filling out an application form for a publishing job, the young woman impulsively substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie. 由 “while”, “when”, “after” 等连词引导的时间状语从句, 其谓语动词可以用限定或非限定形式。例句中的“filling out”为动词“fill”的非限定形式。例句中的时间状语从句谓语动词也可用限定形式改为: while she was filling out … Practice

37 Key 用 -ing 分词结构重写下列句子: After you have used the brush, put it in its
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 用 -ing 分词结构重写下列句子: After you have used the brush, put it in its proper place. Before he was in the army, he was an engineer. Key After using the brush, put it in its proper place. Before being in the army, he was an engineer.

38 Word Using Old to New Chinese to English

39 substitute A for B 用A代替B
Words and Expressions—Word Using I. Word Using 1. substitute ① vt. put or use sb. / sth. to replace sb. / sth. else; Phrase substitute A for B 用A代替B e.g. Because of the unexpected injury of the leading player, the coach had to substitute the reserve player for him.

40 e.g. Translation Key 1. substitute ② vi. act or serve at a replacement
Words and Expressions—Word Using 1. substitute ② vi. act or serve at a replacement e.g. Can you substitute for me at the meeting? Translation 在这种烹饪法里面可以用蜂蜜代替糖。 Key Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe.

41 e.g. Translation Key 1. substitute
Words and Expressions—Word Using 1. substitute ③ n. person or thing that replaces, acts for or serves as sb. or sth. e.g. There is no substitute for good food and exercise. Translation The teacher's ill, so a substitute is teaching today. Key 那位教师生病了,因此今天由代课老师教课。

42 Translation Key Phrase 2. characteristic
Words and Expressions—Word Using 2. characteristic ① a. representative; representing a person’s or thing’s usual character Translation 六月的特点是雨天多。 Key Rainy days are characteristic of June. Phrase be characteristic of

43 Translation Key 2. characteristic
Words and Expressions—Word Using 2. characteristic ② n. a special and easily recognized quality of sb. or sth. Translation Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. What characteristics separate Americans from Canadians? Key 基因决定了每一种生物的特征。 美国人和加拿大人的性格特点有什么不同?

44 Translation Key Phrases 3. approval n.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 3. approval n. If sb. or sth. has your approval, you like and admire them Translation 父亲对儿子的所作所为表示赞同。 Key The father expressed approval of what the son did. Phrases nod one’s approval nod in approval

45 approve v. say, show or feel that sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory 赞成; 认可; 满意同意
~ of sb/sth Eg. She doesn't want to take her new boy-friend home in case her parents don't approve (of him). 她不愿把新男朋友带回家, 怕父母看不中(他).

46 Translation Key Phrase 4. disapproval n.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 4. disapproval n. (of) opposite to “approval”; the state of having a bad opinion (of sb. or sth.). Translation She made no secret of her disapproval of what we had done. Key 她对我们所做的事毫不掩饰地表示反对。 Phrase disapproval of sth.

47 e.g. Translation Key 5. convey v.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 5. convey v. communicate or express sth., with or without using words e.g. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. Translation 他的音乐表达了一种乐观主义情绪。 Key His music conveys a sense of optimism.

48 e.g. Translation 6. qualify v.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 6. qualify v. (make) have the necessary skills, knowledge, ability, etc. to do sth. e.g. People on low incomes may qualify for a special heating allowance (津贴). Translation 本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。 This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualified a. 合格的,能胜任的

49 uncomfortable; anxious, or worried
Words and Expressions—Word Using 7. be ill at ease uncomfortable; anxious, or worried Translation 我在陌生环境中总觉得不自在。 Key I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment. 反义词 at one's ease e.g. Give him a drink to put him at his ease.

50 Translation Key 8. be / feel guilty of
Words and Expressions—Word Using 8. be / feel guilty of feeling unhappy because one thinks that he has done sth. wrong Translation Who are to blame for a sharp increase in the teenage crime? Families? Schools? In fact, the whole society is guilty of this trend. Key 面对剧增的青少年犯罪,该怪谁?家庭?学校?事实上,整个社会对此都有罪责。

51 Words and Expressions—Word Using
9. to … extent People use it to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true.    e.g. I agree with what you say to a large extent. To some extent you are correct.  To what extent can he be believed? 常用的搭配:to a large extent to some extent to a certain extent

52 Translation Key a piece of paper, giving information about it
Words and Expressions—Word Using 10. label n. a piece of paper, giving information about it Translation 我先看标签上的说明,然后决定买下它。 Key I read the information on the label, and then decided to buy one.

53 A mini-test Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases.
Words and Expressions—Word Using A mini-test Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases. As …, so … substitute characteristic approval disapproval be ill at ease be guilty of to … extent label

54 He expressed his ___________________ of what they had done.
Words and Expressions—Word Using He expressed his ___________________ of what they had done. 2. Such honesty is ___________ of him. 3. They were ___________ violence for dialogue. 4. ____ you treat me, ____ I shall treat you. 5. Attending such a formal and magnificent party for the first time, she felt somewhat _________. 6. Because there is no _____ on the luggage, we don’t know to whom it belongs. 7. I feel _______ about not having written to you sooner. 8. _____________, we must confess that this plan will not work out. disapproval / approval characteristic substituting As so ill at ease label guilty To some extent

55 II. Old to New famous; important fate admit trust quality prominent
Words and Expressions—Old to New II. Old to New famous; important fate admit trust quality prominent destiny confess confidence characteristic

56 colleague agreement certain, particular give deciding associate
Words and Expressions—Old to New colleague agreement certain, particular give deciding associate approval specific award determination

57 fill out an application form
Words and Expressions—C to E III. Chinese to English 填写申请表 认真对待某人 识别人 更适合做运动员 有助于结识新朋友 fill out an application form take sb. seriously identify people more qualified to be a player encourage new acquaintances

58 Debate

59 Debate Follow the steps below to have a debate on the topic :
Idea Sharing Debate Follow the steps below to have a debate on the topic : Do you want to change your name or not? Step 1: Express your opinions. Step 2: List at least 3 reasons or examples to support your opinions Step 3: Fight against the opinions of the other part. Tips

60 Expressions to show your agreement or disagreement
Idea Sharing Expressions to show your agreement or disagreement I agree with the author’s opinion that … I think it’s a good idea to … It may help if … The reasons I decide to … are as follows: Firstly, … Secondly, … By changing my name, I can … I disagree with the author’s opinion that … I don’t think it’s a good idea to … It is impossible to … I will never … The best to … is … The most important thing is …

61 Structure Writing Practical Writing

62 I. A Paragraph of Comparison
Writing—Structure Writing I. A Paragraph of Comparison Making comparison (对比法) is a typical method of paragraph development adopted in this passage so as to clarify the main points. Read the following paragraph and underline the comparison.

63 (先提主题再分别比较说明) General Statement
Writing—Structure Writing General Statement English language and Chinese language have many differences. First, in sound, English is different from Chinese. The Chinese language doesn’t have the sounds such as /ð/, /ǽ/,/^/, but English has them. In grammar, English has tenses which are expressed in a different way from Chinese. For example, the present tense is expressed by “to be doing”, while in Chinese it is indicated by the words “right now”. In spelling, the two languages are very different from each other. English uses 26 letters, but Chinese uses characters, which look like small pictures. (先提主题再分别比较说明) Comparison in all aspects

64 (先提主题再分别比较说明) General Statement
Writing—Structure Writing General Statement Clone is a great achievement in science. However, as to its application, different people take different attitudes. Many people are very excited about this technique. They think it offers the possibilities that human beings can breed excellent varieties of plants and animals by make full use of high-grade gene. Hence human can benefit a lot from it. While there are some other people who hold different opinions about the clone technique, because they think it is easily misused, which will bring about a disaster. For example, if it is carried out on human beings, it will lead to moral confusions. (先提主题再分别比较说明) Comparison in all aspects

65 Writing—Structure Writing
Writing Task Write a paragraph of about 80 words on something that people have different opinions on, trying to make some comparison in your work. Topic On rural workers For your reference

66 To be continued For Your Reference
Writing—Structure Writing For Your Reference There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers. No one denies the important contributions that rural workers have made to urban development. They have done most of dirty, dangerous and underpaid jobs in heavy industries, construction sites and other fields that city residents are unwilling to enter. They have become an indispensable part of urban life to a point where the machinery of a city cannot operate without these cogs even though they are To be continued

67 Writing—Structure Writing
(continued) small and unnoticed. Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urban consciousness. City residents complain that migrant workers have worsened traffic and sanitation problems and have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs. They also blame them for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.

68 II. Practical Writing Letter of Application
Writing—Practical Writing II. Practical Writing Letter of Application 1. What is a letter of Application? A letter of application is often used to apply for a vacancy in a company or for enrollment to a college.

69 2. Key points of writing a letter of application :
Writing—Practical Writing 2. Key points of writing a letter of application : What are applied for? What are your qualifications for this job? The letter forms.

70 I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to
Writing—Practical Writing Sample writing Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. I’m enclosing a copy of my CV, which gives details of my qualifications and experience. As you will see I have had 7 years’ experience of working in a business environment and have an RSA 2 in typing shorthand. Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so. I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully William Jeremy Smith

71 Writing—Practical Writing
Two letter forms

72 Mail box No.23, GX university
Writing—Practical Writing Mail box No.23, GX university Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Jan, 2008 缩进式 Compact System 96 Rosewall Drive, South town, SO3 4BT Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. … Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so. I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith

73 齐头式 Writing—Practical Writing Mail box No.23, GX university
Nanning, Guangxi , China 27 Dec, 2007 Compact System 96 Rosewall Drive, South town, SO3 4BT Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. … Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so. I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, William Jeremy Smith

74 Writing—Practical Writing
Your Task: Read the following advertisement of Compact System and draft a letter of application. Before you write, look at a model letter of application.

75 Personal Assistant/Secretary
Writing—Practical Writing COMPACT SYSTEM Personal Assistant/Secretary Required to assist department managers in our South town office. Applicants must have experience of working in a computer company and mustn’t have less than ten years’ job experience. Typing and shorthand preferred. Age: 30+. Salary: $8,500. The job does not involve any travel. Candidates must provide a CV, the names of two referees, and a statement of what makes a good PA/Secretary. Applications should be sent to: Compact System, 96 Rosewall Drive South town , SO3 4BT

76 The End of Section A To Section B

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