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Developing Community Partnerships

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1 Developing Community Partnerships
Becky Peterson & Kaitlin Thomas BEACON Afterschool Program Jumpstart 2016

2 Presentation Overview
Incorporating Community Partners Outreach Strategies Acknowledging Partners Q&A

3 BEACON Background Moab, UT
Established in 2005 in response to community needs assessment showing an alarming rate of teen depression and suicide. Grown into a 3 site program serving 665 K-8 students with 7 full time staff and about 30 enrichment leaders and tutors.

4 How are we able to serve 665 kids per year?.....

5 Some of BEACON’s Community Partners:
Moab Valley Multicultural Center (run clubs, provide translation services, professional development) Youth Garden Project (run clubs every trimester) USU-4H (run clubs) Grand County Public Library (run clubs) Archery Range- La Sal Mountain Outfitters (run clubs and provide equipment) Climbing & Mountain Bike Companies (provide gear, shuttle, guides/instructors) Moab Recreation and Aquatic Center (use of pool & extra life guards) Moab Gear Trader (provides gear/clothing for students that don’t have it, sponsorship of Dodgeball Tournament) WabiSabi (club supplies) KZMU (talk about programming, free advertising)

6 Ways to Incorporate/Utilize Community Partners
Run clubs Professional Development Translation Services Equipment and club supplies Transportation Instructors Club & event space Sponsorships of program, events Advertising (ex: local radio station)

7 BRAINSTORM ACTIVITY! Turn to a neighbor from a different organization and discuss the following questions: Who are your present community partners? Who could your future partners be?

8 Outreach to Partners Where to start?
What are your goals in working with partners? Building relationships outside of the organization; strengthening community support and investment Diversity in the program Help with enrichment? Help with tutoring? Space needed? Materials needed? What are different types of ways a partner could support your organization? Clubs, space, materials, guest teacher, professional development, community resource info/parent hand outs Make a list of possible partners in your area Make a list of potential clubs that a community partner could help out with Make a list of your program needs, and cross reference with your list of area partners

9 Outreach to Partners Making Contact
Think about who you are reaching out to and how does timing affect the contact you make EX: you want to do a water/river club, probably don’t want to contact the guiding company in June during high water In person meetings and phone calls. s get lost. Network to make new contacts- go to events in your community where you know potential partners can be found. Positive interaction and involvement is huge. Practice your organization’s schpeel! Think Outside the Box: using old/long standing community partners in new ways, connecting partnering organizations for new ideas (ex: YGP & MVMC)

10 ACTIVITY TIME! SCENARIO: You have decided to go to a non-profit networking event in your community. You are sharing a table with the program director from a local science education organization that you have been wanting to connect with to enhance your program. The key note speaker will be starting soon. You introduce yourself and state the organization you work for. They ask “What’s (insert organization name)?” You have 3 minutes to paint the picture of your organization and why you have interest in theirs. Find a neighbor from a different organization to complete the activity with. After the first 3 minutes, you will switch.

11 Acknowledging Your Partners
Logos on advertising Poster with logos in prominent location at event Press Releases & Newsletters: write ups/articles covering what you did/accomplished together Facebook/Social Media (schedule a community partner shout out day) Radio ads Events- invite them to participate so they can have community visibility. Also thank them live when a captive audience is present! Annual Report

12 Your Ideas? Questions? Thank you!

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