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Nd:YAG Solid Laser 3-2 / A-1 on the ground

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1 Nd:YAG Solid Laser System @ 3-2 / A-1 on the ground

2 Yb fiber and Nd:YAG multi-stage solid laser @ 3-2

3 Yb fiber laser for 1064 nm Output power : 100 mW
(Pulse energy : 0.88nJ) Spectrum 114MHz Pulse train

4 Strecher and pre-amplifier for 1064 nm
Output power : 1.0 W (Pulse energy : 0.1μJ) Spectrum 10MHz Pulse train

5 Nd:YAG amplifier

6 Nd:YAG amplifier

7 Wavelength conversion
To RF-Gun From amplfier

8 Laser injection to 3-2 RF-Gun

9 2016/3/29 ~ 30 GR_32 Study ・Laser energy 4.0mJ@1064nm 550uJ@532nm
・Under beam comissioning SC_32_4R SC_32_4

10 Yb fiber and Nd/Yb solid laser system on the A-1 ground
Yb fiber part (already installed) Repetition frequency 114.24MHz Wavelength selection 1030nm & 1064nm Repetition frequency 10MHz 1064nm oscillator (ANDi type) Grating stretcher (Transmission) SOA pulse picker Yb single mode fiber amp Menlo 1030nm oscillator FBG Yb-doped double clad fiber amp ASE rejection grating pair 1030nm oscillator (ANDi type) 1064nm 1030nm 1030nm oscillator (10.38 MHz) EO pulse picker Yb:YAG Thin disk regenerative amplifier 1064nm Nd:YAG regenerative amplifier Cryogenic Yb:YAG Thin disk main amplifier Nd:YAG main amplifier Nd:YAG for Phase-II Output(1064nm) Output(1030nm) Yb:YAG for Phase-III 96ns Delay => Combine => SHG => FHG

11 EO module pulse picker Pulse pick result Repetition frequency : 10Hz

12 Nd:YAG Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) Laser
○ 4-state laser is easy to operate. ○ High power pump LD is available. ○ High gain efficiency. ○ Large crystal is available × Small gain bandwidth. (Gaussian) 1.1% Dia. 4×93mm

13 Nd:YAG regenerative amplifier

14 On-going R&D for Nd Laser
Final amplifier for 5 nC generation => Nd disk stack laser with 885nm direct pump (Collaboration with IMS and Hamamatsu) Nd disk stack laser λ/4 Input 885nm 10 kW High Power Laser Diode Stack (Hamamatsu) Pump Output Room temperature IMS

15 Three level laser of Nd

16 885nm Direct Pump

17 Summary Two Nd solid laser system are almost ready at 3-2 RF-Gun (Multi-stage) and A-1 RF-Gun (Regenerative amplifier). Final amplifier for high charge generation is under development.

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