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بسمه تعالی.

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1 بسمه تعالی

2 List of operations done in Afzalipour and Bahonar Hospitals from 96/07/1 until 96/07/27

3 Laparotomy

4 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Gasteric cancer Exp lap Total gastrectomy Esophagojejunostomy Roux en y Dr dehghan 1 Gallbladder Adenocarcina Hepatectomy, hepatojejunostomy PSC liver transplantation Dr Dehghani 1.Periampuler tumor 2.Pancreatic cancer Whipple procedure 3 pheochromocytoma Exp LAP bilateral adrenalectomy Dr khojandi

5 Exp lap sigmoidectomy colorectal anastomosis
Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Gastric mass(GIST) Exp lap Sub total gastrectomy gastrojejunostomy braun anastomosis Dr khojandi 1 Sigmoid cancer Exp lap sigmoidectomy colorectal anastomosis Rectal cancer Exp lap Rectosigmoid resection colostomy insertion Dr behzadi Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Left lobe hepatectomy Dr dehghan

6 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar GI bleeding Exp lap Gastrotomy, BX, Overswing gastrorrhaphy Dr jafari Dr.khojandi 2 Small bowel perforation Entrolysis resection anastomosis 1 Peritonitis due to obstractive and perforation total colectomy ileostomy and Hartman pouch Dr behzadi Perforated peptic ulcer gastrorrhaphy omental patch over swing omental patch Dr shahmoradi dr dehghan dr taghipoor

7 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Leakage from previous ileal perforated site Exp lap Resection of ileum double barrle ileostomy Dr khajandi 1 Duodenal Perforation duodenorrhaphy Pyloroplasty jejunal flap gasterojejunostomy Dr taghi poor GI obstruction resection & anastomosis of small bowel Dr khojandi entrolysis appendectomy (bezoar) Entrotomy entrorrhaphy

8 Resection anastmosis of small bowel
Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar GOO Exp lap Gastrojejunostomy braun anastomosis trunchal vagotomy Dr khojandi Dr Dehghan 2 Abdominal pain excision of retroperitoneal mass . Ileal resection and anastomosis cystorrhaphy Dr jafari 1 oopherectomy Dr Dehghah Negative exploration Dr shahmoradi Abdominal mass Dranage of cyst Resection anastmosis of small bowel

9 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Left ovarian cyst Exp lap excision of teratoma Dr rahmani 1 Foreign body ingestion Gastorotomy Gastororaphy Dr taghipour Previous pelvic packing depacking and bladder repair Dr.poor rashidi Cholecystitis Open cholecystectomy Dr dehghan 2 Previous colostomy Colostomy closure Dr shahmoradi

10 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Peritonitis (Hemopritoneum) Exp lap Dr khojandi Small bowel transmural hematoma second look 1 Major thalasemia Splenectomy Dr dehghan Previous appendectomy remove of gauze Dr rahmani Peritonitis (mesenteric ischemia) explore of smv Small bowel resection and anastomosis Dr.jafari Previous gastrostomy EXP LAP Entrolysis and gastrorrhaphy

11 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Burning ingestion Exp lap gastrotomy esophadeal stent jejunostomy feeding tube Dr dehghan 1 Symtomatic gall stone Laparoscopy coverted to open cholecystectomy Dr behzadi 2 pseudocyst of pancreas cystogastrostomy Dr jafari Rectal prolapse rectopexy Dr khojandi

12 Total 50 afzalipoor 34 Bahonar 16

13 Trauma

14 Bladder rupture Pancratic hematoma Exp lap
Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar MT(Inguinal perineal & scrotal laceration transverse colon perforation Bladder rupture Pancratic hematoma Exp lap perineal repair hepatorrhaphy cystorrhaphy Colostomy insertion Dr jafari 1 MT EXP Lap Pelvic packing Dr taghipoor Antrolateral thoracotomy cross clamp of aorta spelenectomy EXP LAP splenectomy Dr behzadi

15 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar MT (R/O internal bleeding) Exp lap Negative laparotomy DR taghipour 1 Shut gun Enteroraphy,coloraphyresection anastomosis jeujunom Dr Poor rashidi

16 Total 6 afzalipoor Bahonar

17 Thorax

18 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Pericardial effusion Pericardial window Dr jafari 1 Tamponad Dr Dehghan Mediastinal mass 1.Thoracotomy and excisional biopsy 2.Mediastinoscopy 3.Ant.mediastinotomy and drainage of cyst Dr dehghan 3 VATS 4 Lt lung mass Thoracotomy lt pneumectomy Prolong intubation tracheostomy Dr rahmani Chest tube insertion 15 20

19 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Tracheal stenosis Rigid bronchoscopy Dr dehghan dr shahmoradi 2 Foreign body Aspiration Dr shahmoradi 1 Stab wound Thoracotomy .lung repair chest tube. resection and anastomosis of trachea dr jafari Rigid bronchoscopy and dilation Dr biglari Hydatid cyst Thoracotomy Evacuation of cyst Dr dehghani DR shahmoradi

20 Total 54 afzalipoor 32 Bahonar 22

21 Vascular

22 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Cut of Ulnar artery and flexure tendon End to end anastomosis Tendon repair Dr poorashidi, 1 Cut of radial branch ligation Dr jafari Carotid body tumor. resection of tumor Dr Behzadi MT Angiography of left lower limb and aortography Dr Najmadini Dr poorrashid 2 Femorofemoral anastomosis and angiography of aorta and left iliac artey. 2) right lower limb angiography Dr poorrashidi

23 brachioaxillary anastomosis with gortex
Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar ESRD AVF insertion Dr dehghan dr shahmoradi 2 brachioaxillary anastomosis with gortex SVC venography and shaldon insertion jafari 1 Native angiography ,SVC venography Dr taghipoor AVF aneurysm AVF closure Dr poorrashidi

24 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Lower limb ischemia 1.Popliteal bypass with RSVG 2.Femorofemural bypass with RSVG 3. PTA to PTA anastomosis Dr najmadini Dr jafari Dr behzadi 3 Cut down 1 Permicath insertion 2 8 Port insertion 6 Shaldon insertion 18 20 Cv line insertion 15

25 Total 95 afzalipoor 40 Bahonar 55

26 Pediatric

27 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Inguinal hernia herniorrhaphy Dr Rahmani 1 Wilm’s tumor EXP Lap excision Dr rahmani Obstruction Exp Lap Entrolysis Dr biglari Abdominal mass(teratoma) Exp lap Resetion of teratoma Dr rahamni Diaphragmatic hernia Repair of hernia LT ovarian cyst torsion EXP IAP LT oopherectomy Hirschprung “ disease Pull through

28 Total 7 afzalipoor Bahonar

29 Laparoscopy

30 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar SGS Laparascopic cholecystectomy Dr khojandi DR behzadi Dr jafari Dr najmadini dr.rahmani 10 16 ITP Laparoscopic splenectomy Dr zarepour 1 Myasthenia gravis laparoscopic thymectomy Dr dehghan ESRD Laparoscopic PD catheter insertion Dr dehghan dr poorrashidi 2 Morbid obesity Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

31 Total 34 afzalipoor 12 Bahonar 22

32 Breast

33 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Breast mass Excision Core needle biopsy Dr Poorashidi Dr taghipour Dr rahmani dr shahmoradi 3 7 MRM,LN dissection partial mastectomy Dr Najmadini dr poorrashidi BCT 2 Granolomatous mastitis Partial mastectomy Dr behzadi dr jafari 1

34 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afazali Bahonar Breast abscess Incision &drainage Dr poorrashidi 1 Genycomastia Mamoplasty

35 Total 19 afzalipoor 4 Bahonar 15


37 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Paratyroeid adenoma Lobectomy isthmectomy Dr jafari 1 Reccurent thyroid cancer total Thyroidectomy, Central LN dissection Dr najmadini Hurthle cell carcinoma total Thyroidectomy Dr behzadi hyperparathyroidism Parathyroidectomy,lt thyroid lobectomy ,Rt thyroid nodule excision 2

38 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Thyroeid Nodule lobectomy and isthmectomy Dr behzadi dr jafari 2 Thyroid nodule total thyroidectomy Dr jafari 1 MNG Dr khojandi Cervical lap Total thyroidectomy,lymph node disection Dr dehghan

39 Total 10 afzalipoor 1 Bahonar 9

40 Hernia

41 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Inguinal hernia Herniorrhaphy With mesh dr poorashidi dr taghi pur dr rahmani dr shahmoradi 8 4 Inguinal hernia& UDT herniorrhaphy ,Orchiopexy dr behzadi dr shahmorai 2 Ventral hernia dr poor rashidi 1 Incarcerated hernia Orchiopexy

42 Total 21 afzalipoor 13 Bahonar 8

43 Anorectal

44 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Perianal abscess I&D 4 2 Anal fissure PLIS 3 Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoidectomy 5

45 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Pilonidal sinus Excision 6 8 Perianal fistula 1.Fistulectomy &anorectal 2.Partial fistulectomy intersphincter muscle,interfistula ligation Dr behzadi 2

46 Total 32 afzalipoor 12 Bahonar 20

47 Appendicitis

48 Diagnosis Operation Resident appendicitis appendectomy 12 14
Afzalipour Bahonar appendicitis appendectomy 12 14

49 Total 26 afzalipoor 12 Bahonar 14

50 Others

51 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy DISSECTION dr khojandi 1 Axial LAP Ex Bx Cervical mass dr dehghan Wound infection D&I 5 Pilonidal sinus Excsision Dr Najmadini Dr Rahmani Dr Joorian Dr Khojandi Dr Shahmoradi 7 6

52 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar ESRD Peritoneal catheter insertion dr poor rashidi dr taghi poor 2 Lower limb abscess ak amputation 3 axial abscess D&I dr rahmani prolonge intubation tracheostomy dr shahmoradi Sebaceous cyst Excision dr zare poor 1 Axillary mass excision dr khojandi

53 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Umbilical Granuloma Excision Dr Poorashidi 1 Rectal polype Polypectomy dr poor rashidi Gluteal abscess D & i Dr shahidi Traceal stenosis Resection and anastomosis of tracheal Dr shahmoradi Hydrocel Hydrocellectomy Dr biglari

54 Total 41 afzalipoor 17 Bahonar 24


56 TOTAL 392 afzallipour 186 Bahonar 206

57 A 45 y/o man was sent to the emergency room after falling from a height of 6-meters,at the onset of unstable vital signs with GCSs 13/15 And with normal FAST Then gradually falling into consciousness which is under DPL,the result is positive. Then underwent EXP LAP and pelvic packing Finally the patient died due to respiratory cardiac arrest in icu

58 A 70years old man with chief complain of sever abdominal pain and melena transferred to afzalipour hospital and admitted with mesenteric vein ischemia diagnosis underwent laparotomy and exploration(resection anastomosis of small bowel) finally was expired due to cardiorespiratory arrest

59 A 65 yo ears old man known case of rectal cancer under chemotherapy who underwent laparotomy for subdiaphragmatic air fluid with GI perforation .however perforation of ileum was seen in laparotomy that underwent repair of ileum.patient had leakage from ileum repair and respiratory distress that underwent laparotomy (resection and double barrle ileostomy .the patient tranfered to ICU due to respiratory distress and finally expired because of cardiorespiratory arrest

60 A73 years old man known case of IHD under medical therapy with warfarine who addmited with abdominal pain since past night of admission, evaluated with abdominal CT and sonography that free fluid in morison was found and ileus pattern was seen in abdominal xray. so, underwent laparotomy that small bowel was necrosis.finally the patient was expired one day after surgery

61 A old weman with PMHx of HTN &IHD who addmited for fatigue and weakness since 4 days ago of admission also had a generalized abdominal pain same day of addmision was related with abdominal tenderness and overflow defication .so ,underwent laparotomy there was colon distention and mass in rectosigmoid junction that total colectomy was done finally she was expired one hour after surgery due to cardiorespiratory arrest.

62 Thanks for your attention

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