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CoRT 1 Thinking Tools DATT.

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1 CoRT 1 Thinking Tools DATT

2 CoRT 1 Tools and techniques
The CoRT 1 tools are part of the CoRT programm created by Dr Edward de Bono, with the aim to help persons explore and give breadth during decision making and problem solving.

3 CoRT

4 Consider All Factors: CAF
The CAF tool is the prime information input tool Used before generating ideas. The CAF tool is the process of exploring all factors in any situation.

5 Consider All Factors: CAF
Factors are like headings which then need to be further expanded and detailed. A CAF of a project would be – Purpose, Feasibility, Fit, Acceptance, Impact What should we bring to mind? What must we not leave out?

6 How to Consider All Factors: CAF
The factors affecting oneself The factors affecting other people The factors affecting your organisation The factors affecting the profession The factors affecting society in general.

7 First Important Priorities - FIP
The FIP narrows down long lists to those things that need to be done first and those things that are the most important Priorities guide all that we do, so priorities are extremely important. Some things matter much more than others

8 F.I.P. First Important Priorities
In choosing priorities ask two questions: Without this, (action) would the project go ahead. ie. feasibility Without this, (action) would project be worth doing ie. What is the value of this action

9 Aims, Goals, Objectives A.G.O.
The A.G.O. tool looks at the intention behind the actions. What is our purpose? The A.G.O. tool helps to clarify the aim, goal or objective of our thinking. Use it at the beginning of a thinking session The A.G.O. is an action tool. It is for making things happen ‘Aims’, ‘goals’ and ‘objectives’ all mean the same thing in the DATT course There are three levels of objectives: overall objectives, sub-objectives and right-now objectives

10 Aims, Goals, Objectives First there is the general aim of our thinking – such as exploring a subject or solving a problem We then plug in the specific need Think of alternate definitions to a problem. Some problem definitions are more productive than others

11 Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices APC
APC is an attempt to focus on exploring all the alternatives, choices, and possibilities - beyond the obvious.

12 Consequence and Sequel: C & S
Is a tool that is focused directly on the future Calls for crystallisation of the process of looking ahead To seeing the consequences of some action plan, decisions rules and invention on different time intervals

13 Consequence and Sequel: C & S
Immediate Short medium Long-term consequences

14 Decisions In making decisions you have to >  Consider all the factors. CAF >  Be clear about aims/objectives. AGO >  Assess priorities. FIP >  Look at consequences. CS >  Discover alternative courses of action. APC >  You can also do a PMI (plus, minus, interesting) on the decision once made.

15 Plus, Minus, Interesting: PMI
Designed to ensure that decision or commitment takes place after both sides of the matter have been considered and not before. The 'I' of PMI can be used as a tool in subsequent lessons.

16 Other People's View: OPV
This considers the process of looking at other people's viewpoints so that the process can be used consciously and deliberately to escape from one's own point of view.

17 PLANNING The idea is to use planning as a thinking situation which brings together: objectives (AGO), consequences (C&S), the factors involved (CAF) and the treatment of ideas (PMI).

18 RULES - Provides an opportunity for practicing PMI and CAF An existing or proposed rule is an opportunity for practicing PMI. The factors involved in making a rule provide practice in CAF. 

19 Now lets try to work some exercises

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