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Abstract ArT Sebastián pinzón.

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1 Abstract ArT Sebastián pinzón

2 Abstract art history Post Impressionism as practiced by Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne had an enormous impact on 20th century art and led to the advent of 20th century abstraction. The heritage of painters like Van Gogh, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Seurat was essential for the development of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century Henri Matisse and several other young artists including the pre-cubist Georges Braque, André Derain, Raoul Dufy and Maurice de Vlaminck revolutionized the Paris art world with "wild", multi-colored, expressive, landscapes and figure paintings that the critics called Fauvism. With his expressive use of color and his free and imaginative drawing Henri Matisse comes very close to pure abstraction in French Window at Collioure, (1914), View of Notre-Dame, (1914), and The Yellow Curtain from The raw language of color as developed by the Fauves directly influenced another pioneer of abstraction Wassily Kandinsky

3 Why did I choose abstract art
I choose abstract art because I think that the abstract art pieces are very interesting because they are really hard to understand and they do not represent anything , some people think that it is just painting anything but actually for painting abstract you have to have a big talent and have a lot of culture. That’s why I choose this vanguard.

4 Time Line

5 Henri Matisse He was the creator of Fauvism which influenced abstract art: Henri Matisse Fauvism founded (through revolutionary art group called the Fauves), which focused on (and excelled at) the use of colors to represent feelings rather than insist on a realistic representation of the subject of the original color in nature . For example, a woman's face can be purple and blue to represent the sadness macabre, instead of the usual peach or brown skin tones. The leaves of a plant could be red and green flowers, the wallpaper can be exaggerated in magenta instead of beige. Matisse painted with romantic colors and bold transitional expressing emotions and feelings instead of portraying a traditional and realistic "picture" of the subject. His paintings are of simple construction, almost comical, without too much unnecessary detail, giving a slightly abstract of paper cutting, with the outbreak in color.

6 Henri matisse art piece: Vegetables
I choose this art piece because is one of the most famous abstract art piece from Matisse and it is showing his methods for painting abstract art

7 Abstract pieces from pedro cabrera

8 Why did I choose him? I choose Pedro Cabrera because I think he does an excelent job representating this artistic vanguard (abstract art) not only in Colombia but in south America.

9 Apropiation This is my appropriation from Pedro Matisse art piece.

10 Explanation of the apropiation
Content Area: Europe Problemic Surrounding: Apropiation from European famous abstract pieces. Concept: It is a lot of food with the colors of Colombia at the back part of the apropiation Visual Language Elements: Shapes and forms Technique: Abstract Art Artistic Reference: Pedro Matisse: Vegetables

11 Reflection The third quarter I had a really bad behavior in class and I didn’t payed attention to my teacher instructions all though she tried to explain all the bimester so my creativity was really bad and I obtained really bad grades. My goal in this quarter is to improve my behavior in the classroom to understand my teacher and have a good grade in creativity.

12 Bibliography Marilo Dominguez (2012) No autor (no date)

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