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Lecture on Microcomputer

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1 Lecture on Microcomputer
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2 What is Microcomputer?

3 Typical Microcomputer Architecture

4 The Microcomputer Bus Address Bus
Information transfer one direction, microprocessor to memory or I/O elements, so unidirectional bus Typically 20 to 32 bit long Determines addressable memory, 1 MB to 4 GB

5 The Microcomputer Bus Data Bus Control Bus
Bidirectional i.e. to or from microprocessor Multiplexed / time shared data bus e.g. in bit address is send through 16-bit data bus and 4 status lines Determines the word size of the microcomputer Control Bus Used to send control signals to synchronize the operation of individual microcomputer elements Each microcomputer has a unique set of control signals.

6 Clock Signals Clock generator generates clock signals
Most MPs have external clock generator circuit Each instruction requires a number of clock signals Clock signals determines the speed of MPs The short period cycle means clock speed is large, means high speed of computer

7 The single chip microprocessor
Microprocessor is the CPU of the microcomputer The main areas of microprocessor Register section The control unit The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

8 Basic Microprocessor Registers
Instruction Register (IR): stores instructions Program Counter (PC): contains the address of the next instruction to be executed Memory Address Register (MAR): contains address of data Accumulator (A): typically a 8 bit register, used to store result after most ALU operations

9 Accumulator based vs. general purpose based microprocessor
Intel 8085 and Motorola 6809 are accumulator based. Accumulator is used as one of the data source Result goes to accumulator Example: ADD R1 General purpose based Intel 8066/../Pentium are of this kind. The registers contain hold data, memory address, results of ALU so on. Example: ADD AX, BX, ADD [AX], BX

10 Use of the Basic Microprocessor Registers
Let us add contents of two memory locations For example, add [2010] = 0002 and [2012] = 005 In general [NNNN] represents the content of the memory location NNNN.

11 Steps of Addition of [2010]+[2012]
Load MAR with 2010 Move contents of 2010 into data register, D0, which may be AX/BX etc. Increment MAR by 2 to hold 2012 Add D0 with [2012] and store the result into D0 Instruction set form Motorola 68000

12 L E PC L E L E E L

13 Microprogramming the Control Unit
Each instruction is executed by a set of microinstructions The microinstructions has their own codes The codes are stored into internal memory, called the control memory (ROM) Let us increment a register by 1






19 Assembly Language Instruction Format
Three address Two address One address Zero address CLD ; clear direction NOP ; No operation For all microprocessors

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