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IBL Wire Handling Concepts for Beampipe Support and Adjustment

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1 IBL Wire Handling Concepts for Beampipe Support and Adjustment
Neal Hartman June 21, 2011

2 Wire “Handling” Beampipe Extraction Requirements
Must either extend wire with zero radius increase OR remove adjuster Preferably, we can handle both Beampipe mounting requirements Must be able to “mount” wires to IST far inside the package This should be achievable with only wire action (not an absolute requirement, but preferable)

3 Extraction – Extend Wire with no Radius Increase
Installed Wire Extension Wire Wire Collet Trim back wire braid Wire Collet Epoxy or solder Wire Collet Inject or flow Into new collet Now Wire MAY pass Through collet

4 Extraction – Remove Adjuster 1/2
Adjustor Longeron Wire Install Temporary Jig Temporary Fixation Jig Adjustor Longeron Cut

5 Extraction – Remove Adjuster 2/2
Temporary Fixation Jig Adjustor Longeron Remove Adjustor, install Extension Temporary Fixation Jig Small Wire Crimp Longeron Extension Wire Now wire can pass into longeron

6 Beampipe Mounting Mechanism
OPEN for Insertion Closed for Support This is shown for Beampipe Diameter of ~50mm

7 IST Mounting Mechanism
OPEN for Insertion Clear bore Dia. 130 Closed for Support This is shown for IST Diameter of ~86mm

8 Issues – Wire Mounting Cruciform Hole is about 200mm
This shouldn’t pose problem for inserting wire mounting system However, mounts exceed this diameter when actuated Could be problematic on one side of the ID for beampipe bakeout (large axial motion) Wire also runs quite close to the cruciform Limits the size of the “leaf springs” and could be problematic May need positive engagement to ensure load carrying capacity for vertical wire (see next slide)

9 Wire Mechanism w/ Positive Engagement
Receiving fixtures On horizontal springs (perhaps unnecessary) Pins on vertical springs Actuation of horizontal wires performed first, then vertical wires, to engage pins and provide Positive engagement for movement/support in both dimensions.

10 Potential Solution to Size of Wire Mounting Mechanism
Thinner Thicker Fits within 200mm Diameter, but only barely…

11 Next Steps Clearly, all of this needs prototyping
Wire extension Adjustor removal Wire mounting For wire mounting, before prototype… Must analyse flexible structure (composite material) Define thicknesses, laminate, etc. Reduce size? Define necessary clear bore for IST insertion… One other note – baseline IBL weight will most likely exceed the wire tensions used in the original adjustors. This will most likely require some kind of re-design in order to handle higher load.

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