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I am Sam By: Amy Sampson.

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1 I am Sam By: Amy Sampson

2 Introduction Plot: Sam Dawson, a developmentally disabled father, has been raising his daughter Lucy since the day she was born. Sam continually receives parenting support and advice from his neighbor, Annie, and his close friends. Around the age of seven, Lucy is beginning to surpass her father’s intelligence and she holds herself back from learning. On Lucy’s seventh birthday, their lives turn upside down when Child Protective Services takes her away from her father. Lucy is placed into a foster home while Sam fights for his parental rights with his pro bono lawyer, Rita.

3 Sam Dawson

4 Sam Dawson About Sam: Characteristics of the Family:
Father of Lucy Diamond Dawson Intellectual capacity of a 7 year old child CPS took his daughter away from him Works at Starbucks, eventually gets two new jobs at Pizza Hut and as a dog walker “for supplemental income” His favorite things to do: eat breakfast at IHop and read ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ by Dr. Seuss Characteristics of the Family: Sam has a great support system Annie, his neighbor and Lucy’s godmother, offers advice and answers to all of Sam’s questions. When Sam cannot take Lucy to work with him any longer, Annie offers to watch her. Annie showed up to court for Sam to help prove that he is capable. Sam’s friends all love Sam and Lucy very much. They attend court with handmade signs to cheer Sam on. They all are eager to help Sam get Lucy back into their lives. His friends offer Sam and Lucy love, acceptance, advice, and laughs. Rita, Sam’s lawyer, originally does not believe in Sam and his abilities. She believes that his disability handicaps his ability to be a supporting father. As she gets to know him, she realizes that his intellectual capability does not effect his ability to care and love for Lucy. Sam’s boss at Starbucks is very supporting towards Sam’s disability and his daughter. He allows Lucy to come to work until she grows too big. He offers Sam a promotion at work to help him make more money and to prove to the court that he has potential.

5 Sam Dawson Stages of Acceptance: Resiliency Characteristics:
Denial: Sam is in denial that he is unable to care for Lucy by himself. He believes that he is fully capable even if Lucy’s intelligence continues to surpass his. Anger: Sam is angry that Child Protective Services has taken away Lucy. Bargaining: Sam moves closer to Lucy’s foster home. He is doing whatever he can to keep Lucy in his life. Depression: Sam sees Lucy outside with her foster mom and he feels replaced and hopeless. Acceptance: At the end of the movie, Sam is at peace. Sam, Lucy, Rita, and Randy are all at Lucy’s soccer game. There is a sense of togetherness. Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: Very High Sam and his supportive extended family are persistent in fighting for Lucy. He never lets the public transportation system get in the way of his scheduled visits with Lucy. He is prejudged by society that he is not independent, yet he continues to work hard to prove hi positive outlook on Lucy and Sam’s future. No matter the circumstance, Sam always remains honest. He never once stretches the truth to help with his custody case. To overcome his SES, he receives a promotion and tries his best to learn the new coffee drinks. Also, he steps out of his comfort zone and starts two new jobs, at Pizza Hut and as a dog walker for a higher income. He relocates to live closer to Lucy to maintain a strong parent and child bond. He gives parenting advice to Lucy’s foster family to help Lucy feel comfortable and more at home.

6 Lucy Diamond Dawson

7 Lucy Diamond Dawson About Lucy: Relationships: Daughter of Sam Dawson
Intelligent, loves to learn, and always asking questions and curious of her surroundings CPS takes Lucy away from her father on her seventh birthday Temporarily lives with a foster family Relationships: Lucy loves her father very much. As she is getting older, she becomes more curious and more aware of her Dad’s disability. She asks Sam, “You are different. You are not like other daddies. Did God mean for this to happen or was it an accident?” She has become embarrassed of her father, and she tells classmates that she is adopted and Sam is not her real father. She soon regrets this when CPS takes her away from him. Lucy misses her father and wants to live with him. Sam’s friends are family to Lucy. They have helped care for her and love her very much. She feels comfortable around all of them. Miranda treats Lucy so well; she tries her best to make Lucy happy. Miranda wants Lucy as her own daughter and plans to adopt her. Lucy does not open up to Miranda because she solely wants to be with her father. In the end of the movie, Miranda is in the stands with her husband watching Lucy play soccer. She is a great support system for Lucy.

8 Lucy Diamond Dawson Stages of Acceptance: Resiliency Characteristics:
Denial: Lucy tries to deny that her father has a disability. She begins to hold herself back from learning in the classroom and pretends that she cannot read certain words. She refuses to read the word “different” out loud to her father. Anger: Lucy is angry and embarrassed that her father has a disability. She tells classmates that she is adopted. Depression: Lucy is depressed when she moves into her foster home. She realizes that she only wants to her dad and no one else. Bargaining: Lucy begins to sneak out of her foster home at night to see her dad. She also tells Sam that the social worker changed her mind and said that they Acceptance: In the end of the movie, Lucy seems to have accepted her situation. She is full of joy with her father as the referee at her soccer game. She also has Miranda, Miranda’s husband, and Rita in the stands cheering her on and supporting her. Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: High Lucy is persistent toward seeing her dad. She continues to act and think positively toward Sam. At times, she does become upset or angry, but quickly bounces back and thinks optimistically again. She is continually gaining positive attention to prove that Sam is a great father. They have a strong parent and child bond, which has taught Lucy to be a loving, caring, and happy person. Even after being taken away from her dad and forced to live with a foster family, Lucy continues to smile and shine. She truly believes that, “All you need is love.”

9 Rita Harrison Williams

10 Rita Harrison Williams
About Rita: Sam’s ‘pro bono’ lawyer Self-centered and work obsessed Mother of son, Willy Never loses at anything Relationships: Towards the beginning of the movie, Rita does not seem to have many close relationships. She treats everyone disrespectfully and people seem to be frightened of her. Co-Workers whisper behind her back and clearly do not like her. Rita tries to prove to them that she is a giving person by publically telling Sam that she is his pro-bono lawyer. Her husband and son are both not close with Rita. She admits to Sam that her husband is cheating on her and her son doesn’t want to spend time with her. Sam changes Rita for the better. She opens her eyes and sees the pureness of Sam’s soul. His love for life and his optimism helps her figure out her priorities in her life. She stated to Sam, “I worry sometimes. I worry that I got more out of this relationship than you.”

11 Rita Harrison Williams
Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: Moderate Rita is a strong woman, but she hides her true feelings with anger and intimidation. She fights battles in court and never loses, yet she will not fight her own battles at home. She ignores her own personal issues. As Rita gets to know Sam she becomes a new person. She begins to focus on her parent and child bond. She leaves her husband because she realizes that she deserves to be treated with love and respect. She finally begins to have a positive outlook on life, which is all thanks to Sam Dawson. She fights until the end for Sam and does not give up. “I can go another nine rounds—you just need to let me in.” This quote was powerful to me because it shows that she doesn’t only care about winning, she truly cares about Sam and Lucy.

12 Annie Cassell

13 Annie Cassell About Annie: Resiliency Characteristics:
Sam and Lucy’s neighbor Lucy’s Godmother and piano teacher Annie does not leave her home Annie helps care for Lucy and answers all of Sam’s questions Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: Low Annie has not left her home since she was approximately 28 years old. She is not connected to outside organizations and does not have an active, persistent nature. She does have a strong bond with Sam and Lucy and completely steps out of her comfort zone to speak at court. In court she speaks meaningful words, “Look at Lucy. She is strong, shows empathy for all kinds of people. I know you all this she is smart despite of him, but she is smart because of him.” These words show her true love and support she has for Sam and Lucy. In court, Mr. Turner brings up Annie’s relationship with her father and how it has handicapped her ability to live a ‘normal’ life. She immediately becomes emotionally wrecked and needs an long period of time before she is comfortable leaving Rita’s vehicle.

14 Sam’s Friends

15 Sam’s Friends About Sam’s Friends: Resiliency Characteristics:
Sam’s friends include: Brad, Joe, Ifty, and Robert Sam’s friends have various disabilities Every week they have planned days they spend time with each other They are positive impacts on both Sam and Lucy’s lives They all love Lucy and continually support Sam in court Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: High All four of the friends have the ability to maintain a positive and optimistic outlook on life. They do not let their disabilities handicap them. They live life to their fullest potential. They are a great supportive family for Sam and Lucy. They show up to every court appearance cheering on Sam, Lucy, and Rita. The friends each speak with Rita and discuss how great of a father Sam is to Lucy. The friends also take care of Lucy and help Sam pay for Lucy’s new school shoes.

16 Miranda “Randy” Carpenter

17 Miranda “Randy” Carpenter
About Miranda: Lucy’s foster mom Lives in an upscale neighborhood Pushing to adopt Lucy, CPS approved request Resiliency Characteristics: Resilience Rating: High Miranda only wants the best life for Lucy. At first, she despised the thought of Lucy living with Sam. She did not believe in Sam’s ability to give Lucy a good life and upbringing. Miranda began to push for adoption, which was approved by CPS. Miranda had SES advantages, which gave her the ability to provide Lucy with material items and a large bedroom. Miranda soon realized that materialism is not going to win Lucy’s heart. Lucy needs warmth, empathy, and love—which Sam is fully able to provide. Miranda takes a step back and looks at the big picture. She puts aside any selfish tendencies she was feeling and displayed a great deal of kindness. Miranda brought Lucy to Sam’s apartment and said, “I have to apologize to you Sam. I was going to tell that judge that I could give Lucy the love that she has never had. But I can not say that Sam, because I would be lying. I’ll see you in court tomorrow. Save me a seat on your side Sam.” This moment is very enlightening, it shows that Sam’s loving nature has such a strong power on every person he meets.

18 Ms. Wright

19 Ms. Wright About Ms. Wright: Lucy’s teacher
Contacted by Child Protected Services She speaks with Sam about her concerns with Lucy She believes that Lucy is holding herself back from learning She shows Sam a picture that Lucy drew and believes it defines what Lucy is feeling on the inside

20 Conclusion At the end of the movie, Lucy is participating in a soccer game, Sam is refereeing the game, and Rita, Rita’s son, Miranda, and Miranda’s husband are all cheering in the stands. Their expressions are joyful and loving, and they all seem to be at a peaceful state in their lives. I believe that Miranda and Miranda’s husband agreed to joint custody with Sam. I believe that they are all working together as one family to provide Lucy with the best life possible. Lucy is so lucky to have an extended support system that love her so much. This movie really shows that you do not need much to be happy. No matter if an individual is rich, poor, disabled, divorced, etc. he or she can still be happy if he or she has a support system and has the ability to love. The ability to love, care, show empathy, and remain optimistic is the real prize in life.

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