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2 x 2 x 2 = 8 - Count them three 2’s 23 = Note the exponent 3

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Presentation on theme: "2 x 2 x 2 = 8 - Count them three 2’s 23 = Note the exponent 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 How many ways are there of expressing how many 2’s we can multiply to make 8
2 x 2 x 2 = 8 - Count them three 2’s 23 = Note the exponent 3 log2 (8) = 3 - Express as a logarithm.

2 How many ways are there of expressing how many 2’s we can multiply to make 8
2 x 2 x 2 = 8 - Count them three 2’s 23 = Note the exponent 3 log2 (8) = 3 - Express as a logarithm. The number of 2s we need to multiply to get 8 is 3 therefore the logarithm is 3.

3 Working with Logs The base: the number we are multiplying (i.e. 2)
Notice we are dealing with three numbers log2 (8) = 3 The base: the number we are multiplying (i.e. 2) How many times to use it in a multiplication (3 times, this is the logarithm) The number we want to get to (i.e. 8)

4 Working with Logs Example calculation log5 (25) = ___ This is asking us how many times we need to multiply the base (5) by itself (the logarithm) to find the value in the bracket.

5 Working with Logs Example calculation log5 (25) = 2 This is asking us how many times we need to multiply the base (5) by itself (the logarithm) to find the value in the bracket.

6 Find the Logarithm Try a few – NO CALCULATORS log5 (25) = ____

7 Find the Logarithm Try a few – NO CALCULATORS log5 (25) = 2

8 Logs and Exponents So a logarithm tells us how many times we need to multiply the base by itself to find a value. An exponent also does the same thing 23 = 8 log2(8) = 3

9 Consider Following… bK = c If; b = 2 k = 3 Then 23 = 8 Therefore c = 8

10 Consider the following…
bK = c What if c and b are known but K is not. e.g. 2k = 16 Guessable while K remains small but much harder once things get large (or very small) e.g. 2K = 8,388,608

11 Consider the following…
Since logarithms and exponents are inverse expressions we can take a log (logarithm) to find K (the exponent)…. Like so… 2k = 16 log2(16) = k i.e. How many times do we need to multiply 2 by itself to get 16… answer is 4.

12 Consider the following…
But what about… 2K = 8,388,608 log2(8,388,608) = k How many times do we need to multiply 2 by itself to get 8,388,608… now we’ll need a calculator.

13 Consider the following…
But what about… 2K = 8,388,608 log2(8,388,608) = k How many times do we need to multiply 2 by itself to get 8,388,608… now we’ll need a calculator.

14 Logs on the Calculator Because your calculator has been designed by an engineer the log button has a preset base. The log button is set to do log10, the most commonly used base. In fact so commonly used that when you see log(8) = X it means log10(8) = X therefore X is 0.90. Try these… Log10(10) = 1.00 Log10(200) = 2.30 Log10(1000) = 3.00 Log(100) = 2.00 Log(95421) = 4.98 Log(542) = 2.72

15 Logs on the Calculator There is another preset more often used by mathematicians which uses Euler's number as the base ( ). This number can be found by doing some complicated work with triangles and circles… BUT occurs “naturally”. We therefore call this a natural log. You will find it as a preset on your calculator as “ln”.

16 Logs on the Calculator log2(8,388,608) = ____
ln is the same as writing log Therefore these two expressions mean the same log (8) = 2.08 ln(8) = 2.08 Try these… log(5987) = _____ log10(1120) = ____ ln(85) = _____ ln(380) = ____ ln(X) = 3.22 log2(8,388,608) = ____

17 Logs on the Calculator log2(8,388,608) = ____
ln is the same as writing log Therefore these two expressions mean the same log (8) = 2.08 ln(8) = 2.08 Try these… log(5987) = 3.78 log10(1120) = 3.05 ln(85) = 4.44 ln(380) = 5.94 ln(X) = 3.22 log2(8,388,608) = ____

18 ln(x) = 3.22 When moving a log from one side of an equation to another we must use the inverse function (like x and ÷) For a log we use the exponent so… ln(x) = 3.22 Becomes x = e^3.22 (x = 25.03) You will find the e symbol as 2nd function ln.

19 ln(x) = 3.22 The same goes for a log where 10 is the base Log10(x) = 3
Becomes x = 10^3 You will find the 10x as 2nd function log.

20 log2(8,388,608) = ____ If you’ve been paying attention you will have noticed I STILL haven’t answered this equation. This requires you to use a log with 2 as the base – not a preset on your calculator therefore you will need to convert from log10 to log2. You can do so using this equation loga(x) = log x / log a If you are fancy you may have the ability to set your own logs on your calculator….

21 Logs on the Calculator Converting logs: loga(x) = log x / log a E.g.
X = log8 / log2 X = 3

22 Logs on the Calculator … 23  Converting logs: loga(x) = log x / log a
So finally what is log2(8,388,608) … 23 

23 Practice Page log2.71828 (4) = x log(30) = x ln(x) = 3.02 ln(30) = x
log(8.2X108) = x log10(980) = x ln(42) = x

24 Practice Page log(30) = 1.48 log2.71828 (4) = 1.39 ln(30) = 3.40
log(8.2X108) = 8.91 log10(980) = 2.99 ln(42) = 3.74 log (4) = 1.39 ln(20.49) = 3.02 log( ) = 3.54 log6(1296) = 4 Log4.5(900) = 4.52

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