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Here Am I, Send Me The Life of Isaiah the Prophet Isaiah 6:8

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1 Here Am I, Send Me The Life of Isaiah the Prophet Isaiah 6:8

2 Isaiah the Prophet His name means “Yahweh is salvation” (1:1)
He wrote about the acts of King Uzziah and King Hezekiah (2 Chron. 26:22; 32:32) He worked in ungodly times (1:1; 6:1; 14:28) and wrote to ungodly people (30:8-9)

3 Isaiah the Prophet He saw the Lord in his temple on his throne and was humbled (6:1-5) He was first saved (6:6-7), then sent (6:8); he was bold and uncompromising; ready to preach God’s word to an unbelieving people (6:9-10; quoted in Mt. 13:14-15; Jn. 12:40; Acts 28:26)

4 Isaiah the Prophet He had personal contact with the leaders of Israel (7:3; 8:2; 36:1-39:8) He was married with two boys (7:3; 8:1-4, 18) He feared the Lord, not the people (8:11-13) He waited patiently for the Lord (8:16-18) He obeyed without hesitation (20:1-6)

5 Here Am I, Send Me Readiness: he offered himself without being told (Rom. 1:15; Tit. 3:1) Selflessness: he offered himself, not just his things (2 Cor. 8:5) Courageousness: he offered himself to do a difficult task (Acts 4:13, 29, 31; 28:31; Heb. 10:35; 1 Jn. 2:28)

6 Here Am I, Send Me Abraham said “Here am I” – ready to sacrifice (Gen. 22:1) Moses said “Here am I” – ready to lead (Ex. 3:4) Samuel said “Here am I” – ready to listen (1 Sam. 3:4-10) ________ said “Here am I” – ready to obey

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