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Chest Trauma Dr. Khayal Al Khayal.

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Presentation on theme: "Chest Trauma Dr. Khayal Al Khayal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chest Trauma Dr. Khayal Al Khayal

2 Introduction Chest trauma is often sudden and dramatic
Accounts for 25% of all trauma deaths 2/3 of deaths occur after reaching hospital Serious pathological consequnces: -hypoxia, hypovolaemia, myocardial failure

3 Mechanism of Injury Penetrating injuries E.g. stab wounds etc.
Primarily peripheral lung Haemothorax Pneumothorax Cardiac, great vessel or oesophageal injury

4 Blunt injuries Either: direct blow (e.g. rib fracture) - deceleration injury or compression injury Rib fracture is the most common sign of blunt thoracic trauma Fracture of scapula, sternum, or first rib suggests massive force of injury

5 Chest wall injuries Rib fractures Flail chest Open pneumothorax

6 Rib fractures Most common thoracic injury
Localised pain, tenderness, crepitus CXR to exclude other injuries Analgesia..avoid taping Underestimation of effect Upper ribs, clavicle or scapula fracture: suspect vascular injury

7 Flail chest Multiple rib fractures produce a mobile fragment which moves paradoxically with respiration Significant force required Usually diagnosed clinically Rx: ABC Analgesia

8 Flail chest

9 Flail Chest - detail

10 Open pneumothorax Defect in chest wall provides a direct communication between the pleural space and the environment Lung collapse and paroxysmal shifting of mediastinum with each respiratory effort ± tension pneumothorax “Sucking chest wound” Rx: ABCs…closure of wound…chest drain

11 Lung injury Pulmonary contusion Pneumothorax Haemothorax
Parenchymal injury Trachea and bronchial injuries Pneumomediastinum

12 Pneumothorax Air in the pleural cavity
Blunt or penetrating injury that disrupts the parietal or visceral pleura Unilateral signs: movement and breath sounds, resonant to percussion Confirmed by CXR Rx: chest drain

13 Pneumothorax

14 Tension pneumothorax Air enters pleural space and cannot escape
P/C: chest pain, dyspnoea Dx: - respiratory distress tracheal deviation (away) - absence of breath sounds - distended neck veins hypotension

15 Surgical emergency Rx: emergency decompression before CXR Either large bore cannula in 2nd ICS, MCL or insert chest tube CXR to confirm site of insertion

16 Haemothorax Blunt or penetrating trauma
Requires rapid decompression and fluid resuscitation May require surgical intervention Clinically: hypovolaemia absence of breath sounds dullness to percussion CXR may be confused with collapse

17 Heart, Aorta & Diaphragm
Blunt cardiac injury contusion ventricular, septal or valvular rupture Cardiac tamponade Ruptured thoracic aorta Diaphragmatic rupture

18 Cardiac Tamponade Blood in the pericardial sac
Most frequently penetrating injuries Shock, JVP, PEA, pulsus paradoxus Classically, Beck’s triad: - distended neck veins - muffled heart sounds - hypotension Rx: Volume resuscitation Pericardiocentesis

19 Cardiac tamponade

20 Aortic rupture Usually blunt trauma involving deceleration forces; especially RTAs ~90% die within minutes Most common site near ligamentum arteriosum Dx: clinical suspicion, CXR, aortography, contrast CT or TOE Rx: surgical…poor prognosis

21 Aortic rupture

22 Iatrogenic trauma NG tubes: -coiling endobronchial placement pneumothorax Chest tubes: - subcutaneous intraparenchymal intrafissural Central lines: - neck coronary sinus pneumothorax

23 Line in jugular vein

24 Misplaced nasogastric tube

25 Chest trauma: summary Common Serious
Primary goal is to provide oxygen to vital organs Remember Airway Breathing Circulation Be alert to change in clinical condition

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