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TE/EPC activities for LINAC 2, PSB, PS & TT2 during EYETS

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2 TE/EPC activities for LINAC 2, PSB, PS & TT2 during EYETS 2016-2017
coordination meeting Yves Gaillard, Serge Pittet TE/EPC on behalf of TE/EPC colleagues

3 Summary Linac 2 Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter PSB
Installation of a power switch in 271 (MPS Output filter) New Alcove Construction for PSB Injection BSW Power Converter’s Pulse Transformers Installation of the new power converters for BSW magnets PS POPS DSP1 capacitor bank and filtering capacitors replacement PS-MPS (motor/generator set) tests on PS magnets Replacement of QSK, DHZ and DVT power converters Installation of new power converter for RPADH.355.PR.RXN060 Installation of new power converters for the 40MHz RF cavities Control upgrade of the PFW and W8 circuits power converters TT2 Installation of a new power converter for F16.QFN215 Magnet

4 Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter + 1 spare
LINAC2 Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter + 1 spare LTBHZ20 (old TEKELEC)  new APOLO_2p Done: Power converters delivered To do during EYETS: AC, DC and Ethernet cabling. Cooling Installation and commissioning of the converters. APOLO 2p (±450V/±400Arms) WHEN: 1 week testing (March 2017) WHERE: Bdg. 355 Technical responsible: Christophe MUTIN

5 PSB WHERE: 271 WHEN: January 2017 Technical responsible: ECR:
Modification of the PSB – MPS output filter As part of the POPSB project a new switch will be installed in building 271. This switch will allow us to go back to the MPS in case of problems with POPSB. To do: Moving and rewiring capacitor banks of the output filter Status: Done: Metallic support for capacitors To do during EYETS: Switch installation Moving capacitors Cabling Modification of fences WHEN: WHERE: January 2017 271 Technical responsible: ECR: A. BESSONNAT PSB-LJ-EC-0008

6 PSB WHERE: WHEN: Building 361 February and March 2017
Installation of the new power converters for PSB injection BSW magnets (stripping foil) For the new 160MeV beam injection from Linac4 into the PSB, 16 new power converters have to be installed in BRF2 room and a section of the BAT in building 361. Status: Done: area cleaned, new false floor built, concrete passages and doors extended for rack transportation. In progress: New updated ECR for false floor reinforcement (for transport) To do during EYETS: False floor reinforcement (not under direct EPC responsibility) and power converters installation BRF2 WHEN: WHERE: February and March 2017 Building 361 Technical responsible: ECR: Davide AGUGLIA Pending

7 PSB WHERE: WHEN: Building 361 During all EYETS time
New Alcove Construction for PSB Injection BSW (stripping foil) Power Converter’s Pulse Transformers For the new 160MeV beam injection from Linac4 into the PSB, a new set of slow bumper magnets (BSW) has to be supplied by new power converters including pulse transformers. Status: Done: Alcove CERN design and ECR In progress: Civil engineering final structure design (External contract) To do during EYETS: Civil engineering works to build at least the new alcove’s concrete floor/slab New Alcove WHEN: WHERE: During all EYETS time Building 361 Technical responsible: ECR: Davide AGUGLIA PSB-K-EC-0002

8 POPS activities EYETS 2016-2017
2 new fully equipped containers installed during next EYETS When: February 2017 Output filter capacitors need to be changed with new more robust solution. 4 capacitors to change. Time request: 1 week testing during hardware tests period (March 2017) Technical responsible: Fulvio BOATTINI

9 PS MPS activities EYETS 2016-2017
After the major event of the (short-circuit at one disconnecting switch), it’s necessary to test the PS-MPS on the PS magnets. Status: Done: 06/2016: Siemens maintenance and verifications 06/2016: Replacement damaged switch by copper bars 06/2016: Motor/Generator started without load To do during EYETS: 11/2016:PS magnet pulsed with PS-MPS Time request: One day (ideally during RP cooling time before access) Technical responsible: Yves GAILLARD

10 New power converters for low energy quadrupoles
PS New power converters for low energy quadrupoles Replacement of QSK, DHZ and DVT power converters CANCUN_20 ±20A/ ±75V Manufactured in 2015, FGC3 To do during EYETS: Existing converters dismantling. Installation of a new supporting structure. AC, DC and Ethernet cabling. Installation of new racks. Installation and commissioning of the converters. WHERE: WHEN: Bdg. 355 and 368 1 week testing (March 2017) Technical responsible: Serge PITTET ECR: Pending

11 PS Installation of new power converter for RPADH.355.PR.RXNO60 WHERE:
Manufacture and commission Chromaticity Sextupoles Power Converter Status: Done: Power converter installation and services In progress: Production of the Reg FGC3 electronic crate To do during EYETS: Installation of Reg FGC3 crate Commissioning APOLO 2s (900V/450A) WHEN: WHERE: Commissioning: April 2017 Building 355 Technical responsible: Christophe MUTIN

12 PS Installation of new power converters for 40/80MHz RF cavities WHEN:
In the current situation, there are five power converters installed in building 151. These 20 years old converters are rated to 100kW (24kV/4A) and will be replaced by five 200kW (25kV/8A) converters. Status: Done: 3ph 400VAC/400A installed from ERD14 Water cooling To do during EYETS: Installation of one power converter Modification of the supporting structure FGC3 Ethernet cables Five HV DC cables to be installed from bld.355 to RF cavities + one HV DC cable from bld.355 to bld.151 Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) WHEN: Commissioning: April 2017 WHERE: Building 355 Technical responsible: Louis DE MALLAC ECR: PS-R-EC-0001

13 PS Control upgrade of the PFW and W8 circuits power converters WHEN:
Within the consolidation program, the existing RTI1553 control of the PFW and W8 power converters will be upgraded to FGC3 control. GEREG Reg FGC3 Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) Status: In progress: Production of Reg FGC3 crates To do during EYETS: Installation of Reg FGC3 crate Commissioning WHEN: WHERE: Commissioning: April 2017 Building 355 Technical responsible: Olivier MICHELS ECR: Pending

14 TT2 Installation of a new power converter for F16.QFN215 Magnet WHEN:
A new regenerative power converter F16.QFN215SPARE will be installed to power the magnet F16.QFN215 in the F16 transfer line (in TT2). Status: Done: Power converter delivered AC cables installed Existing DC cables used To do during EYETS: Gateway for FGC3 Controller Cooling Power converter tests on dummy load Power converter tests in situ Type: SIRIUS (±450V/±900A) WHEN: WHERE: Commissioning: 1 week April 2017 Building 250 Technical responsible: K. PAPASTERGIOU ECR: PS-R-EC-0002



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