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Case Discussion Intern 蘇熙淵.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Discussion Intern 蘇熙淵."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Discussion Intern 蘇熙淵

2 Name: 陳X珊 Gender: female Age: 19 Admission Date: 95/8/30 95/9/25

3 Chief Complaint For CXR multiple bilateral reticular patches surveys

4 Spontaneous pneumothorax
Present illness Sudden onset SOB 奇美ER— Spontaneous pneumothorax Chest tube f/u CXR Multiple reticular patch bil lung NCKUH ER Chest discomfort SOB(+), DOE(+) 95/06 95/8/23 95/8/30 Chest tightness , cold sweating, radiation, orthopnea, PND cough, sputum, hemoptysis, generally weakness, poor appetite and BWL

5 Past History G3P0AA2, GA 10+ weeks HTN (-) DM (-) Asthma (-)
Pneumothorax history: denied NKDA Smoking (-) Drinking (-)Betel nut (-)

6 Physical Examination Chest Heart No Heaves and thrill.
T/P/R: 37/ 84/ ;BP: 101/ 65 Chest Symmetric expansion, no retraction, accessory muscle use(-) Breathing sounds: wheezing (-), crackle (-), Right side: chest tube wound pain Heart No Heaves and thrill.

7 Lab Data

8 生化檢驗報告: 95/08/30 CREA L 0.5 mg/dl 0.7-1.2 GOT 25 U/L 0-40
BUN mg/dl NA mmol/L K mmol/L GPT U/L GLU.P.C. H 124 mg/dl

9 血液檢驗報告:95/08/30 WBC H 11.1 K/cmm 3.2-9.2 APTT(NP) 29.20 secs
RBC M/cmm Hb g/dl Hct % MCV fl MCH pg MCHC g/dl RDW % Pl H 386 K/cmm PT secs PT(NP) secs APTT secs APTT(NP) secs Blast % Pro % Myelo % Meta % Band % Seg H 79.1 % Eos % Baso % Mono % Lymph L 13.1 % Aty-lym - %

10 ABG(95/08/30) PH 7.442 7.35-7.45 PO2 L 73 mmHg 75-100 TCO2 23.7 mmol/L
BEecf mmol/L %sO2c % PCO2 L 32.8 mmHg HCO mmol/L BEb mmol/L SBC mmol/L

PFT 95/09/01 PRED BEST %PRED BEST %PRED FVC FEV FEV1% MVV TLC RV DLCO mild restrictive ventilatory defect severe impairment diffusion capacity

12 95/09/14 95/09/15 RF <20.0 IU 0-20 ANA * 1: 40(+-)
Anti-nDNA 1: 10(-) SSA/SSB Ab SS- A Ab Negative SS- B Ab Negative Anti-ENA screening Negative

13 Imaging Study(8/23)

14 Imaging Study(8/29) Bilateral Reticular patch

15 CT(9/19)

16 Differential diagnosis
Alveolar proteinosis Interstitial pneumonitis Crypyogenic organizing pneumonia ARDS lymphangioleiomyomatosis

17 Diagnosis Multiple bilateral reticular patches, suspect lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)

18 Chest Ward (8/30~9/2) DxMultiple bilateral reticular patches, suspect lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)? PFT CS: thoracoscopy biopsy, CT OBS-GYN Abdominal echo ANA / RF 9/2MBD OPD for termination

19 9/11 suction D&C (GA 12+ wks) 9/25 CS OPD
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Arrange 10/23 admission, 10/24 OP

20 OP Note: Diffuse alveolar disease, susp proteinosis VATS wedge resection of RLL

21 Pathology(10/24) Alveolar proteinosis PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:
MICROSCOPIC FINDING: Section shows lung parenchyma with accumulation of an amorphous eosinophilic PAS-positive material in the alveolar lumina. Small lymphoid aggregation in the interstitium and some proliferation and desquamation of pneumocytes are also noted. There is no evidence of malignancy.   

22 Discussion

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