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Fungicides, Rodenticides, Molluscicides, and Nematocides

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1 Fungicides, Rodenticides, Molluscicides, and Nematocides
Unit 19

2 Fungicides Control fungi Spores Rusts, mildew, molds, smut
Lack chlorophyll Spores

3 How Fungicides Work Prevent germination and/or growth Systemic

4 Effects of Fungus Leaves Leaf spot diseases
Destroys cells that manufacture food Rust disease

5 Effects of Fungus Stems, Fruit, and Seed Pods High humidity and rain

6 Effects of Fungus Roots Root rot and root mold
Soils that do not drain well

7 Rodenticides Rats, mice, other rodents Stomach poisons *Warfarin

8 Molluscicides Snails and Slugs Hide during day, feed at night
Snails vs. Slugs Slimy trail Cool, moist place

9 Molluscicides Control Rough sand, ashes, gravel, cinders Pan of beer
Yeast w/ water *Escar-Go!

10 Nematocides Small hairlike worms, feed on roots
Swim in soil water from plant to plant Control Fumigants

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