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Dr MC Luk Dr KB Tai CCMU, AHNH 19 Jan 2010

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1 Dr MC Luk Dr KB Tai CCMU, AHNH 19 Jan 2010
Bug’s Life Dr MC Luk Dr KB Tai CCMU, AHNH 19 Jan 2010

2 Background 75-yr-old man NSND ADLI , lived with family
Retired civil servant (Street cleaner)

3 Past medical history Anti-GBM disease
Presented to medical team in 4/2009 with rapid progressive renal impairment Serum Cr 420 umol/L Proteinuria 2.2g/day & CrCl 17ml/min Anti-GBM Ab 54.5 RU/ml (Ref <20 RU/ml) Renal biopsy: 10/15 glom with cellular crescents, 1 completely sclerosed Moderate degree of interstitial fibrosis & tubular atrophy IF: diffuse global linear staining for IgG, C3, kappa, lambda Compatible with cresenteric GN, anti-GBM disease No pulmonary involvement

4 Eosinophilia (absolute count 1.1 x 10^9/L, 15.1%)
Urine: mild eosinophils, no malignant cells Suspected herbs related renal toxicity initially, in view of recent herbs intake Poison center consulted -> not related to herbs

5 Given 5 courses of plasmapharesis & prednisolone 1mg/kg/day since 7/5/09
Anti-GBM Ab normalised 18 on 25/5/09 (Ref <20 RU/ml) Added cyclophosphamide 50mg once (on alt day) since 12/6/2009 Latest prednisolone dose 35mg daily Cr ~380 umol/L in 6/2009 Eosinophil count 0.0

6 History of present illness
Admit to medical ward on 21/6/09 Presented with dysuria, AROU, Acute on chronic renal failure Cr ~ 500 umol/L (baseline ~380 umol/L) Foley inserted, IVF & Augmentin given Blood culture: Ecoli; Urine :no growth Repeated vomiting -> cyclophosphamide stopped on 24/6/09

7 CXR on admission

8 Progress Generalized unwell SOB
Developed 1st episode of hemoptysis at night Blood streaks Desaturation with SpO2 88% ABG: type 1 respiratory failure Transferred to CCMU x close monitoring Augmentin upgraded to Tazocin to cover HAP


10 Further investigation:
Anti-GBM Ab = 4 Sputum x c/st: no growth Sputum x AFB smear x 3 –ve Sputum x cytology: no malignant cells, but




14 Diagnosis: Immunosuppressed, Strongyloides hyperinfection E coli bacteriemia Started oral Ivermectin

15 Hemoptysis subsided CXR: diffuse lung infiltrates decreased O2 weaned off Sputum & bld culture: no growth Transferred back to general ward

16 Repeated sputum sample –ve for parasites
Repeated stool –ve for parasites Creatinine ~ 250 Prednisolone reduced & kept at 5mg daily Transfer to TPH on 26/7/09 for rehab

17 Strongyloidiasis (Threadworm/糞桿線蟲 )

18 Introduction Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Secernentea Order: Rhabditida Family: Strongyloididae Genus: Strongyloides Species:S. stercoralis

19 Strongyloidiasis A human parasitic disease caused by the roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis Soil-transmitted helminth Other Strongyloides S. fülleborni, which infects chimpanzees and baboons produce limited infections in humans

20 Epidemiology Endemic in tropical and subtropical regions
Estimated of million people infected Also occurs sporadically in temperate areas More frequently found in rural areas, institutional settings, and lower socio-economic groups

21 Risk factors for acquiring Strongyloides infection
Visiting the endemic area Bathing in contaminated rivers & beaches Employment in agriculture & gardening (Hx of farming in childhood) Consuming contaminated water

22 Life cycle 2 Characteristics: Alternation between 2 cycles
free-living cycle parasitic cycle Potential for autoinfection and multiplication within the host

23 Free-living cycle The rhabditiform larvae passed in the stool can either: become infective filariform larvae (direct development) become free living adult males and females that mate and produce eggs from which rhabditiform larvae hatch rhabditiform larvae either develop into a new generation of free-living adults, or into infective filariform larvae The filariform larvae penetrate the human host skin to initiate the parasitic cycle


25 Parasitic cycle Filariform larvae penetrate the human skin
transported to the lungs where they penetrate the alveolar spaces carried through to the pharynx swallowed and then reach the small intestine become adult female worms in the intestine, produce eggs, which yield rhabditiform larvae rhabditiform larvae can either be passed in the stool (enter free-living cycle), or can cause autoinfection


27 Autoinfection The rhabditiform larvae become infective filariform larvae, which can penetrate either the intestinal mucosa (internal autoinfection) or the skin of the perianal area (external autoinfection) Clinical significance of autoinfection: may permit the organism to persist for decades and cause clinical manifestations long after the initial infection may give rise to potentially fatal hyperinfection with disseminated disease in patient with depressed cell-mediated immunity

28 Clinical presentation
Acute strongyloidiasis Chronic strongyloidiasis Disseminated disease/Hyperinfection syndrome 

29 Acute strongyloidiasis
Based on experimental human infections with many hundreds of larvae Most likely overestimate the severity and perhaps the tempo of naturally acquired infections

30 Skin manifestation local reaction at the site of larval entry can occur almost immediately Cutaneous reactions include inflammation, edema, petechiae, urticarial tracts, and severe pruritus

31 Cutaneous larva migrans
larvae migrates through the skin and produces a raised, red, twisting (serpiginous) pattern on the skin.

32 larva currens ("running" larva)
a red line that appears, moves rapidly (>5 cm/day) and then quickly disappears. more common on the buttocks, pathognomonic of strongyloidiasis

33 Pulmonary manifestations
occur as larvae migrate through the lungs several days later dry cough, throat irritation, dyspnoea, wheezing, and hemoptysis repeated episodes of fever and mimicking bronchitis

34 GI symptoms begin about 2 weeks after infection, with larvae detectable in the stool after 3 to 4 weeks. Epigastric pain Aggrevated by PPI (which reduces the HCl content of the stomach and allows the strongyloides to thrive) diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting

35 Chronic strongyloidiasis
Frequently asymptomatic, only present with eosinophilia Chronic gastrointestinal manifestations intermittent vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and borborygmus, GIB, intestinal obstruction Dermatologic manifestations Pruritus ani, urticaria and larva currens rashes Recurrent asthma Nephrotic syndrome

36 Hyperinfection syndrome
High mortality rate ~ 15% to 87% Immunocompromised status Repeated cycles of autoinfection increase the parasite burden nondisseminated hyperinfection Larvae are increased in numbers but confined to the organs normally involved in the pulmonary autoinfective cycle (i.e., GIT, peritoneum, lungs), disseminated hyperinfection migration of larvae to organs beyond the range of the pulmonary autoinfective cycle e.g. heart, CNS, Kidney, and endocrine glands

37 Mechanism of organ damage:
1)Tissue inflammation as a direct consequences of organ invasion by the filariform larvae 2) Associated gram-negative bacteremia enteric bacteria can be carried by the filariform larvae or gain systemic access through intestinal ulcers

38 Increased risk with impaired cell-mediated immunity:
Immunosuppressive therapy (e.g. steroid, Vincristine or anti-TNF alpha therapy) HTLV-1 carriers Alcoholics, diabetics, malnutrition Hypogammaglobinemia AIDS (but not common) Hematological malignancies (esp. lymphoma)

39 The risk of corticosteroid in hyperinfection syndrome
Most frequent risk factor for hyperinfection ~2x to 3x increase in risk of transforming chronic strongyloidiasis to hyperinfection Pathogenesis: Reduce circulating eosinophils by inhibiting their proliferation & increasing apotosis Induce cell death in immature lymphocytes May directly affect the female worms, increasing the output of infective larvae

40 Hyperinfection syndrome
Clinical Manifestations : Varies; depends on affected organs Unlike chronic infection, eosinophilia is often absent Fever and chills should prompt a search for an associated bacterial infection Hyperinfections are often complicated by infections caused by gut flora Blood cultures from patients with hyperinfection have grown E coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus bovis, Candida species

41 Diagnosis Detection of larvae Serology

42 Detection of larvae Serology Stool examination
In chronic strongyloidiasis, excretion of larvae is usually sporadic and in small numbers. A single stool examination may not be able to detect larvae. Aspiration of duodenojejunal fluid may be required to detect Strongyloides in such patients In disseminated strongyloidiasis, filariform larvae can be found in stool, sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid Serology

43 Detection of larvae Serology
ELISA serology is useful for detection of both symptomatic and asymptomatic strongyloidiasis Highly sensitive but not specific However, ELISA can be falsely negative in immunocompromised hosts False +ve in patient with Ascaris spp, Filariae The anti-strongyloides antibody can persist for years after treatment

44 Treatment Azole drugs act by selectively inhibiting the microtubular function of the helminth Thiabendazole Albendazole Mebendazole

45 extended to 7 to 14 days in complicated infections
Thiabendazole was first introduced in 1963 and for many years was the treatment of choice for S. stercoralis infection. At a dose of 25 mg/kg twice a day for 3 days, its efficacy at clearing stool and improving symptoms in patients with chronic strongyloidiasis has ranged from 67% to 81% extended to 7 to 14 days in complicated infections Side effects occur in up to 95% of patients nausea foul-smelling urine, neuropsychiatric effects, malaise, or dizziness

46 Albendazole 400 mg orally twice a day for 3 days has been shown to clear stool of S. stercoralis larvae in 38% to 45% of patently infected individuals and to normalize serologies in 75% of chronically infected individuals in whom larvae were not detectable few side effects reported

47 Mebendazole has been used successfully to treat a number of patients with S. stercoralis hyperinfection It is poorly absorbed, and therefore decreased accessibility to migrating larvae, leading to treatment failure

48 Ivermectin Semisynthetic agent from avermectins
paralyses worms by opening chloride channels and increasing chloride conductance given on 1 or 2 days cleared larvae from the stool at a rate comparable to that of thiabendazole much better tolerated Compared with albendazole, it has shown better rates of larval clearance from stool with a similarly favorable side effect profile

49 Possible side effects:
skin rash, dizziness, myalgia, Mazzotti reaction

50 Mazzotti reaction seen in patients after undergoing treatment of onchocerciasis with the medication diethylcarbamazine (DEC) due to death of the larvae, there is abrupt release of parasite-specific antigens and induces a pro-inflammatory response leading to eosinophil migration and degranulation in the skin symptom complex fever, urticaria, swollen and tender lymph nodes, tachycardia, hypotension, arthralgias, oedema, abdominal pain

51 Treatment Uncomplicated infection
Disseminated disease/hyperinfection syndrome

52 Uncomplicated infection
Ivermectin (per oral) - 1st line 200 mcg/kg as a single dose 200 mcg/kg/day for 2 consecutive days Some advocate two single 200mcg/kg/day, administered two weeks apart Albendazole (per oral) - 2nd line 400 mg PO twice daily for two to three days Less effective

53 Disseminated disease/hyperinfection syndrome
Anthelminthic drugs May need prolong or repeat therapy five to seven days of ivermectin or combine ivermectin with albendazole until the patient responds If not able to receive oral therapy due to ileus or obtundation, alternative regimens (not FDA approved) include subcutaneous ivermectin, PR ivermectin administration, and a parenteral veterinary formulation

54 Disseminated disease/hyperinfection syndrome
Associated Gram-negative bacteremia Broad-spectrum antibiotics Common bacteria (cultured from blood and/or spinal fluid): Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Bacteroides fragilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Alcaligenes faecalis

55 Monitoring of treatment response
Treatment failure may occur even Ivermectin Complete blood counts with eosinophils Follow-up stool or upper small bowel fluid (~ 2 wks after treatment initiation) Titre of strongyloides antibodies (~ 3 months after treatment

56 ~ The End ~ Strongyloidiasis Hyperinfection Patient at risk
Secondary bacterial infection Treatment Ivermectin Albendazole ~ The End ~

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