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BI04 – Mobile BI using Microsoft Power BI

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Presentation on theme: "BI04 – Mobile BI using Microsoft Power BI"— Presentation transcript:

1 BI04 – Mobile BI using Microsoft Power BI
Brandon George, Hillstar Business Intelligence

2 agenda Power BI Overview Mobile Options for Power BI
What is it? Mobile Options for Power BI Tablets, Phones and Devices Business Dimensional Model: Sales Start with the questions to be answered Power BI report development Use Power BI Desktop to create the Sales Power BI Report Power BI report publishing Publish to Creating a Power BI Dashboard People and Pins Render to the phone Launch Power BI mobile on the iPhone Apple Watch Power BI on the Apple Watch – KPI’s Q&A Power BI Pro, Resources and more!

3 Power BI Overview


5 Mobile options for power bi

6 Mobile Options PowerBI for iPhone & Andriod PowerBI for Apple Watch
PowerBI for iPad PowerBI for Windows 10 Mobile

7 Business dimensional model: Sales

8 BDM: Sales Questions to be answered:
What is my current Gross sales & Profit by year? What are my amount and count of deals closed by year? What is my current net sales and profit? Further by Item Group and by Item?

9 Power BI Report development

10 Report Development Develop: Create date filter Create area graphs
Create cards Create stacked bar charts

11 Power BI Report publishing

12 Report Publishing Login to Create new group
Publish from Desktop to new Group

13 Creating a power bi dashboard

14 Creating a Dashboard Pin to new dashboard
Review posing new questions to dashboard Run Quick Insights and Pin Visual

15 Render to the phone

16 Render to the Phone Download Power BI from App Store Login to Power BI
Review Groups and Dashboard Alert on cards and KPI’s Annotate and Share Review options for SQL Server 2016

17 devices

18 Apple Watch Power BI for Apple Watch Sync from Phone to Apple Watch
Cards and KPI’s

19 Q & A

20 Contact information Brandon George Hillstar

21 Final reminders CPE Credit Code: 53C2 Complete Surveys


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