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Sustainability and Environment in the context of Fire Futures

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability and Environment in the context of Fire Futures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability and Environment in the context of Fire Futures

2 Effectiveness & Efficiency
Value for Money… Shared Services (Private and Public Sector) Back Office? Senior Management? Frontline? Optimum size of a Fire Service Political as well as Organisational

3 Localism and Accountability
What comes next after CAA? Sector –led assurance? LGA/CFOA or CFRAU as HSE-style “Inspectorate”? How can Residents hold FRA’s to account? Changes to Governance Structures? Local vs. National Performance Indicators?

4 Big Society & Localism What do they mean?
Big Society – local people taking responsibility for their own environment and actions Localism – Services / Organisations coming together to tackle locally prioritised concerns and achieve specific outcomes

5 Where’s the Catch? Local Priorities versus Global Priorities
Climate Change (Mitigation & Adaptation) Olympics National Resilience – Major Incidents (where’s the military these days?) Shared Services tackling Local Priorities How can we “Invest to Save” when nothing to invest?

6 Silver Lining Fire & Rescue Service as a key delivery / protection function for society in relation to both the impacts of Climate Change and the wider Resilience Agenda

7 Where does that leave us?
Developing our own framework for performance management that could be used as a benchmark / comparator tool by FRS’s Providing Good Practice guidance to FRS’s in relation to both Adaptation and Mitigation…. Championing the Sustainability & Climate Change Agenda within a Local context??

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