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Terrestrial Ultra-soundscape

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial Ultra-soundscape"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrestrial Ultra-soundscape
Joe Chun-Chia Huang and Mao-Ning Tuanmu

2 Research goals and questions
Establish long-term monitoring on ultra- soundscape, mainly on echolocating bats Example Research Question How do climate and its variability affect the activity patterns of bat colonies emerging from caves and their ecosystem services?

3 Methods(1/2) We target large cave roosts and surrounding landscapes as the model ecosystem in Vietnam and Malaysia(Borneo). In Vietnam, a cave site in agriculture landscape will be selected. Detectors will be deployed at the cave entrance and 4 locations in agriculture lands. In Malaysia, a cave site in forest landscape will be selected. Detectors will be deployed at the cave entrance and one forest location (integrate with terrestrial team?).

4 Methods(2/2) Bat diversity and abundance will be estimated by direct observations at each roost monthly A climate data logger will be set up with each detector

5 Expected outputs Setting up 2 long-term ultrasound monitoring sites in Vietnam and Malaysia Developing acoustic indices that can effectively reflect activity patterns and diversity of bat colonies Establishing correlations between climatic conditions and bat activity patterns Developing ultrasound analyzing tools, Call identifier and classifier Source separation tool (w/ Harry) Acoustic diversity calculator (w/ Harry)

6 1st year working plan (2017.5~8)
2017.5~6 Consult with local collaborators for site selection and permit application Equipment purchase 2017.6~8 Training workshop of equipment set-up, data collection (coordinated with audible soundscape team) Form research teams and recording equipment set-up

7 2nd year working plan (2017.9~2018.12)
2017.9~12 Data collection and analyses and tool development 2018.1~8 Continue data collection and train machines/scripts Finish ultrasound analyzer tools Training workshop of soundscape analysis 2018.9~12 Implement the ultrasound analyzer tools to the online platform (depending on the IT schedule) Examine the patterns of ultrasonic soundscape and its relationship with climates Draft the project report

8 Workshop 1st year Combine Borneo and peninsula groups into one workshop Host with terrestrial soundscape team? Where? 2nd year May join with SEA bat conference in the Philippine or ATBC (Asian Tropical Biology and Conservation) annual international meeting in Kuchin, Sarawak, Malaysia Or combined with the symposium?

9 Resources required 7 (+7)? SM4 FS bat detectors, replaced mic, and SD cards 7 Hobo data logger U23-001 Travels to Malaysia and Vietnam (4 trips for two years) Conference attendance One full-time assistantship? (for coding call classifiers and index calculator)

10 Resources required for fieldwork
1st year Two part-time assistantships for totally 21 person- days in Vietnam & Malaysia (for 3 months) Logistics for fieldwork in SE for 3 (6) person-trips in Vietnam & Malaysia 2nd year Two part-time assistantships for 42 person-days in Vietnam & Malaysia (for 6 months) Logistics for fieldwork for 6 (12) person-trips in Vietnam & Malaysia

11 Others May need to cover travel cost for participants to workshop and conference (Thus, combined workshop could leave more space in the budget to support the participants)

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