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The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ( )

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1 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)
Horizon 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ( ) I am delighted to be here today and to and discuss with you Horizon the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of the scope and funding opportunities of Horizon 2020. Tanya Dimitrova Unit "EU Neighbourhood, Africa and Gulf" DG Research and Innovation European Commission

2 What is Horizon 2020? Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research & Innovation programme ever Nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), in addition to the private investment that this money attracts. By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 helps achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth By taking great ideas from the lab to the market through all the steps of value chains (basic research, applied research, SMEs and industry), it promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts. Horizon 2020 is open to participation and has a bottom- up approach Multi-actors: companies, universities, public authorities, NGOs, etc. Multi-disciplinary to tackle all societal challenges

3 Framework Programmes (FP) budgets
Evolution of the Framework Programmes (FP) budgets The successor Framework Programme

4 Industrial leadership
Three Key Pillars Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges To maximise impact, all of the funding in Horizon 2020 is focused on three priorities: excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenges

5 Priority 1. Excellent science: € 24.2 billion
Why: World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and well-being Need to develop, attract and retain research talent Researchers need access to the best infrastructures European Research Council Frontier research by the best individual teams (researchers from anywhere in the world to work in Europe) 13.095 Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation 2.696 Marie Curie Actions Opportunities for training and career development 6.162 Research Infrastructures (including e-infrastructure- Ensuring access to world-class facilities 2.488 This first pillar includes several activities aimed at individual researchers of any nationality – offering very interesting opportunities to spend part of their research career in Europe. The European Research Council offers extremely generous and flexible grants for researchers , from anywhere in the world, to establish research groups in Europe. The grants support investigator driven, 'frontier' research in any scientific discipline and there is only one criterion; excellence. The experience with the European Research Council, demonstrates the value of EU level competition for the best individual teams. In a short number of years, the ERC has already supported Nobel prize-winning scientists and ERC grants are widely regarded as a stamp of excellence. The Marie Sklodowska Curie actions support the career development and training of researchers –in all scientific disciplines, through transnational, intersectional and interdisciplinary mobility. Grants for all stages of researchers' careers are available. The MSCA is the main EU programme for doctoral training, funding PhDs. 5

6 Priority 2. Industrial leadership: € 16.5 Billion
Why: Strategic investments in key Technologies underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors Need to attract more private investment in research and innovation Need for more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space) 13.557 Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation 2.842 Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMES 616 +complemented by expected 20% of societal challenges and LEITs + 'Access to risk finance with strong SME focus' Innovative companies are at the heart of job creation and growth: Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g. advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics) underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors Like every other world region, Europe wants to attract more private investment in research and innovation Like every other world region, Europe wants more innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to create growth and jobs. Collaborative research proposals are invited from consortia of research organisations which may also include international partners.

7 Priority 3. Societal challenges: € 31 Billion
Why: Concerns of citizens and society (climate, environment, energy, transport etc.) cannot be achieved without innovation Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up Health, demographic change and wellbeing 7.472 Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy 3.851 Secure, clean and efficient energy 5.931 Smart, green and integrated transport 6.339 Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 3.081 Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 1.310 Secure societies 1.695 Science with and for society 462 Spreading excellence and widening participation 816 This part of Horizon 2020 in financial terms aims to address major challenges concerns of citizens and society through collaborative research and innovation. For example, reducing CO2 emissions depends on new technologies and solutions for energy, transport, agriculture and the management of resources. Such challenges are shared by all countries across the globe. The challenges require a broad, multi-disciplinary approach that brings together researchers, industry, public bodies and users to create innovative solutions that will meet peoples' needs. Collaborative research proposals are invited from consortia of research organisations which may also include international partners.

8 Types of actions Innovation Action (IA)
Research and Innovation Action (RIA) - establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution - 100% funding rate - At least 3 legal entities from 3 different MS/AC Innovation Action (IA) - producing plans/arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services (incl. prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication) - 70% funding rate (but 100% for non-profit organisations) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) - accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services - At least 1 legal entity from MS/AC ERA-NET Co-fund - support public-public partnerships in their preparation, networking, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities as well as EU topping-up of a trans-national call for proposals - participants must be 'research funders'

9 Rules of participation
Competitive calls Evaluated by panels of independent experts All proposals must meet certain minimum conditions (in Rules for Participation) The Rules of Participation distinguish between eligibility to participate and eligibility for funding. Eligibility to participate : a legal entity from (almost) anywhere in the world can participate in a consortium as long as the minimum conditions are met (at least 3 legal entities from 3 different EU or Associated countries). A researcher in an international partner country can even be the coordinator of a research consortium – but the minimum conditions must still be met. [NOTE: in practice this is very rare since EU researchers have a stronger institutional and national support structure to help them in the preparation of proposals . Also the coordinator is responsible for the financial aspects of the whole project and this is easier in a EU/Associated country.] For the European Research Council, the applicant must identify in the proposal the host institution in an EU/associated country in which he/she will establish their research group. For Marie Sklodowska Curie Grants, pre- and post-Doctoral and other positions are published (on Euraxess Jobs Portal) and are open to applicants from anywhere I the world. Horizon 2020 only awards research funds through competitive calls for proposals, which are peer-reviewed. Many calls for proposals concern collaborative projects, requiring a team of at least three partners. All proposals are evaluated by a panel of independent experts in their fields. The applicants are informed about the results after the evaluation period, which usually lasts five months.

10 Horizon 2020: Open to the world
General opening Horizon 2020 is open to participation of researchers and innovators from anywhere in the world, to: Extend the frontiers of scientific knowledge Tackle challenges that affect us all Make industries more competitive Targeted opening In certain topics in calls for proposals, inclusion of international partners may be: encouraged or required A New International Strategy The European Commission's approach to international cooperation has been set out in a Communication in entitled "Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in research and innovation: a strategic approach". The general openness of Horizon 2020 to the participation of researchers from public and private organisations from across the world is part of this approach. International Cooperation is therefore mainstreamed across Horizon 2020 to tackle global challenges, promote mobility of researchers and boost the competitiveness of industries Horizon 2020 will continue with the principle of general openness, while encouraging reciprocal access to third country programmes. The Iranian researchers and innovators are welcome to participate in Horizon 2020 programme. They are eligible to 100 % funding if their application has been successful.

11 How does it work? Find a relevant call Find partner(s)
Submit a proposal Get involved! If you are an individual researcher interested in a mobility opportunity: Apply for a Marie Sklodowska Curie or a European Research Council Grant. If you are interested in collaborative research with European partners, there are two possibilities: - Passively wait to be invited to join a consortium - Actively contact your European colleagues to discuss with them the possibility of preparing a proposal together. The Participant Portal has a service that will help you to find possible partners. Once the proposal is submitted, it will be evaluated by independentt experts considering three standard award criteria, which are: Excellence; Impact; Quality and efficiency of the action

12 Where to find more information?
Horizon 2020 Participant Portal National Contact Points (listed in the Participant Portal) Questions? Research Enquiry Service Horizon 2020 On-line Manual n/funding/guide.html#

13 Thank you! !ممنون

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