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Remo Garattini Università di Bergamo I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Milano

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1 Remo Garattini Università di Bergamo I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Milano
SM&FT 2008THE XIV WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND NON PERTURBATIVE FIELD THEORY Bari The Cosmological constant as an eigenvalue of a Sturm-Liouville problem in modified gravity theories Remo Garattini Università di Bergamo I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Milano

2 The Cosmological Constant Problem
R. Garattini Low Energy Quantum Gravity 20 July 2007 The Cosmological Constant Problem For a pioneering review on this problem see S. Weinberg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 61, 1 (1989). For more recent and detailed reviews see V. Sahni and A. Starobinsky, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 9, 373 (2000), astro-ph/ ; N. Straumann, The history of the cosmological constant problem gr-qc/ ; T.Padmanabhan, Phys.Rept. 380, 235 (2003), hep-th/ At the Planck era Recent measures A factor of 10123

3 Wheeler-De Witt Equation B. S. DeWitt, Phys. Rev.160, 1113 (1967).
R. Garattini Low Energy Quantum Gravity 20 July 2007 Wheeler-De Witt Equation B. S. DeWitt, Phys. Rev.160, 1113 (1967). Gijkl is the super-metric, k =8pG and L is the cosmological constant R is the scalar curvature in 3-dim. L can be seen as an eigenvalue Y[gij] can be considered as an eigenfunction

4 Re-writing the WDW equation

5 Quadratic Approximation
Eigenvalue problem Quadratic Approximation Let us consider the 3-dim. metric gij and perturb around a fixed background, gij= gSij+ hij

6 Form of the background N(r)  Lapse function b(r)  shape function
for example, the Ricci tensor in 3 dim. is

7 Canonical Decomposition
M. Berger and D. Ebin, J. Diff. Geom.3, 379 (1969). J. W. York Jr., J. Math. Phys., 14, 4 (1973); Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré A 21, 319 (1974). h is the trace (spin 0) (Lx)ij is the gauge part [spin 1 (transverse) + spin 0 (longitudinal)] h^ij represents the transverse-traceless component of the perturbation  graviton (spin 2)

8 Graviton Contribution: Regularization
Zeta function regularization  Equivalent to the Zero Point Energy subtraction procedure of the Casimir effect

9 Isolating the divergence

10 The finite part becomes
Renormalization Bare cosmological constant changed into The finite part becomes

11 Renormalization Group Equation
Eliminate the dependance on m and impose L0 must be treated as running

12 Energy Minimization (L Maximization)
At the scale m0 L0 has a maximum for with

13 De Sitter Case Adopting the same procedure of the Schwarzschild case with a running G instead of a running L Remark  The AdS background leads to an infinite set of solutions Not only L  the same method can be applied to the Maxwell charge, i.e. the electric (magnetic) charge [R.G. P.L.B 666 (2008), 189. arXiv: [gr-qc].

14 Extension to f(R) Theories [S. Capozziello and R. G. , Class. Quant
Extension to f(R) Theories [S. Capozziello and R.G., Class. Quant. Grav., 24, 1627 (2007)] A straightforward generalization is a f(R) theory substituting the classical Lagrangian with


16 Explicit choice for f(R)

17 De Sitter Case for a f(R) Theory

18 AdS Case for a f(R) Theory

19 Conclusions, Problems and Outlook
Wheeler-De Witt Equation  Sturm-Liouville Problem. The cosmological constant is the eigenvalue. Variational Approach to the eigenvalue equation (infinites). Eigenvalue Regularization with the zeta function  Casimir energy graviton contribution to the cosmological constant. Renormalization and renormalization group equation.  Application to the Maxwell charge. Analysis to be completed. Beyond the W.K.B. approximation of the Lichnerowicz spectrum. Discrete Lichnerowicz spectrum. Introducing massive graviton. In progress, spectrum of spherically symmetric metrics

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