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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATIONAL LITERACY AND GROWING PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU"— Presentation transcript:


2 Definitions from Growing Success Assessment for learning “Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there.” (Growing Success, 2010) Assessment as learning “Assessment as learning focuses on the explicit fostering of students’ capacity over time to be their own best assessors, but teachers need to start by presenting and modelling external, structured opportunities for students to assess themselves.” (Growing Success, 2010) Growing Success. (2017). Retrieved 18 March 2017, from

3 How does Assessment for and as learning apply to the Learning Commons
Our school Learning Commons is a key place to develop inquiry & research skills, critical thinking, information literacy skills, and a positive attitude toward reading. Our library promotes the development of information literacy skills needed for living in the 21st century. The mission of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Learning Commons is to support curriculum in conjunction with teaching staff, and to assist students to develop cross-curricular information literacy skills. Our focus is to inspire a love of learning that will foster the development of higher level thinking skills and contribute to the formation of life- long learners in our school community. We strive to develop a collection of resources that promotes and supports student success while at the same time reflecting their interests and needs.

4 Inquiry and Research Process Skills Continuum
ModelofInquiry.jpg​ Picture Source: Ontario Library Association, Model of Inquiry.

5 Inquiry and Research Process Skills Continuum Continued . . .
We believe that all students in order to be successful need to learn and apply effective research and inquiry skills. So we have created a 4 part continuum that will help us teach and measure how well students have learned and eventually have mastered these skills. It is important to teach our students skills that strengthen their information literacy and research skills. We will look at a framework created for information literacy that delineates these skills teach these skills using for and as learning.

6 Step 1: Understand the assignment and identify the information needed
Task Definition (define problem, identify the information needed) Information Studies: Prepare for Research

7 Step 2: Access the information needed
Information Seeking Strategies (Determine all possible sources, select the best sources)/Location and Access (locate sources, find information within sources) Information Studies: Access Resources

8 Use of Information (Engage, extract relevant information)
Step3: Evaluate the information critically and understand the legal and ethical issues related to accessing and using information Use of Information (Engage, extract relevant information) Information Studies: Process Information/Information and Society

9 Step 4: Use the information effectively to complete the assignment
Synthesis (Organize information from multiple sources, present the result)/ Evaluation (Judge the result and process) Information Studies: Process Information/ Transfer Learning

10 Purpose of Assessment for Learning
Diagnostic assessment: • occurs before instruction begins so teachers can determine students’ readiness to learn new knowledge and skills, as well as obtain information about their interests and learning preferences. The information gathered: • is used by teachers and students to determine what students already know and can do with respect to the knowledge and skills identified in the overall and specific expectations, so teachers can plan instruction and assessment that are differentiated and personalized and work with students to set appropriate learning goals. Growing Success. (2017). Retrieved 18 March 2017, from

11 Think Aloud to Explicitly Teach how to figure out what are the Keywords in an Assignment.
In conjunction with Step 1 of the skill continuum we could use a Think Aloud to show students explicitly and visually the process of how to effectively pick apart an assignment so that they can deem what is most important. It is crucial that they have this modeled for them. Often times there is so much information and so many things expected of them on an assignment that students become overwhelmed and simply do not know where to begin and what is important even though we assume that they know where to begin. KEYWORD WORKSHEET Directions: Highlight the keywords in each question in the left-hand column. Record the keywords for each question in the right-hand column. Question Keyword(s) Example: What is the impact of oil spills on our environment? oil spills environment

12 Kahoot!- To Test what students know about APA citations
In conjunction with Step 3 of the skill continuum we could use the Kahoot! to see in a simple and quick manner what students know about and how conformable they feel using APA citations. This could show the teacher what information needs to be reviewed and what information students require more explicit instructions on.

13 Entrance Pass- On Knowledge of Information Literacy
An Entrance pass is a quick and fun way to quickly ascertain what students know about the internet and informational literacy. An entrance pass like this one would quickly allow the teacher to know what students know or don’t know about the internet. This could be taken up quickly by the students themselves and would allow the teacher to group students together so that they could be of mixed ability levels and could use the expertise of students to help teach those who are less tech savvy. mz_BbJiUveZM7I/edit?usp=sharing

14 Information Literacy Entrance Pass
How much do you know about information literacy? Take the following quiz to see if you are Somewhat Savvy (0-5 points), Moderaely Savvy (6-10 points) or Downright Awesome (10+ points) 1. List 1 major search engines or a major directory. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is a blog? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Why might you use quotation marks when conducting a search? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. URL is an acronym for… _____________________________________________________________ 5. Identify three Boolean search terms. a) _____________________________ b) _________________________ c) ________________________________ 6. How do you find the owner or publisher of a Web site?_________________________________________ 7. Identify 5 of these extensions and what they represent: .org ___________________________ .com ___________________________ .sch ___________________________ .k12 ___________________________ .edu ___________________________ .gov ___________________________ .ac ___________________________ .net ___________________________ .mil ___________________________ .co ___________________________ 8. How would you conduct a search for the following: a list of Web sites of all the academic institutions in South Africa? (Hint: South Africa’s country code is .za) ________________________________________________ 9. How do you find the history of any given Web site?______________________________________________ 10. How would you conduct a search for the following: Canadian higher education Web sites that contain the word “Genetics”?_____________________________________________________________________________ 11. How do sites get to the top of a result list in Google? ___________________________________________

15 Purpose of Assessment as Learning
Formative assessment: • occurs frequently and in an ongoing manner during instruction, with support, modelling, and guidance from the teacher. The information gathered: • is used by students to provide feedback to other students (peer assessment), monitor their own progress towards achieving their learning goals (self-assessment), make adjustments in their learning approaches, reflect on their learning, and set individual goals for learning. (2017). Growing Growing Success. (2017). Retrieved 18 March 2017, from

16 Graphic Organizer for Note taking
In conjunction with Step 1 of the skill continuum we could use a Note taking Graphic Organizer first as an exemplar and then use the gradual release model to see if in pairs students are able to navigate a website and obtain the information that they need for an assignment using the same organizer. This could be collected and quickly tell the teacher if students are able to navigate and retrieve information for their assignments on their own or if they need more teacher led instruction. This could show the teacher what information needs to be reviewed and what information students require more explicit instructions on. vpXkP3Fvy5gt8TGpQFhZCJJGi7lqaxU/edit?usp=sharing

17 David Suzuki Name: ……………………………………………..
On the computer, find the official website of the David Suzuki Foundation ( Click on “David” (top right of page). Take notes on the first 2 paragraphs. Source Website title: Author (if any): Sponsoring organization (if any): URL: Date of copyright: Date of access: Notes Comments/Questions Summary

18 Exit Pass- on Plagiarism
In conjunction with Step 3 of the skill continuum we could use this exit card or pass to quickly see in a simple and efficient manner what students have learned from a lesson and what resources they have found during a given period. This forces students to be attentive and accountable for their time and learning. xO_ShZseI7JHBo5g/edit?usp=sharing

19 Plagiarism Exit Card Based on what you learned in today’s lesson on plagiarism let’s see what you have learned. What is Plagiarism? (Check all that apply) a) Stealing, theft b) Changing a few words of a paragraph someone else wrote c) Borrowing an original idea and presenting it as a new idea d) An act of fraud e) Using material without crediting the sources f) Citing a source incorrectly g) Translating others’ written work into another language without citation h) Unethical behavior 2) Is it acceptable to copy-and-paste a sentence written by someone else into your paper and simply add quotation marks around it? a) Yes, that shows it is not original text b) No, that is incomplete citation 3) Paraphrasing properly is to: a) Change a few words to make it your own and cite it b) Put quotation marks around the text and cite it c) Use only the idea without citing it d) Summarize the text in your own words and cite it

20 Self Assessment mAWcWKl9hNDtzToVSZ75H_nCBhUUv4/edit?usp=sharing In conjunction with Step 4 of the skill continuum we could use a Self Assessment to have students consider and evaluate the process of working in the Learning Commons and how be more meta cognitively aware how well they worked on an assignment so that they can deem their successes and failures.

21 Self-Assessment- Rate Your Work Time in the Learning Commons
1) I feel confident about 2) I need to find out more about 3) Next time I do this I will 4) I think my biggest improvement has been 5) I feel frustrated when 6) I need help with 7) Next time I do this I will

22 Thank You for your time!


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