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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM"— Presentation transcript:

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Prof.PhD.eng. Moise Ioan Achim – Romania Prof.PhD. Sorin Briciu – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Béla Márkus – Hungary Prof.PhD.eng. András Szepes - Hungary Prof.PhD.eng. Athanassios D. Styliadis - Greece Prof.PhD.eng. Petros Patias – Greece Prof.PhD.eng.  Nikolaos D. Hasanagas – Greece Prof.PhD.eng.  Lazaros Sechidis – Greece Prof.PhD.eng.  Panos M. Pardalos – U.S.A. Prof.PhD.eng.  Sergio Dequal – Italy PhD.eng. Marco Piras - Italy Prof.PhD.eng. Johann Neuner – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Dumitru Onose – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Nicolae Dima – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Constantin Moldoveanu – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Petre Iuliu Dragomir - Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Nicolae Boş – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Gheorghe Nistor – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Mircea Ortelecan – Romania Prof.PhD.eng. Maricel Palamariu – Romania Assoc.Prof.PhD.eng. Carmen Grecea – Romania Assoc.Prof.PhD.eng. Ioan Ienciu – Romania   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Maricel Palamariu Assoc.Prof. PhD.eng. Szepes András – Hungary Assoc.Prof. PhD.eng. Nicolae Luduşan Assoc.Prof. PhD.eng. Ioan Ienciu Assoc.Prof. PhD.eng. Ildiko Tulbure  Assoc.Prof. PhD.eng. Levente Dimén PR.II.PhD. Simona Varvara Eng. Jannis Karamitsos – VR-LAB- Greece Eng. Cornelia Baba – O.C.P.I. Alba Lect.PhD.eng. Dorin Popa Lect.PhD stud. eng. Éva Koncsag Assist.Lect.PhD.eng. Luciana Oprea Assist.Lect.PhD.stud.eng. Andreea Ungur Assist.Lect.PhD.stud.eng. Alexandra Popa Assist.Lect.PhD.stud.eng. Tudor Borşan Assist.Lect.PhD.stud.eng. George Emanuel Voicu Assist.Lect.PhD.stud.eng. Flavius Avram Bălăneanu ROMANIA THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH, YOUTH AND SPORT “1 DECEMBRIE 1918” UNIVERSITY OF ALBA IULIA TOPOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF GEOINFORMATICS SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR, HUNGARY NATIONAL AGENCY FOR CADASTRE AND LAND REGISTRY, AGENCY OF ALBA COUNTY INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS GeoCAD 2010 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM May , 2010 Alba Iulia

2 INVITATION “1 DECEMBRIE 1918” UNIVERSITY OF ALBA IULIA TOPOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT  COLLEGE OF GEOINFORMATICS SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR, HUNGARY NATIONAL AGENCY FOR CADASTRE AND LAND REGISTRY, AGENCY OF ALBA COUNTY INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS Organize GeoCAD 2010 International Scientific Symposium   You are invited and at the same time welcome to present your latest contributions to the real of science and to the areas of Geodesy, Topography, Cadastre, GIS and Land Registry.   GENERAL INFORMATION Duration of presentations: max. 20 minutes (only oral presentations are accepted). Official language of the conference: Romanian and English (in case the presentation is given in Romanian, a transparency in English is required). Publishing languages: English. Registration Fee: 100 EUR, which includes the organisational costs, the presentation of one paper, the price of one proceedings and the cost of the reception; 200 RON for Romanian participants, which includes the organisational costs, the presentation of one paper, the price of one proceedings and the cost of the reception. All the presented papers will be published in the Proceedings of The GeoCAD 2010 Conference. The Review Board will select only from the papers presented at the Conference. For more information please contact Conference Secretary: Tel: /811512, / Fax: / Website: The address for correspondence: University “1 Decembrie 1918”, N. Iorga Street, Alba Iulia, Romania, mentioning “For GeoCAD 2010” FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS The official language is: English. Only the papers edited (in an even number of pages - no more than 10 pages) in one of the text processing versions: Word (98, 2000, 2003), on A4 format, single spaced are accepted. The text should be “justified” or “full”. Margins: up 3cm; down 2.5cm; left 2.5cm; right 2.5cm. The font should be Times New Roman, following the next specifications: title written using TNR bold, 14pt, center; two lines below the title, the authors (including didactic title and institution, ) should be specified using TNR italic, 12pt. The abstract of the paper (up to 10 lines) should follow two lines below the name of the last author, in English, French or German using font TNR italic, 12pt. The text of the paper should follow two lines below the abstract. The titles of chapters and sub-chapters should be written using font TNR bold, 12pt. Figures, tables, diagrams should be numbered and included in the text. The bibliography should be placed at the end of the paper. The papers should be submitted using an electronic format: *.doc.


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